Positive Thoughts Thread Anyone?

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  • posted by Yowzer49

    Hiiii V,glad to see you,its been kinda lonely 🙂🙃😁 mmmm soup! Just the thing in the autumn!
    Not much news here but had a lovely breezy sunny avvo out,and tho it rained heavily a few times,we were lucky enough not to get caught in it xx

    Ooh we ve popped over onto a new page! ❤️💜💚

  • posted by SunnyB

    Yowser, you’ve rolled us on to a new page!!! Thanks so much for keep the thread current and V, good to see you popping in here too. We’re thinking of going back to Jim’s on our return trip through Singapore.

    My positives today are …
    🌴🌴arrived safely on the Maldives yesterday, first day on the beach today🌞🙂
    🛖🌴 sitting in our separate little hut behind our beach villa first thing this morning, sipping tea and watching a crab scuttling along the shore line.
    🙂 no necessity to do anything or be anywhere… bliss!!!

  • posted by Yowzer49

    Oh wow that IS bliss SUNNY! Enjoy! X
    My positive for today…
    *~ I am slowly moving into the 21 century! Got a contactless bank card today!😄 heehee! Maybe i should go crazy and get a decent phone! Ive had an old Nokia for many years,really basic?! XX

  • posted by Yowzer49

    Howdy chums,happy Thurs/ Fri…nearly the weekend wooohoo!
    My positives for today..
    *~ DD has gone to visit her Dad in Hull for a long weekend… arrived safely after a smooth journey…,im always grateful for that.
    *~ Saw sniffer dogs training in a local Costa..no,not training to be baristas!..training to sniff out drugs. Theyre taken to drug free venues as well as more suspicious places. Its part of them learning is that not everywhere they investigate will get a result. Gorgeous springer spaniels!💜
    *~ Bought our pusscat a clockwork mouse 😁😄….enjoyed watching him chasing it! …so cute 💜

  • posted by Verano

    Wanted to add a bit and too stop Yowzer from feeling too lonely!

    Well strange week.
    They say everything comes in three’s.
    Number 1. When we got back from our trip in August dishwasher had given up so needed to be replaced. It could have been repaired but would have been expensive and would still be a 12 year old machine. So positive was that we replaced it and now my dishes and pans are absolutely sparkling again. I just hadn’t realised that the old one wasn’t performing that well.
    Number 2. My tumble dryer gave up the ghost this week. Tried to repair it but no luck. So forced to buy a new one. Positive is this is far more energy efficient. I rely on a dryer because if my mobility issues so hopefully the new one won’t guzzle electricity like my old one.
    Number 3 not ‘machine’ related …..have started to attack my washing/ironing mountain. I will get to the end of the ironing basket by the end of this week ….. I will!!!

    As Sunny always says if you have any positives please post. It’s amazing how easy it is to find at least one positive, no matter what problems life is throwing at you, there is always a ‘positive’ to be found.
    Enjoy the rest of the weekend

  • posted by Yowzer49

    ✫*¨*.¸¸.✶*¨*.✫*¨*.¸.¸¸.✶*¨*.✫* ✫*¨*.¸¸.✶*¨*.✫*¨*.¸.¸¸.✶*¨*.✫* ✫*¨*.¸¸.✶*¨*.✫*¨*.¸.¸¸.✶*¨*.✫* ✫*¨*.¸¸.✶*¨*.✫*¨*.¸.¸¸.✶*¨*.✫*
    Goodnight and Good Morning,just popping by before climbing into bed,very tired after a long but very enjoyable afternoon and evening,nothing but nice things,and im very thankful for all of it .Certainly got nothing at all to complain about.
    Hope same for everyone who reads this,just good things to make a happy weekend! XXX
    ✫*¨*.¸¸.✶*¨*.✫*¨*.¸.¸¸.✶*¨*.✫* ✫*¨*.¸¸.✶*¨*.✫*¨*.¸.¸¸.✶*¨*.✫* ✫*¨*.¸¸.✶*¨*.✫*¨*.¸.¸¸.✶*¨*.✫* ✫*¨*.¸¸.✶*¨*.✫*¨*.¸.¸¸.✶*¨*.✫*

