Over the 8-week line and after

We have not checked the qualifications of anyone posting here. If you are have any health related symptoms or concerns, you should contact your doctor who will be able to give you advice specific to your situation.

  • posted by Christi1948

    Hi amyloueliza,
    You must have lost a lot to be two dress sizes down! I know you aren’t using scales for your weight, I am though and I am 2lbs off losing two stone and I have only gone down one dress size! I know I am Apple shape, so that might have something to do with it!
    Anyway well done with your weight loss and onwards and downwards!

  • posted by captainlynne

    Hi amyloueliza, Christine and everyone

    Well done on your weight loss amyloueliza.

    I seem to lose a dress size for each stone. Lost 2.5 stone and 2 dress sizes.

  • posted by hashimoto

    Hi janet I saw that on the bbc app, it shows the front pages of newspapers.
    Defo one of us!

    Hi Christine, I get that restless leg thing if I get over tired so I tend to go to bed early to avoid it 🙂

  • posted by HT

    Hi everyone. I have been reading many of the forums whilst following the BSD but never posted any comments, although I did sign the petition when it started. I have finished the 8 weeks and lost 18lb. My HbA1c result has just come in at 38. I am so pleased and just wanted to say a huge thank you to Dr. Mosley and Professor Taylor for making this possible. Also many thanks to everyone on the forums for all the information, recipes and laughs. Can’t wait to see the reaction of the diabetic nurse when I see her in a couple of weeks as she was very dismissive when I tried to broach the subject with her a couple of years ago. So glad I took no notice of her. Good luck to everyone on the diet. I still can’t believe how very easy it was.

  • posted by hashimoto

    Great results HT! And thanks for signing the petition 🙂

  • posted by HappyLass

    Hi folks! I’ve been reading the forum for ages and really enjoy all the info and chat..brilliant! Never been on a forum before so haven’t a clue if I’m doing this right so I’m just hoping I am!! Just over the 11week line and I’ve lost 28lbs and brought my BS down from 8.5 to an average of 5.5 and to be honest I’ve found it really easy. It feels so incredible to finally be in control and I’m happily chucking my fat clothes to the charity shop..NEVER going to need them again! I’ll stick with this for the rest of my life. I’ve got SO much more energy and look a hell of a sight better than I did 11weeks ago. Sleeping better, exercising more and my diabetes nurse is really pleased with my progress and impressed with the diet! My GP has put what I’m doing into my records and has been on the 5.2 diet last year apparently! My BP has dropped too. I’ve been sticking pretty much to the 800 cals and 50g carbs..not slavish about it but it works for me. Been low carbing for about 18 months just eating too big a portion of things. The BSD has brought this under control and stopped me picking..BAD habit! I have a shake and 18 soaked almonds everyday for brekky,veggie protein or fish and vegetables for lunch and a snack for tea each day. Incidentally..I see lots of folk asking which shakes to use. I buy Shake That Weight shakes(buy online) 130 calories..12.5 carbs. Nice flavours and the more you buy the cheaper they are! Can also recommend Rose Elliot’s Vegetarian Low-Carb Diet book. There’s a good kick start section for 20 carbs a day..handy for people who aren’t sure about what that looks like! Combined with the lovely recipes in the BSD book I’ve found it easy to get the food and portions right. Anyway..I’m rambling..sorry! Look forward to continuing to read all your great posts and thanks for all the inspiration and laughs

  • posted by hashimoto

    Hi happylass, it’s good your gp and nurse are so on board with this diet:) and welcome to the veterans club! 🙂

  • posted by HappyLass

    Yes..it’s nice not to meet with the opposition that some people seem to get. It’s SO frustrating when we all know just how well this can work and how life and health changing this can be. I guess we all have to keep plugging away at trying to spread the word! Signed the petition by the way and encouraging anyone who will listen to do the same. Thankyou for the welcome! I really hope you’re feeling a lot better by now.

  • posted by Zendo

    All the best with your progress…. I just finished the 8 weeks today and am searching for “what now”. I think it will be the 5-2 but I won’t want to ruin the good work. I am about the weight I want now and my sugar levels are well controlled. Like you I think eventually the 5-2 could be the way to go although I want to get off all medication. So far I have managed to get off about half the medications. Thanks for your posting.

  • posted by Californiagirl

    Welcome Happylass and HT! I am pleased to see I wasn’t the only one standing in the wings! It is really inspiring to read all the posts here!

  • posted by hashimoto

    Hi Zendo, I am sticking with the BSD principles but eating more calories, I’m at 16 weeks and also at the weight I want to be 🙂

  • posted by captainlynne

    Hi Zendo. Just answered your post on another thread.

