Positive Thoughts Thread Anyone?

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  • posted by SunnyB

    V, really hope you got away on your trip and that you’ll have a wonderful time.
    smp, hope you’ve found your groove and managed to stay BSD motivated.

    Thought I was overdue making a positive post, so here I am with a few ….
    🏖🚘 enjoyed our few days away from our usual location in Turkiye …. some enforced relaxation for OH and chill-out time together.
    👍🏻☀️ proper summer weather has set in here, such that a blanket is not needed on the bed now.
    🍓🥕 off to market today, to stock up on some lovely fresh fruit and veg.

    Whatever you are doing, I hope life is bringing lots of positives your way and that you might have a moment to tell us about one or a few.

  • posted by Verano

    Hello …. Sunny! Looks like nobody else is posting here!

    Yes thank you we did get away, and had a wonderful trip, OH was ‘normal’ no anxiety attacks and even looking to book more holidays! All looking good. So that really is my only but ‘greatest’ positive. Looks like we might continue travelling …. whoopee!!!

    Sunny hope you are still having a wonderful holiday, not too hot, great food and lots of time spent with friends. Enjoy!

  • posted by SunnyB

    V, so pleased you had a wonderful holiday and that it looks like more travel is on the cards for you again.

    Yes, it’s sad not more people post here, but I’ll continue to keep bumping the thread to the top of the list…. hope you’ll continue to join in too.

    Overall we’re having a good time, although due to the passing of a friend here, the last couple of weeks brought some trying times, hence my not posting here for so long. Anyway, things have settled a bit now and I can report the following positives ….
    👍🏻 OH is now only a few days off completing ALL the tiling in the new villa, after which, he is taking some proper time off👏😃
    🥳 New kitchen should be installed by this time next week🤞🏻
    👗 treated myself to a new dress today 🤭

    Whoever happens to read this post, hope you can identify some positives in your life and will take a moment to share a few with us here.

  • posted by sunshine-girl

    Hi all, especially SunnyB and Verano who seem to be the stalwarts of this thread.

    After losing my very expensive necklace I came to certain realisations which I can use as positives in my live.

    I don’t need things. They don’t bring happiness and even though I had it for over 50 years I was afraid to wear it so now it is gone I don’t have to worry about it.
    With that ‘what the hell’ mentality we booked another cruise and to hell with the money – lets look forward to the experiences we will have.
    What else, I have lost one pound of the 2lbs needed by next week so well on track.

    I hope others will look at life with a positive view and forget about what is not perfect.

  • posted by Verano


    Sunny, so pleased to hear your villa is progressing. Do you have any finishing date yet? All sounds good anyway!

    S-g positives are the way to go! You are so right ….we can’t look at life as ‘perfect’ …. whose definition of ‘perfect’ ???

    So to my positives ….

    🎋🌿☘️ I can’t find an emoji for 3’ grass but that was our garden until today. Way overgrown but now looking OK.

    🛫✈️ Just booked a flight to go and see our son and family in Portugal at the beginning of next month. Really so excited to see them after nearly 6 months.

    😀😀😀 Just really happy that after 4 days home I’m just half a pound short of my pre-cruise weight. Just have to keep going now!

  • posted by Verano

    Just popping in to say hello and to keep this thread alive.

    🎉🎉 Celebrating that my ‘cruise extra luggage’ has been discarded plus a little more.
    🧺🧺 Washing completely up to date but still some ironing to do. I actually like ironing I just love to see those freshly ironed piles!
    🍅🌽🥬 Lots of lovely salads happening here. Weather not brilliant but not dire enough to make salad a no-no.

    Hope you’re weather, in which ever part of the world you are in, is good but not too hot.
    If you have just one positive please post.

  • posted by SunnyB

    V, thank you for keeping this thread near the top of the list and huge well done to you on ditching that ‘extra luggage’ so quickly.
    I’m sure I can find a positive or two, so here goes …
    🙂🙃 kitchen install and tiling in villa completed …. can hardly believe it!
    👏🥳 DD has had a really good job offer and her base will be in walking distance. So although there will be travelling required, her day to day commute will be drastically slashed, which is a huge bonus.
    🚘💕 pleasant day running errands with OH.

    That will do for me today. Hope others will join us and post their positives here too.