  • posted by Yowzer49

    VERANO good luck with ironing basket! A good feeling when you can see the bottom.
    My positive for today
    *~ Had coffee in one of our favourite places and they had painted the big window beautifully with autumn scenes. Loved it ❤️
    * ~ Took some goodies up to my sister. She had copy of letter that one doctor sent to another ( the law for us to see whats been written,got to be a good thing in most cases surely) Anyway it was useful to see listed all thats been going on,it can get confusing at times as theres a lot!
    *~ Went past our new hospital. Felt a little sad as I worked for the old hospital for several years as medical social worker,and have fond memories there BUT new hosp looked splendid all lit up in the dark. Very impressive,hope all goes well there.
    Enjoy the coming week,folks! XXX

  • posted by Yowzer49

    Hi peeps,V i saw yr soups thread,some nice ideas on there
    Thought for today…
    🌷🌷Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. And today is a gift, that’s why it’s called the present.🌷🌷
    So,enjoy the moment and seize the day!
    Off for blood tests now,what fun! 🥳😄 xx

  • posted by Verano

    Yowzer glad you like the soups thread there are some nice ones there. Luvtcook used to give us great recipes sad she doesn’t post anymore.
    Anyway, I can finally see the bottom of my ironing basket but that’s only because I’ve emptied it out and sorted stuff into piles! I like to iron all the shirts at once etc rather than just pick things out randomly.
    I must say I’m glad the new hospital is open at last. I was in there about 6 years ago. I was in a separate room and a nurse had to put sellotape around the window to stop the draught! The old place is way, way beyond its ‘sell by’ date.
    Yes, it really feels like autumn is here. The leaves are turning brown, the apples have been picked and the mornings are getting darker. I love the autumn although it doesn’t like me …. wet leaves and crutches don’t mix too well!
    Have a ‘positive’ week ( to anybody reading).
    P.S. if anyone has any spare fruit from their trees pop it along to a local food bank. We had a bumper crop of apples and took about 30kg to a food bank and they were delighted.

  • posted by Yowzer49

    V I will remind Beau to take fallen apples to food bank. I know he plans making an apple pie this week..one of my favourites..but i cant have a piece 😢well,i choose not to,thats more positive!
    *~ Lost over 2lb in weight this week,pleased..dont get weighed v often but on another thread we were trying to lost a stone between us in one week,which seemed to really motivate me.
    *~ used my contactless card for the first time y’day…magic. I remember reading about the advent of bar codes,think it was in the 80s,and cdnt get my head round the idea..and since then so many more new,convenient creations. Have no idea how all these things…internet,mobile phones,contactless payments etc …work,but they are fab and so useful!🥳 XX

  • posted by SunnyB

    Yowser and Verano, thanks so much for keeping the positives coming in.
    V, I’ll ve making guse of the cauli thread later this month.
    Yowser, sounds like you’ve nailed ditching those pounds…. again, something I’ll need to get o to later this month have!

    Ihave a couple of special positivesto share, so thought I’d find time to dip in ….
    🏝 we joined a working party for a litter clean up on an uninhabited Maldivian island. Was horrified by the amount we gathered … mainly plastics of course. So sad that the human race still isn’t getting to grips with what it’s subjecting nature to, but great that people like the owners of this holiday island, are making the effort to help in a really practical way.
    💑 we renewed our marriage vows in a private ceremony on our little piece of Maldivian beach yesterday evening. Very romantic, very emotional and lovely to have reaffirmed our commitment to each on our 25th anniversary … was a very special event. I’m still floating on a happy cloud!

    That’s it for now … just 3 days left on the Maldives, before finishing this anniversary trip with 2 more days in Singapore. Sooooo lucky!!!!