  • posted by Christi1948

    Hi Lynne,
    I decided to try on some of my size 18 trousers yesterday, I haven’t been able to get them over my hips, (I’m Apple shaped)! I managed to get half of them over my hips, however could only fasten one! So I have a fair way to go yet, I’m getting there though so I’m happy, lots of compliments when I go to church, we go into the meeting room for coffee after, it doesn’t half make me feel good to get complements from parishioners who are younger than me and notice the change in me!
    So if there is anyone who is on this diet and think they can’t continue or are not losing weight, keep going! I have faltered and plateaued, got depressed when I put on instead of lost, however I stuck with it and I am two,pounds off losing two stone, if I can do it ( I’m a sugar addict) anyone can, so keep on keeping on folks,many as we say on this forum onwards and downwards.
    Hope you don’t mind me ‘preaching’ on your thread Lynne!

  • posted by captainlynne

    Hi Christine.

    Great news about the trousers and compliments.

    I’ve bought size 18 trousers (with belt loops!). Needed them for last week, and holiday at beginning of June. Just don’t want to buy too many clothes while I’m still losing weight!

    Well said – you’re doing really well and encouraging folk😃

    You are more than welcome to ‘preach’ on here😃

  • posted by hashimoto

    Too true, Lynne!! You just keep on preaching Christine!!! I’m a bit of a zealot myself – or a ‘BSD firebrand’ as my son referred to me yesterday when one of the girls in the pharmacy asked how I had managed to lose the weight and reduce my asthma meds – and the whole speel came out. I think he is worried I am boring them ! lol

  • posted by Leeanne

    Hi all, I’ve today started my second lot of 8 weeks. This is by choice as I’ve really embraced this new way of eating and am glad to be rid of the previous rubbish diet before I discovered the BSD. It must have been fate that day, Tues January 19th, (kept the relevant pages ) when I picked up the Daily Mail as the 4 page pull out caught my interest about how to beat diabetes. I sent off for the book and read it 3 times! I started the BSD on Mon 7th March.
    In 8 weeks I’ve lost 23lbs, 2 inches from my waist and reduced my fasting bloods to better levels, being usually able to track back and see where I went wrong with higher readings. I now weigh 12st 5lbs, which is a lot less than when I was first diagnosed as type 2 back in 2011.
    I just want to say that if I can stick to this plan then anyone should be able to as I’ve tried all the diets in the past, none lasting beyond a couple of weeks! I hope to be reporting back in another 8 weeks with more news. I can’t wait for my annual diabetic review and bloods in June either, just to see what response I get from my sceptical GP!

  • posted by hashimoto

    Fantastic news Leeanne! Like you I saw that article in the Saturday mail. No diet had worked for me so this was last chance saloon! I had already cut my calorie intake very radically on New Years day with very little result – I was still eating starchy carbs!

    I would love to see the look on your GPs face!!
    In their defence they dole out advice which is never taken up by a lot of people so not surprising that they can become sceptical. Of course the GP may not have heard of this diet so may have thought it was another ‘fad diet’. You are going to prove him/her wrong and may be instrumental in the Gp recommending this to other diabetics 🙂

  • posted by GonnaBeDazzling

    Hello Folks

    I went to see some family yesterday who I haven’t seen for a while. I had hoped that someone would notice I am now 3 stone lighter, but no–one said a thing!

    After I had politely declined dessert, saying to my brother that I was on a low calorie low carb eating plan, he looked full at me and said: Is it working then? !!

  • posted by hashimoto

    Hi GonnaBe dazzling, captainlynne went through exactly the same thing!! Don’t be disheartened. People don’t respond in an appropriate way for lots of reasons – sometimes they are scared to ask in case you are ill. The rather odd sounding ‘Is it working then?’ could be just man speak for ‘tell me more but I don’t want to ask ….’

    Have you chucked out clothes which don’t fit and worn new well fitting ones instead? Sometimes our older clothes still bear our pre diet shapes and can hide the true results of the diet.

    Whatever the cause of their lack of appropriate reaction don’t despair as they WILL notice next time you see them! If not just tell them all about it, including how much weight you have lost.

    I know Lynne will really empathise with you over this as it happened to her at work as well as with family who hadn’t seen her for a long time…. they are certainly noticing now though 🙂

  • posted by captainlynne

    Hi GonnaBeDazzling

    As hashimoto says, that happened to me. My family hadn’t seen me since before I started this and I’d lost 3 stones when they saw me next. Not a word. When I mentioned it, ‘oh, I thought you’d lost weight’. My son is diabetic like me, but still follows the official line.