  • posted by Ruby Frances

    Three good things that have happened to me:

    1. I figured out how to keep myself upright when I am sleeping but still completely relaxed. This is greatly decreased my sleep apnea symptoms. Sleep apnea increases cortisol and makes it more difficult to diet. All the sugar from your blood is sucked away as fat almost immediately when your cortisol levels are high. Your brain then screams at you to eat because it needs easily mobilized sugar which fat is not.

    2. Weather is beautiful here in the Pacific northwest. It’s sunny but not too hot with a cool gentle breeze. All the spring flowers are blooming and everything looks so bright and colorful.

    3. I am going to fill four bags of books today to give to the library for their sale.
    I hope everyone has a wonderful day.

  • posted by Happy1Qld

    3 super things today
    Hubby has Covid for first time and he’s a starting to improve
    I haven’t caught it this time ( had it twice already
    Feeling much better now than earlier in the day and the sun had been shining all day !!! ( its midwinter here ) .
    Hope everyone had a good day !!!

  • posted by sunshine-girl

    Hi there,
    Happy1Qld, you made me smile. Im assuming it is the fact hubby is improving after Covid rather than him having it. I guess from your name you are in Queensland also the right time of year (your winter).

    My positives
    At last I got hubby to come with me to buy a new bathroom cabinet – the bit with the sink in. We have a double but couldnt fit space for a mascerator toilet installing. So we have bought a single sink unit. Something sleek and modern. We are never in the bathroom at the same time anyway.
    I phone a plumber for a quote for fitting said toilet and cabinet, he arrived after 30 minutes and given us a fantastic quote.
    Going for a swim in a few minutes, when hubby has stopped strimming and cleared the pool of the crap he has stirred up.

    Have a good week / weekend.

  • posted by Verano

    Welcome Ruby Frances and Happy1Qld lovely to have you on board with your positives.

    Sunny sounds like things are really moving along. Hopefully you will soon be in!

    Not much for me to report today….

    🌶️🧄🫛 Just had a Thai meal for the first time in an age. Had som tam salad and chicken satay. Hadn’t realised the satay was fried in a coating but managed to get rid of some. Anyway it was a lovely change.

    🛫🏨🏖️Have booked a trip to go and see our son and family in Portugal at the beginning of July so really looking forward to that.

    💻📖✒️ Just had a really quiet ‘catching up’ day today which was lovely. Tomorrow will be back to the ironing and preparing for our trip.

    If you had any positive today please post.

  • posted by Verano

    I posted on the monthly thread so thought I would pop in here just to say “hello”!

    🥦🍅🥑Into my third week of ‘weighing, counting and recording’ and it seems to be working!

    ☀️☀️☀️ Sun has been shining for the last few days so nothing to be unhappy about. It might be the longest day of the year today…. but it will still be ‘ages’ before autumn, so we just have to enjoy what we have.

    🛫🏖️🧳 Just 11 days till we jet of to see our family in Portugal. That has to be a positive!

    Have a good weekend!

  • posted by SunnyB

    Thought it passed time I posted here again … thank you to everyone for recent contributions, always good to see the thread in use.

    Anyway, positives for me right now …
    🌡☀️ temps slightly down today and this evening feeling markedly cooler than the past week or so. Nice to have a little respite from it being above 30 almost constantly.
    👗👖 bought a new dress and palazzo trousers on a recently shopping trip … especially liking the trousers, as they lend themselves to both day and evening wear. They are fast becoming favourites in my wardrobe!
    💖🙂 OH is taking proper time out from working on the villa build, so have been enjoying relaxing days together. It’s important he has some real downtime before we head home and he’s been taking that seriously for a change!

    Hope you have had a wonderful weekend and will post a positive or two soon.

  • posted by Verano

    Sunny hope you are still having a wonderful time.

    Hadn’t realised just how long it is since I was last here!

    🏖️🏨🧳 Coming towards the end of our trip with just 3 more days before we fly home. Weather has been wonderful.

    🍅🥬🥯 Lots of lovely healthy foods with the odd, well maybe not so odd, indulgence thrown in.

    🥦🥬🥑 Not really looking forward to being home but am longing for my normal ‘healthy’ diet again!

    Hope everyone is feeling positive!