  • posted by Yowzer49

    Wow SUNNY your renewal sounds absolutely beautiful! 💜❤️ Xx and what a fantastic spot to celebrate in!
    Its National Poetry Day today….heres one of my most favourites…The Flame by Beth Nielsen Chapman
    O come ye now unto the flame
    Keep it through the night
    Nourish it and share its warmth
    And spend its precious light
    The torch is passed among us all
    To help us understand
    A covenant of brotherhood
    That joins our open hand

    We are standing at the edge
    Faced with just one choice
    Teach each other to be kind
    And let our hearts rejoice
    As different as we seem to be
    We are still the same
    Divided by our separate walls
    But joined before the flame

    O come ye now unto the flame
    Keep it through the night
    Shelter and embrace it’s warmth
    And spend it’s precious light
    The darkness makes us all afraid
    But we are not alone
    The beacon of our common love
    Will guide our journey home
    Here it is in song..

  • posted by Verano

    Yowser, thank you, lovely poem will listen to the song later.
    Sunny, congratulations on your 25th and how beautiful to renew your vows in such a lovely place. We spent our 25th, and 30th and 40th, in Bali! Enjoy the rest of your trip and Jim’s too, if you get back there again.
    Ahh, we miss Asia. We should have been going to Singapore next month but the cruise we were going on was cancelled and as that was the main part of our trip we cancelled the rest of the holiday ….. maybe one day again soon …. who knows!!!!!
    So to my positives,
    💻📖 I started to listen to an audible book again today …. ‘Metabolical’ by Robert Lustig. Well, what an eye opener! We know processed food is bad for us but I have to say listening to this book, I prefer audio for scientific stuff, has renewed my determination to stay away from ultra processed ‘food’ …. it really is just not ‘food’!
    🧺👍 Finally have got to the bottom of my ironing basket. It’s just so satisfying to see it all folded and pristine.
    Well, that’s me for today.

  • posted by Yowzer49

    Well done V re basket 👏👏 and youre so right about ultraprocessed stuff ..it isnt food as in ‘ nutrition’..you might as well just eat the packaging for all the goodness there is in processed food
    My two positves for today..just quicky friday gratitude for…
    Covid jab,lovely staff,no queue,in and out in minutes…and a lovely half pint of icecold beer,just exactly what i fancied,again lovely staff,good music,and i resisted the temptation to have crisps or nuts with it!
    Have a fab weekend guys! …🍁 🍁🍁🍁 xx

  • posted by Yowzer49

    Yay its Saturday,my favourite day of the week ( positive one!)
    *~ Positive two,a sunny afternoon today..what more can one ask for in October?
    *~ No side effects of ydays jab, so far,not even a sore arm
    *~ 🥳🥳🥳 My home city will host Eurovision 23..exciting times ahead! I hope we do Ukraine proud and Im sure that we will 🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶
    💜 “ Music is the universal language of mankind.” ― Henry Wadsworth Longfellow ❤️

  • posted by Verano

    Sunday, was always such a ‘POSITIVE’ day for so many reasons.
    Sunday was always the last day of the weekend break before the return to work on Monday ….
    Sunday was always a day of ‘rest’ when people weren’t expected to work.
    Sunday was always a ‘family’ day.
    Yes we need to move forward, life changes but not always for the better.
    Do we really need to shop 24/7?
    Do we really need to have one day meld into the next without any delineation?
    I’m sure we would all be able to find positives in life more easily if we had a day that really did mark the end of one week and the beginning of the next.
    Anyway, sorry for my ramblings.
    I do have some positives ….
    🥗👩🏻👦🏻 Friends here for lunch today. It’s so good to spend time with friends, especially over a low carb meal!
    That’s probably it for me today but it was a good one!
    Hope this new week has positives for everyone.

  • posted by SunnyB

    Yowser and Verano, great to see you both finding plenty of positives to post. It is exciting Eurovision will be in Liverpool, Yowser … you’ll have to try to get tickets! Having a social lunch with friends is a wonderful way to spend time, V.