    People I work with didn’t comment until quite recently. And only one or two comment even now. Last night someone actually said that I was looking good, and looking younger😃

    I was at a residential conference last week. My boss, who hadn’t seen me since January, said I ‘was wasting away’ – his wife asked for details of the book. Some other folk who hadn’t seen me since January or earlier were looking, but not commenting.

    I agree with hashimoto that people sometimes worry that we are ill and so don’t comment. Indeed someone recently asked if my weight loss was deliberate.

    Even some health care professionals are expressing doubts about the sustainability of this. But we are realising this is a new way of life (carb-free) for many of us. Our nearest and dearest may also have doubts – especially if we have regained lost weight in the past.

    Although lack of comments can be disheartening and/or upsetting remember that you are doing it for you, nobody else. You’re the one feeling the health benefits. One day the comments will come. Until then just hang in there. You’re doing great.

  • posted by Leeanne

    I think it’s really mean when no-one comments on someone’s weight loss (provided it’s not illness). A nice comment can brighten things up and keep you motivated. So, to all the ‘losers’ a massive well done from me!!

  • posted by neohdiver

    As to noticing weight loss – and people being afraid to say anything out of fear you might be ill – I now have an additional complication.

    I’m just at the point people are starting to comment (nearly 60 lbs loss – a mystery to me why it took so long), right at the time I’ve received a cancer diagnosis I’m beginning to share. That makes it eve more complex. Those who hear the cancer diagnosis before they comment about the weight are now afraid to say anything and arereally worried that it is much worse than I’m telling them. Those who have already commented are now afraid they’ve congratulated me for the consequences of an illness, rather than a move toward health. Sigh…

    But serendipity is nice – coincidentally, having a “normal” BMI means my treatment options are better, I’ll likely recover more quickly (since my blood glucose is normal), and I’m pretty sure the loss of a significant amount of fat helped me find it earlier than I otherwise would have.

  • posted by GonnaBeDazzling

    Thanks Hashimoto and captainlynne for your comments.

    I do feel much better in myself, and as you say, that is what matters most. My children are very supportive so I do have that strong team behind me!

    Regarding clothes, I have thrown so many out – I’m up to 7 bin liners full now – and resurrected others from the boxes they’ve been hiding in for years! But I am not buying more clothes than I need ATM as I anticipate growing out of everything I have in the next few months, and on reflection I probably would have looked better yesterday if I had chosen a different outfit. Ah well….

    My daughter has already said we will go clothes shopping when I reach my target weight. I’m looking forward to that – it’s so long since I’ve been able to shop in any high street shop and know they have clothes in my size.

    Succeeding on the BSD does give you more self-confidence – I’ve been quite surprised at how much that has changed, and I wouldn’t have described myself as a shrinking violet before.

  • posted by hashimoto

    Neodiver I really feel for you, it’s bad enough when people compliment you on hard won weight loss without your cancer diagnosis complicating peoples responses. Almost 60 lbs is truly phenomenal and congratulations are due. Respect!

    I am pleased all your hard work has made the diagnosis happen sooner and your treatment options better.

    Praying you have a really speedy recovery post surgery xxx

  • posted by Tallyhoo

    I’ve just weighed in at the beginning of week 14 – I’ve lost 39 lbs in that time and am thrilled to bits. Still on the same medication and am nervous about stopping but will ask my doc if he can arrange blood tests to check and maybe reduce if not drop altogether – fortunately he is supportive as when I told him how well I was doing he said ‘oh well done, trying to reverse your diabetes then – excellent’ – so that’s good!

    At the beginning the weight loss was dramatic, then I had a plateau, then it was about 2lbs a week now, for the last 2 weeks I’ve lost 3.8 lbs this week and last week I lost 3.3 lbs – now don’t get me wrong I am thrilled to pieces but am thinking – hmm that is a lot to lose when I’m this far into it…………I’m down to 12 st 1 (nearly in the 11’s!!) and want to get down ultimately to 10st 7.

    My question is this – has anybody else had this happen? Should I worry I’m losing too quickly? Just come back from a long weekend in Crete with girlfriends when I didn’t stray from the diet except for glasses of wine so really pleased with that.

    So looking forward to graduating to the 16 weekers!