  • posted by 1960smp

    Morning all.
    We look forward to Sunny and Verano being home….
    **am enjoying this Keto diet MM’s the fast 800 keto which has helped me stay focused
    **weather is sunny today so makes you feel better
    **looking forward to my hols in 5 weeks

  • posted by SunnyB

    Apologies for not posting for some time. We home now, after an eventful drive back from Turkiye …. so positives right now are ….
    🚗🙂 arrived home safely despite a poorly car and thankfully, OH things he can undertake the repair himself.
    🐥🌤 village Duck Race happened yesterday and we were blessed with a fine day.
    🙂🙂 DD won a new job, she went to interview for a GM position and was offered Area Manager … quite a feather in her cap. She started today and says she’s had a good day.
    🧳🧺 unpacking now complete, just need to get the laundry sorted out now
    🍽🥗 happy to be getting back to normal eating again. Have a good few pounds to ditch, so need to get serious about this WoE again.

    Looking forward reading positives from more of you soon.

  • posted by Verano

    Welcome back Sunny!

    We just got back this afternoon and have to say this is the biggest carb fest’ holiday we’ve take in the 8 years I’ve been low carbing!

    So no positives for me just a ‘promise’ that tomorrow I’ll be back to low carb eating!

    Hope everyone has ‘positives’ in their lives!

  • posted by Verano

    Good afternoon.

    ☀️⛅️🌤️Well the weather here has been quite good, well it hasn’t rained! So number one positive.

    🧺🧺🧺 Washing complete just the ironing to do now but actually if I’ve got good tv to watch it’s not too bad.

    🥬🥑🍅 Lots of lovely low carb fresh food since I’ve been back and I’m really enjoying it.

    I’ve started to track my 30 plants a week. So far in two days I’ve had 16 which has quite surprised me. They have to be different plants/nuts/spices. I’m not counting spices and I can see that adding the next 15 will be far more of a challenge. Not sure what exactly constitutes a ‘portion’ but nonetheless it’s an interesting exercise.

    Hope the weekend had been full of positives for everyone. Monday tomorrow, new week hopefully with many positives.

  • posted by SunnyB

    Your plant challenge sounds quite daunting, V. Hope it’s going well.

    Thought I’d post a few positives from yesterday, before today gets properly under way ….
    🪴🌼 yesterday, bought a few new plants to replace some of those lost while we were away … including 3 new roses. Going to try to get most of them planted up today.
    📞📲 lots of long catch up calls with friends and family.
    🚗🚘 OH has made good progress on repairing the car …. has been a nightmare, but thing the worst of the task is behind him now.

    Will hopefully add a few more positive this evening, after a good day 🤞🏻. Looking forward to reading about tour positives too.

  • posted by SunnyB

    Positives from today ….
    ☀️🌤 was sunny and warm for most of the day
    🪴🌼 started planting in my new plants. Quite a big job, as containers have to be completely emptied first. Got three containers done though 🙂
    🤐🙂 have been fasting today and it’s gone well👍🏻

    What were your positives?

  • posted by Verano


    Well my positives for today ….

    ☀️☀️☀️ Lovely sunny day which always lifts the spirits.

    🧑‍🦳☀️🧑‍🦳 Spent a lovely afternoon catching up with a friend.

    🍅🥬🥒 No cooking tonight yet another night with salad. Long may the ‘salad days’ last!

    Continuing with my 30 plants a week but as I suspected things are really slowing down. Five a day is simple because you can count the same food stuffs each day. So far I have 19 and just three days to add the other 11. I don’t count spices and herbs but maybe I should. Anyway it’s an interesting exercise.

    Stay positive!

  • posted by SunnyB

    Goodness, V …. that plant challenge sounds really taxing, don’t think it’s one I’ll be trying!

    Positives from my day are ….
    🖥📄 made a start on compiling the next edition of the village newsletter
    🌹🌹 a check on my roses, shows that almost all of them have nice new shoots appearing now. Only took a feed, a prune and regular watering, to get them back on track after being very under watered while we were away
    ☁️🌥 although it’s been mainly cloudy today, it has been dry and reasonably warm too
    🎂🎁 have organised the cards and gifts for August birthdays 🙂

    Hope your day has been a good one, with lots of positives …. would love to read about some of them if you have a few minutes to post.

  • posted by Verano

    Sunny the plant challenge is proving almost impossible. Nothing new to add today and just 2 days to find 9 more ‘plants’! Just isn’t going to happen!

    But I do have positives….

    🥬🥒🍅 still eating salad every night despite a blip upwards on the scales this morning. So for lunch I had a sandwich with two slices of low carb bread. Strangely I find if my weight stalls sometimes I just need to giggle what I’m eating and add in a bit more rather than taking something out.