    We’re back in Singapore now and one day away from heading back to UK. Positives from me before that ….
    🛩 scheduling of our trip back to Singapore worked out really well … time to have breakfast before leaving the island and not too much time to waste at the airport before our flight.
    🌳🌳🏨 staying in a quaint hotel on the edge of a nature reserve. It’s a former colonial barracks with old world charm.
    🍽 had keto eggs benedict for breakfast … aubergine instead of English muffin, plus sauted mushrooms with poached eggs and hollandaise sauce … all very tasty and a dish I shall be replicating at home. Got me thinking V, that perhaps it could also be made using a roasted cauli steak too.
    🛍 enjoyed a last bit of retail therapy in Chinatown this morning, which included a pair of rather elegant black shoes from my fav shoe shop here… inexpensive too!

    What positives have crept into your life recently? Do take a moment to tell us about them.

  • posted by RubyG

    Unfortunately my positive for today is a covid test 🙁 both hubby and I feel carp.
    Trying to keep hydrated and medicating between snoozing, soup for lunch was already made.

  • posted by Yowzer49

    So sorry RUBY! Get well soon,im glad that soup is all ready and waiting,will do you both good and is so comforting
    V i agree and disagree about Sundays..i like both vibes .. I love the serene Sundays of old,they were very peaceful and restful..but i also enjoy the vibe of places open Sundays too.
    SUNNY your quaint hotel sounds wonderful,enjoy yr last day of hol and safe journey home
    My positive for today is just that i woke with a happy feeling,grateful to be alive and kicking,seeing some sunshine coming thru my window,and looking forward to the day,making plans for the week ahead.
    Have a groovy day …and a grrrrreat week like Tony the Tiger said! 🐯xxx

  • posted by sunshine-girl

    Hi Verano, we dont have any choice about Sundays here in France. Supermarkets are open only in the morning and not all of them. There is no noisy gardening or DIY allowed after 12 noon. It is a day for church (I dont) and family and long lazy lunchtimes.

    So there are my 3 positives. No shopping, no noisy neighbours and long lazy lunches.

    SunnyB your time in Singapore. One regret was that we only got to spend one full day and night there.

    Get well soon RubyG.

  • posted by Verano

    Ruby hope you both recover quickly.
    Sunny safe journey home.
    Yowzer I see what you’re saying. I guess we just get used to what we have at the time.
    S-g sounds like you have the best of both worlds! France seems to have got Sundays just right.
    Not sure how much I’ll get to post over the next few weeks. We are off to the Med in the very, very early hours of Wednesday morning, for a rearranged trip that we had to cancel in September. So, this is last very minute and I’m not sure I have my head in gear yet. Anyway, it’s not Outer Mongolia, so if we forget anything essential, I’m sure we will be able to find it.
    So for the moment my positives are pedicure done, hair appointment tomorrow. Fortunately I managed to rearrange my hair colour for tomorrow. So I’m ready!
    I’ll post as and when ….. stay ‘Positive’

  • posted by Yowzer49

    Have a great holiday VERANO ! X
    That does sound like a good compromise for Sundays SG!
    When I was a kid,shops used to close half day Wednesdays,which always added a nice tranquil vibe to the midweek.

  • posted by Yowzer49

    Hi folks,well SUNNY you will be heading home as V is heading away!
    My positives for today…
    ~ * lovely day for the park,sunny and bright,was so nice by the lake
    ~ * saw two of my favourite dog breeds,a wire haired fox terrier and an airedale 💜❤️
    ~ * bought soft and snuggly warm dressing gown and slippers,all reduced to half price..looking forward to a cosy winter!
    ✫*¨*.¸¸.✶*¨*.✫*¨*.¸.¸¸.✶*¨*.✫* ✫*¨*.¸¸.✶*¨*.✫*¨*.¸.¸¸.✶*¨*.✫* ✫*¨*.¸¸.✶*¨*.✫*¨*.¸.¸¸.✶*¨*.✫* ✫*¨*.¸¸.✶*¨*.✫*¨*.¸.¸¸.✶*¨*.✫*

  • posted by Never Give Up

    This thread is such a super idea
    My positives for today
    – lost another 2lb for this week
    – catching up on lots of work after being away yesterday, a nice feeling
    – Just went out for a quick walk, it isn’t raining and I don’t get quite so puffed out!

  • posted by Yowzer49

    Howdy,just a quicky,just about to have my dindins,yum yum..bit late eating tonight..
    My pozz for today.. i bought lots of those lovely organza gift bags! Come in such lovely colours and patterns and are a pretty and easy way to wrap gifts! Just looking at them makes me happy🥰
    Night night/ good morning/ happy travels V/welcome home SUNNY xxxx !

  • posted by Yowzer49

    My positives for Thursday…
    *~ Bargain day for yowzer today..i did that old trick of leaving items in my shopping bag online..email from website dont forget yr items blah blah…i continued to ignore said goods,then another email offering 15% off the three things in my bag!
    Its always worth trying ..more often than not you get a reduction!
    *~ Also ordered some skincare from Body Shop using leaflet with code for 20% off..it arrived today..their new Edelweiss range,seems really good stuff… in addition received goody bag of mini skincare items…deffo my day for bargains!
    *~ Had a bit of a clear out and discovered a few things that i thought were irretrievably lost!🙂🙃
    The weekends nearly here folks,enjoy! X

  • posted by Yowzer49

    Hiiiii folks! Happy Sunday!
    Just one positive from yesterday…
    *~ Lovely evening last night watching a Bob Dylan concert and a documentary about Bobby..one of my heroes. Feel so lucky to have been a sixties chick with all the magic that happened musically then….and that continues to this day…xx
    🌷 ~ “The Universe is making music all of the time” ~ 🌷( Tom Waits) ~
    Ps one more positive..good to wake up to a bright October morning and the birthday of one of my dearest friends xxx

  • posted by Yowzer49

    Hi guys..well it was such a beautiful day here today..sunshine and bright blue sky! so thats my first positive…
    *~ What a wonderful autumn we’re having this year!
    *~ Excited as new book shop has opened! I do enjoy a good browse,plus am on the look out for a good book for a boy who turns ten in November..double figures! Seems no time since he was a baby 💚
    *~ Also got a good idea for bday present for DD,who’s also a Scorpy baby,born in November
    💕 May you receive showers of blessings every day 💕 xx

  • posted by SunnyB

    Yowser, thank you for almost single handedly keeping the positives thread running! So many wonderful positives posted too.

    We are once again in Turkiye and having g arrived late Sunday, we are now pretty much settled in, so I can post some positives…..
    🙂 lovely stay with my folks prior to coming to Turkiye, good to spend time with them and catch up on news.
    🍽 last day before we left to come here, we had brunch with friends and saw youngest son and his family in the afternoon.
    🌞 enjoying excellence autumn weather here, still conducive to some sun worshipping 🙂

    Looking forward to an appointment with my hair dresser tomorrow…. cut, colour and condition, … will be a new woman!

  • posted by Yowzer49

    Hiii SUNNY! Enjoy Turkiye! How is yr house coming along?
    Just one thing from me for today..a lovely quote i read,very relevant to this thread..xx
    ☆Wear gratitude like a cloak and it will feed every corner of your life☆. (Rumi)

  • posted by SunnyB

    Love that quote Yowser, certainly one to bear in mind when we are feeling a bit hard done by … there is always a little something to be grateful for, even in dark times.

    Turkiye is sunny and warm, the villa is progressing, if not at the pace we’d like …. OH is there right now, putting in some hours with one of the trades men. So, guess my first positive, is things are happening on site.
    The second is I’m very happy with my new hair colours … sporting a bright copper with purple and pink. Sounds awful but looks great 👍🏻
    Third positive is a catch up with neighbours here, last evening. They just got back from a visit to family in the UK. Pleased to say they are both happy and well.