    ⛅️🌤️⛅️ a bit cloudy here today but no rain so all good.

    🧘🏻🧘🏻🧘🏻 meditated today for the first time in months.

    So yes today has been positive for me hope it has been for you too!

  • posted by Verano

    Ok so today I’m up to 25 ‘plants’ with one day to go and still 5 to add to my list . If nothing else this has shown me how much of a rut I’m in eating very similar meals each day. Today I substituted almonds for walnuts so one extra to add to my list! I’ll try again in next week to see if I can do better!
    Good day for me today with no specifics ‘positives’ just a generally good day. So yes that’s positive enough for me.
    Hope you have some positives !

  • posted by sunshine-girl

    Hi V, I can do the plant thing but bot 30 DIFFERENT in a week. Surely there aren’t that many plants to count realisically unless you have access to a superstore.

    My positives are
    All ready for the family although my hubby thinks I am trying to feed the 5000. He forgets I now have to cater for 8 people.
    House is clean and sparkling and all the bedrooms are set up and ready
    Weather getting hot which holiday makers seem to want until they face the reality of 39 degrees but we will take care of them all.

    Finally, they arrive tomorrow – yeah

  • posted by Verano

    Hi s-g believe me it’s not easy. Take a look at the link below. It’s not all ‘plants’ as we know them but includes coffee, spices, chocolate and legumes. I have t counted spices and only one herb so I guess I’m closer to my 30 than I think . Think I will add in a legume or two next week. Take a look at this link Have a wonderful time with your family.


  • posted by SunnyB

    SG, good to have you posting positives. I know you’ll be having a wonderful time with your family, even if it is a bit like feeding the 5000!
    V, how has the plant challenge worked out? Did you manage to add in those extra ones?
    My positives are ….
    🥂🍾 at last the Aga has capitulated and agreed to work again. Poor OH has had a nightmare trying to get it to work, so it’s a huge relief to have it running properly. Knew it would happen as soon as I bought an air frier … which arrived yesterday!
    🌼🪴 Great gardening session this morning, gradually getting it back in shape and happily a few plants I had thought lost, are putting in an appearance again. Have also found lots of bulbs whilst digging out old compost from pots, which is a nice bonus.
    🙂😍 had a pleasant date night last night and going to visit DD this evening.

    Enjoy the rest of your weekend everyone

  • posted by SunnyB

    🥂🙂 lovely evening with DD and family yesterday …. couple of drinks and lots of laughs.
    🪴🌼 good few hours spent gardening today, lots of pots have been replanted now, so more flowers brightening things up and all is looking tidier and more cheerful.
    🐰🐇 a neighbours rabbit, had decided he likes our garden better than theirs, so he’s spending lots of time with us. He’s really cute and quite happy to nibble the grass and dandelions.

    Hope you have had a pleasant and positive Sunday.

  • posted by Verano

    Sunny we also had a good day today.

    ☀️☀️☀️ Sun was shining so always good.

    🥒🍅🌶️ Friends for lunch which was even better!

    🥬🍅🍅 Despite eating well this week , so I thought, I’ve put on 1.5lbs. Not sure that that’s a positive but in an odd way it is … know I need to do much better. Think I know where I’m going wrong!

    Monday tomorrow, new start, new week, new day. Enjoy!

  • posted by SunnyB

    Like you, V, the scales blipped upwards for me too, I suspect because of alcohol on Saturday night. Hoping the result will be readjusted on tomorrow’s reading.

    Positives today are …..
    🛌🛌 prepped bedrooms ready for visitors this coming weekend.
    🧺🧺 got two batches of laundry done.
    🎁🎂 started ordering birthday gifts for those that will occur when we are next away. Feels good to get things ticked off the list

  • posted by SunnyB

    Checking in with positives for today …
    ☀️🌞 another sunny and warm summer’s day …. warmth and blue skies make such a difference
    🪴🌱 seems like every day there is something new popping through the soil. Several plants thought completely lost, are making a come back
    🙂🙂 prep for a get together at the weekend, is well underway

    Hope there have been positives in your day. If you have a moment to post, we’d love to read about them.

  • posted by Verano

    Well new month, new plan!
    I seem to have eaten so many salads lately and have not really enjoyed them and am frankly sick of them now!