  • posted by Yowzer49

    Hi SUNNY,your hair doesnt sound awful,it sounds great,i love the colours.
    Nothing to report here but everything is good,no urgent or pressing problems,so Im thankful for that. Nice easy day ahead,so im feeling tippety top!
    Have a good weekend everybody X Love and Peace! X

  • posted by Yowzer49

    Hiii all,hope youre having / had a great day!
    *~ Not feeling well enough to go out today,but by pacing myself with frequent sitdowns,ive got through quite a few chores,been a busy 🐝,which will give me more time to myself during the week!
    *~ Beau’s granddaughter aged 11 won gold medal in gymnastic competition today 🥳 well done Bella x
    Thats all for now folks! See you soon xx Keep smiling 🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶 and singing a happy little song! 🎶🎶🎶🎶

  • posted by Yowzer49

    Well thats Monday put to bed…just calling by before i go to bed too,to say my positive for the day is…
    ~* Went to my sisters and sorted a big bagful of post and odds and ends..very satisfying to chuck what wasnt needed and keep what is!
    Nice night time thought…Always end the day with a positive thought. No matter how today has been,tomorrow is a fresh opportunity to make things better! 🥰 xx

  • posted by SunnyB

    Hi Yowser, hope your sister is doing well. Thank you again for your frequent posts here, much appreciated.
    Thought it was past time I posted too, so here goes ….
    🌞 Sun is still front and centre here with temps mid to high 20s and no rain yet, so very much enjoying some pre-winter sunshine.
    🍳 breakfast with friends yesterday, lovely to spend time with them and catch up on news.
    🏡 progress continues on the villa, still a chance it will be watertight by winter🤞🏻
    🎄🎁 have purchased two Christmas gifts here so far. Hoping to get a few more bought too.

    Hoping to make arrangements to meet up with other friends soon, so that is something to look forward to in the coming week or so.

    Please, if you have a positive, either that has happened or something you are looking forward to, do share it with us here.

  • posted by Verano

    Just thought I should pop in and say “Hello” now we are home.
    Well it’s really good to see the thread is still rolling ….. a special thanks to Yowzer for that.
    Sunny glad you arrived back safely and set of safely again. Hope you’re enjoying the autumn weather.
    We are home again now so that’s my big positive for today.
    We had far warmer weather than I’d anticipated for the Mediterranean in autumn.
    No huge traumas with travelling which is always a a bonus ….. flights on time, no queues for security, bags turned up in the right place at the right time and the airport assistance was great …. even in Manchester ….. which is usually the worst airport in the world for assistance.
    I feel so sorry for the assistance staff…. they are expected to do the work of two or three people for a pitiful wage and put up with people moaning and groaning (with good reason) when they are left waiting on planes etc. In the UK airports ‘assistance’ in general is very poor compared to that in European airports …. always has been and is nothing to do with Brexit. I think airport assistance workers are paid very poor wages, as are ‘care workers’ , and then we wonder why the services are so poor. Seems simple to me …. get rid of the profit element from these sorts of care, pay proper wages and then the staff will be more encouraged to stay.
    Sorry …. off my high horse now but it really is a bone of contention for me.
    So, we are home for just six days before we go to spend some time with our son and family in Portugal ….. really not complaining!
    Tomorrow is a bit of a D-day for me ….. need to get on the scales so I hope I can still find some positives tomorrow!
    For the first time in over 6 years please I ate what I fancied. I didn’t think of carbs I just ate what I fancied but I did monitor my blood glucose which was fine.
    Have a good evening. I hope Tuesday has been positive for you.

  • posted by WindyJulz

    Julz peers nose round the positive door and waves…… Sorry for the prolonged absence…. but i’m back!
    Been lovely reading through the thread, you guys are amazing, thank you for always contributing….
    I can certainly find a positive or 2 today….
    1. My new job is pretty cool, had a lovely day yesterday driving down to the central belt, meeting with good clients and having a real belly laugh at one of the places. Turns out i’m far more peopley than i ever thought!
    2. Well woke up to horrid autumn weather and no water to the house, with a working from home day….. but the water is back, and the weather is set to improve….but wild autumn days sometime make me remember nature and its variety and beauty…. amazingly we have a big tree in our garden and it literally goes from green to bare what feels like overnight! Winter is coming!
    3. Oh and of course a horse up date….. my wee guy has had a bit of a respiratory problem all summer, he is now feeling well and managed out to a wee competition at the weekend, and he felt great and very happy to be out!

    Most positive of all…..my positive mindset is back!! Whooop

  • posted by SunnyB

    Verano, really pleased you had a good holiday and all went well. Enjoy your family time in Portugal … I’m sure you will.
    Jules, welcome back, great to see you here on the positives thread again. Glad your little horse is doing well and your new job is working out nicely. Will look forward to you posting more frequently 🤞🏻

    While I’m here, might as well post some positives myself ….
    🥕🍏🍇 visited the market this morning and stocked up on fresh veg etc.- including lovely thick strained yogurt and locally made butter. Amazing quality produce at reasonable prices.
    🌞 another beautiful day here, so will be able to sunbathe this afternoon …. and get the washing dry!
    🍲 planning to make a slow cooked curry for dinner tonight …. yum!

    Off to hang out the washing now and then I can get on my sundeck for a couple of hours!

  • posted by Yowzer49

    Hi SUNNY and VERANO and good to see you again JULES!
    ~* Sunny day yesterday…walked across to bus stop ( one min away from my front door. )
    In that short space of time,four people spoke to me and another person waved in the distance. So nice to feel connected and not isolated. Later talked to a lady with a beautiful lurcher/;saluki, very elegant!
    *~ Weather a little grey today,but lovely to see the leaves falling so gracefully and colourfully.
    *~ Have ordered a few books for me and my sister to enjoy xx
    V,do you ever go to Strawberry Field? Weve been a few times,tried to go Monday for coffee and a saunter round the garden but got kicked out coz there was a private function on 🙂 so we took our custom elsewhere 😄
    Enjoy Portugal and the family V!

  • posted by Yowzer49

    Hola positive people! XX
    Things that make me feel glad today…
    I had three problems this morning,all of which had resolved themselves by noon! All that,plus a beautiful breezy sunny afternoon,make me a very happy bunny indeed 🐰 xx

  • posted by WindyJulz

    Friday positives…..
    – the sun came out….eventually!
    – been to the chiropractor, I’m less wonky every time i go and can start pushing appointments out a bit.
    – its Frriday!! Sleep in tomorrow morning (well as much as the horse will allow)
    – its 4 years since we got our cats….facebook memories are adorable!!

  • posted by SunnyB

    Just thought I’d pop in to offer up a few positives ….
    🙂 villa floors were sceeded today … another stage ticked off the list.
    🚗 DD has managed to get herself a ‘new’ car. This is good news, as her previous one had become worryimgly unreliable and she has quite a commute for work.
    👍🏻 GS’s counselling is going well and he’s starting to sound much more positive. Really hope this is the beginning of better things for him.
    Early night tonight so I’m settling down for a good read now🙂

  • posted by Yowzer49

    Hiiiii SUNNY, i was just thinking of you then i came online and there you were!
    Good news about DD and GS! Xx
    My news for today…
    *~ Received an early bday present,but wont open it..nice to look at the gift bag tho and wonder whats inside
    *~ Like you SUNNY, Im settling down for a read,got three books from the library today
    *~ Extra hour in bed tonight,the clocks go back. (Determined to think cosy rather than claustrophobic winter nights! )
    Thats all from me for today! XXX