    So my first positive which might not seem like a positive which is

    🍕🍅🧀 Half a thin base pizza with extra buffalo mozzarella, tomato, oregano and basil for dinner tonight but with salad! So looking forward to something a bit different.

    ☀️☀️☀️ Sun shone all day which is always a positive. Not looking brilliant tomorrow so just have to enjoy the moment.

    Hope the start of the month has arrived with lots of enthusiasm for the month ahead for everyone.

  • posted by SunnyB

    The sun certainly does make a difference, V. Hope you enjoyed your meal this evening … despite the salad!
    My positives for today are ….
    🎁🎁 wrapped gifts and wrote cards for upcoming birthdays
    🧺👏 last batch of laundry done (until there’s more of course!)
    🛒🛒 grocery shopping done, including supplies for Saturday’s get together …. hopefully the weather will be kind

    What are your positives?

  • posted by SunnyB

    Beginning of a new week, so thought I’d put up some positives ….
    🌼☀️🤗 weather was kind for our garden party on Saturday, lovely catch up with family and friends
    🪴🌼🌹 was gifted some beautiful flowers and plants by guests, including a rose the same as one recently lost
    🥫🥫🥫 cleared the pantry area today, as this coming weekend OH is planning to replace our boiler (housed in that space). Anyway, made me review the stock and dispose of out of date food stuff!!
    Hope you all had a good weekend and that this week brings only good things your way.

  • posted by Verano

    Good afternoon.

    Just one positive for me today ….
    🧹🪣🧽 We’ve started ‘spring cleaning’ today. I know it’s mid-summer but our ‘out of sight, out of mind approach’ to life just had to change. So have started to empty a wardrobe to use for storing cases. As they say you can’t make an omelette without break eggs and the bedroom looks like a tip at the moment but I know in a few days it will be as fresh as a new pin!

    Hope all is well with you!

  • posted by SunnyB

    Well V, your positive sort of chimes with one if mine today ….
    👖👕👚👗 started the task of a full review of my wardrobe today. Got about two thirds of the way through and have weeded out a number of items for the charity shop and tidily put away things that are staying.
    🙂🙂 met GS for lunch yesterday … had a lovely catch up with him and very happy to hear he is feeling much better now, after a bit of a health scare.
    🔥🔥 having started this morning, OH is halfway through installing a new central heating boiler for us.
    🪑🪑🪑 purchased some preloved dining chairs online, to replace our sad saggy ones. Got a great bargain, just need to collect them on Saturday.

    Wonder what positives blessed your day?

  • posted by sunshine-girl

    I should post on here more often but sometimes the little things dont seem important. What are my positives today@-

    Well, it is still summer here even though it can get pretty hot – we are lucky enough not to have to go anywhere or do anything but keep cool.
    Lovely swim this morning. I always enjoy it and cannot understand why I am sometimes too lazy or just can’t be bothered. Must keep on.
    Sticking to plan and losing weight at a slow but reasonable pace when you consider I am permanently on the diet and you don’t expect to keep on losing as the weeks and months go by.
    Sitting here at my computer, favourite time of the day. Just had lunch, hubby makes me a coffee and I play a general knowledge game to keep my brain alive.

    Have a great weekend.

  • posted by Verano

    Good afternoon!

    Just one positive for me yesterday I actually made my ‘30’ this week by adding a portion of almonds as a snack yesterday!
    I just can’t believe how difficult it is to eat ‘30 a week’. I thought ‘5 a day’ was difficult but actually it’s easy compared with this! Would love somebody else to give it a go because it could just be me eating the ‘same old same old’!

    Have a good weekend.

  • posted by SunnyB

    That 30 a week challenge sounds really tough V, so well done actually succeeding.
    SG, rather envious that you are getting a real summer, ours is a rather sad excuse for one, in fact mornings are already feeling a little autumnal.