  • posted by Yowzer49

    Yay its November! My favourite month as DD and I are fellow Scorpios,our bdays two days apart!
    Looking forward to the celebrations 🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳
    Thats all for today folks,except to say going birthday present shopping this avvo,which i will enjoy.
    Have already got one prezzy…DD did a cartoonysketch of her husband and ive had it framed..oh and also have a big bottle of vodka for her! 😵‍💫🫠
    Enjoy yr day peeps,and enjoy your November. XX
    ~ ° ♥ »☆ ~ ★♥.•° ♥ »☆ ~~★♥.•° ♥ »☆ ° ♥ ~~ ° ♥ »☆ ~ ★♥.•° ♥ »☆ ~~★♥.•° ♥ »☆ ° ♥ ~~ ° ♥ »☆ ~

  • posted by Verano

    Hope you are all well.
    On ‘beat the clock’ at the moment but hope to come back with my ‘3 a day’ soon.
    Take care.

  • posted by SunnyB

    Just a quick check in with a few more positives …..
    🤭 took a tumble a couple of days ago, tripping on a raised tile on a restaurant floor, head butting a chair
    (so nice big bump on forehead) and badly bruising a knee. Good news is, nothing broken and healing well. The staff were just lovey, proving an ice pack and checking if I needed medical care.
    🙂😄 very pleased to say we have managed to arrange to visit friends this weekend. They both work shifts, so it’s not easy to find a time they are both off for a weekend. Looking forward to a good catch up as we missed seeing them in the spring.
    🍯 spent this morning making pumpkin crackers (not a huge success, but with some tweaking, might work better) and some lemon curd, which has worked very nicely. Planning to take a jar for our friends, as I always think of lemon curd as quintessentially English and I know they like to try different foods.

    That”s it for this time, still enjoying good weather and making the most of our time here. Please share a positive or two if you have a moment.

  • posted by Yowzer49

    Ouch SUNNY, Im so glad youre ok and healing well xx
    Ive just read this somewhere and completely agree that we shd never forget …
    “That the beating of each of our hearts is sometimes enough….
    And that both the breath as well as the moment in-between breaths is a worthy miracle to revere. …
    And a new day, every day, again and again…
    this is a gift every single sunrise. 💜🌷”
    On a personal note,just got a text about a delivery..coming tomorrow and at a very convenient time for me..
    Its a lovely xmas present for DD,on offer at 1/2 price..we all love a bargain!
    Thursday has rolled around again,these days it feels like theres only about 4 days per week! XX

  • posted by Yowzer49

    Hi folks,happy Bommy Night! Im not a fan but the colours are gorgeous ( just worry for the scared animals,the fireworks so loud)
    Anyhoo,positives..just some more from the same place i quoted in previous post…
    ‘ Renewing our gratitidue is the first step to living with a fuller cup.
    Its an attunement of perspective.
    And is unlocked in one simple choice:
    Do we want to live in a world where our hearts are full and our life is magic?
    Hopefully we all do.
    May this month bring you all that you need and desire… ‘
    Ps SUNNY hope youre continuing to heal xxx

  • posted by Yowzer49

    Just to add to todays positives..
    DD and hubby have made a den for our cat
    They have a little ensuite and hes snuggled down in the shower,on a bed of towels,no window in there and the door closed. Its the only place he’s settled down. Last nights were loud,but he was brave. Tonights are off the scale. Animals hearing is so much more acute than ours. Im so happy hes safe,poor little tiger 💜

  • posted by Verano

    Sorry I’ve not been contributing lately.
    Life throws so many curved balls.
    Should be in Portugal now but we aren’t, and I won’t bore you with the details …….SO …..
    We have reorganised our trip for the end of November …… positives …..
    Not sure I have any today but I know I have to find some.
    We are well and I wonder how much more we can ask for at the moment.
    Let’s not let the national press depress us any more than necessary!
    Hopefully next week will be a good one!
    P.S.Sunny hope you are well now

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