    However there are still some positives….
    🪑🪑 collected the preloved chairs today and an really pleased with them … AND they fitted in the car!
    🌸🌸 my tiny roses have a new flush of flowers coming – I’m sooo excited!
    🍽🍛 unplanned lunch out today, nice surprise and really good food too

    Enjoy the rest if your weekend everyone

  • posted by Yowzer49

    Hi folks,like SGIRL said! I should post here more often….
    🌻🌻🌻First positive …what a glorious Sunday it is! sciatica is keeping me awake at night,but it means I have seen some lovely sunrises,including the one today🌻🌻🌻
    😻😻😻I have lost 20 lbs since June 6th,which I think is 9 weeks. Our cat weighs 16 lb and he is sooooo heavy I cant carry him..so thats good news to know I’m no longer carrying those lbs around,and the other 4 lbs lost are prob about equivalent to next door’s cat’s ears,snout,tail,whiskers,paws..😻😻😻
    🌸🌸🌸 Being in pain with sciatica and having to do things a bit at a time is working well for me. Like VERANO, I do love to organise and declutter,and have spent many short periods working on small areas over the last five weeks and am seeing satisfyingly good results. ( tho,of course I will be extremely grateful when this attack passes 🙏 ) 🌸🌸🌸
    🌟🌟🌟 Have just realised last month was my 8th anniversary of being a member of the BSD community! I dont think many forums last this long on the internet,so,well done us! So many stories over the years,sooooo many ups and downs,advice and tips,congrats and commiserations,successes,failures,gaining and losing,NSVs. And most importantly,the main thing – falling off your horse and and getting back on,clippety clop! Like Mandela said,it doesnt matter how many times you fall,its how many times you get back up again that counts. Congrats BSDers,keep going,onwards and downwards! 🌟🌟🌟xxxx

  • posted by Verano

    Hi Yowzer! Good to ‘see’ you. Sorry to hear about your sciatica it’s nasty. I had a bout of it several years ago and it was terrible ( fingers crossed, touching wood, it doesn’t happen again). Hope you are well soon. Brilliant news about your loss! Seems like an especially great achievement when you consider how heavy your cat is! Much better comparison than using slabs of butter!

    Yes it is amazing that there’s a ‘hardcore band’ of us who have been here for 8 years+ . Actually we are a larger group than seems obvious at first. Quite a few people ‘pop in’ now and again but they are ‘old timers’ who are still keeping the merry go round spinning.

    So, yes today has been lovely but gusts of wind now and again.

    🛏️🧹🪣 Finally finished tidying the spare bedroom yesterday. I think it was a case of out of sight out of mind. When I opened the door and saw how little floor space was left I knew it was time to act. Anyway, all done now. Next on the list …. Utility room which has no counter space anymore! Time to declutter.

    🍅🥬🥒 Have finally got my head around cooking a protein that eats just as well cold as hot. So cooking is reduced dramatically by having cold protein with salad on day 2. Life is much easier!

    It’s often difficult to find three positives but I do have one more…
    🧳🌤️🥂 going back to Portugal to see family at the end of the month so a bonus I wasn’t expecting and definitely a positive.

    Hope the new week is full of positives.

  • posted by SunnyB

    Yowser, lovely to have you posting here and it’s humbling that despite being in pain, you have found positives. Very impressed with your weight discard. Says to me, I need to get focused and knuckle down! I have 9lb to ditch so just need to get serious.

    V, I made Vietnamese Lemongrass chicken a few days ago, which works very well hot or cold. Marinate pieces of chicken (I use chicken mini fillets) in a mixture of soy sauce, garlic, lemongrass paste, a little fish sauce and a squeeze of lime juice. Only need to marinate for an hour or so, then grill, pan fry or griddle. Great news you’ll get back to Portugal again so soon.

    My positives today ….
    🌱🌱 planted in some plug plants which arrived yesterday and had a potter in the garden, weeding etc. Felt good yo gace my hands in the soil.
    🌸🌸 have been asked to plant up a new flower bed at the village hall, so I got to choose some plants and place an order not at my expense.
    🥫🥫 now that OH had finished installing the new boiler and the shelves are back in place, I have been able to get everything back in the panty area nice and tidily. Bonus, we can use the dining room again!!!

    Almost the beginning of a new week, hope yours gets off to a good start.

  • posted by Verano

    Good afternoon!

    Thanks for the recipe Sunny. I do a Gochujang, soy, garlic, ginger and sesame oil recipe which doesn’t need any marinating time! But yes I could manage an hour or so. I also have a tikka recipe without yogurt that does require several hours but is really good. All good, cold is a bonus! I do some tuna (canned) with flaked cooked fresh salmon fish cakes without potato which are lovely but only if you like fish!

    Positives today … well can’t really isolate one or two because today has been a generally ‘positive’ day!

    Hope today has been ‘positive’ for you too.

  • posted by SunnyB

    Would be interested in the fish cake recipe please Verano. Glad your day has been a really positive one, must admit mine has been pretty good too. Here are mine for today …
    🌸🌱🌼 nice gardening session this morning, feel like the garden is finally getting back in shape now
    👩‍🍳🔪🍊 made some marmalade today, not for me, but for OH and a friend

    Those two will do for today …. what about your positives today?

  • posted by Verano

    Sunny whilst my fish cake recipe doesn’t have potato in it it does have a ‘binding’ agent. Anyway, I usually make this when I have some fresh cooked salmon left over.

    Basically :
    Canned tuna,1 or 2 depending on the amount of salmon you have. Tuna steak is far better than tuna chunks which will be too wet.

    1. So drain tuna well and put into a bowl and mash.
    2. Add finely sliced spring onions, salt pepper and a spoon or so of hot sweet chilli sauce to taste (carbs!) Or sriracha would probably work well but I just like the slight sweetness.
    3. Add a medium egg to one can or a large/extra large to two cans.
    4. Salt and pepper to taste.
    So this is where it gets a bit hit and miss …. I use a few table spoons of finely ‘whizzed’ crackers (water biscuits or cream crackers) which makes a fine meal. That’s the carby bit. I think you could probably just add a few tablespoons of panko breadcrumbs instead.(The finished mix needs to not fall apart)
    5. Flake in the fresh salmon and mix ‘gently’.
    6. Make into ‘fishcakes’ probably 1.5 golf ball size flattened, if that makes sense.
    7. Cool in the fridge.
    8. Shallow fry in whichever oil you use.
    All the fish is cooked so really just cooking to add colour and flavour/taste.

    Sorry if that’s a bit of a mish-mash recipe it’s just one I make by ‘touch’ / ‘feel’ … sorry!

  • posted by SunnyB

    V, thanks for the recipe. I’m okay with recipes that work ‘by feel’, will give it a whirl sometime soon and let you know how it goes.

    Positives for today …..
    🌹🌹 one of my newer roses has popped into bloom, very pretty and smells wonderful. On fine mornings, I like to check around the garden and take some time to smell the roses 🙂
    🐰🐇 our neighbours bunny came to visit again today, he really enjoys cropping the weeds in our lawn and we’re happy for him to do it!
    🙂📲 been messaging with the friend we’re visiting at the weekend. First get together since covid, so we’re all very excited.

    Hope your day brought some positives your way.

  • posted by SunnyB

    Positives today ….
    🌦🌦 it rained this morning … great news for my garden and means I don’t need to water the pots this evening
    🧺🧺 good ironing session this morning … still plenty to do, but it will wait until next week
    🧳🧳 have now done most of the packing for our weekend away, just last minute stuff to add in tomorrow

    Do please let us know what your positives have been today.

  • posted by sunshine-girl

    Im going to join SunnyB on a rain positive

    Rained after about 2 months. So my flowers and veg are happy.
    Had a nice haircut on Friday and booked in for late October and ten mid December so will see me up to THE C WORD.
    Veg challenge went very well, I do eat quite a lot of veg.

  • posted by Verano

    Good afternoon!

    Glad everyone’s happy with some rain! Even I’m glad to have the odd shower so we don’t have to water the garden.

    Sunny I made your Vietnamese chicken and it was good, so good I’m making it again tonight! I added some grated ginger too and tonight I’ve also added coriander. Worked really well with salad.

    👦🏻👦🏻 Grandsons came yesterday, surprise visit which was lovely.

    💻💻 Had a really lazy day today. I’ve watched two podcasts. Both Steven Bartlett, DOAC, on YouTube. One was Robert Lustig. I’ve not heard him speak before and it was fascinating. The other Aseem Malhotra. Also fascinating. Think I may have found podcasts that I actually enjoy!

    Have a positive week.

  • posted by SunnyB

    Have had a wonderful long weekend away, hence my absence from the thread. V, how lovely to get a surprise visit from your grandsons. Glad you like the chicken recipe and indeed, it’s one that easily iends itself to tweaking.

    Positives from me are ….
    👥👥 wonderful weekend catching up with lots of old friends in the north of England, who we haven’t seen in ages.
    😌😌 enforced time out for my lovely OH … great to see him kicking back abd relaxing
    🌳🐑🐏 time in our beautiful countryside … and the weather managed to be kind too

    Go on … why not tell us about your positives?!

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