  • posted by Christi1948

    Hi Judith,
    We went to visit our son in Sheffield on Monday, he’s having an extension and his builder was there, type two diebetic, has lost 6 stone, still looked really obese, and he was sat there tucking into big white bread roll sandwiches and crisps, well of course we got talking and I told him about the bsd diet and he wasn’t interested! That old phrase came to mind, you can take a horse to water etc! However went to have a drink with his mother in law and she was interested in the diet, she isn’t diebetic just likes to keep a check on her weight and likes to eat healthily, so I told her about the website etc, so hopefully she will have taken a look and signed the petition, that’s all I can do, but it’s a start for her to look into it.
    Right must dash, cleaned the hall this morning, a quick drink and then a trip into town to get Dana her birthday present, she wants a boy doll with a dummy, funny cause it’s an all girl family and none of them had dummies!

  • posted by pmshrink

    Hi Tallyhoo
    According to MM losing quickly is not a problem at all.

  • posted by hashimoto

    Hi Christine isn’t it so frustrating when you can see someone eating themselves to death and you know how to save them but they don’t want to listen?

    Keep on being a secret caped crusader like Bill it will save someone sometime.

    Perhaps it’s because it is an all girl family that Dana wants a boy doll. And with a dummy! Children are so interested in the world around them. Hope you found one for her : )

  • posted by Christi1948

    Hi Judith,
    We did get her boy doll with a dummy, it was very expensive though, so she hasn’t had an outfit as well, we usually buy her an outfit and a toy of some sort.
    I’m thinking of given sons mother in law the bsd book, she was very interested, and yes shame the builder wasn’t interested, maybe if I had had more time I could have got through to him? You never know, a spark might have started his little grey cells.

  • posted by hashimoto

    Good news about the doll, Christine – shame about the price though 🙁
    Yes, I think planting the seed might light a spark in the grey matter. Sorry for the mixed metaphors!!! 🙂

  • posted by hashimoto

    Lucia, welcome to the veteran’s club and the over the 8 week line and after! 🙂

  • posted by hashimoto

    Hi Bre123 welcome to the 800 club 🙂

  • posted by dumptynomore

    Good morning everybody – I have completed my 8 weeks and can now be an official member of the 800 veteran’s club. Woo! hoo!

    History – non diabetic but with everybody in my family being diabetic, I am a sitting duck. 57 years old, 5 feet tall, born fat, spent most of my life at double the size I should be, it’s a miracle I have no medical history. Lost around 7 stones July2011- Sept 2012 with Atkins but piled it all back on as i couldn’t sustain in the longterm. Tried to repeat at least 3 times but my couldn’t lose no matter how well I stuck to 20g carbs. Thought I would try BSD – nothing to lose (well , everything to lose , actually – lol). I think this has worked for me because of the extreme calorie restriction. My overall diet before BSD is actually very health with occasional cake binges, so my main aim was no cake for 8 weeks. Lordy, I do love Greggs French Fancies – they’ll be going into liquidation now!

    Started 12 March – weight 16stones 0pounds – bust 54.5inches -waist 53.0 inches -hips 54 inches
    After 4 weeks – weight 15stones 0pounds – bust 52.5 – waist 49.5inches – hips 52 inches
    After8 weeks – weight 14 stones 6 pounds – bust 50 inches – waist 48 inches – hips 51 inches

    I did not use any recipes from the book. I made up simple 200 calorie meals, quick and easy to prepare using food from my nomal diet, making sure each meal had protein/low carbs in it. The less faffing about the better- (plus I didn’t have to fork out a fortune on foods that were going to be only partially used- so green tea with slice of lemon and fresh ginger for breakfast, 200 cals at about 1pm, 200 cals about 4pm and 400 calorie at 7sh having what the rest of the family was having

    I am deliriously happy with these results as nothing else was working. Believe me when I say I can stick to a diet!

    I have done no strength training (bad) and done about 12×10, 000steps throughtpout the 8 weeks (bad) Mainly because I did feel lethargic and couldn’t summon up the energy to do so.

    My future plan? I have given this long hard thoughts. I am tempted to continue with 800 calories because I find this really easy to do. However, my lack of energy discourages me from doing this. So, I am going to be sensible and go to BSD 5:2 for 4 weeks and see how the weight loss pans out and also to give my body a bit of a rest. Also , I will have energy to exercise and be more active.

    I am very aware of cortisol and thyroid issues if I continue this longterm. I contacted BSD team on two occasions to confirm if I should be concerned about these issues. I have received no contact from them after 2 weeks , so I have given up.
    I am sure my weight loss will slow and may even grind to a halt. If this happens, after 4 weeks I will go back onto BSD800 for second round. Hopefully, the second round continue to work (unlike the Atkins).

    When I lost all that weight on Atkins, I really thought I had it cracked, was evangelical about , nothing was going to stop me, everybody said how fab I looked after seeing me fat for 55 years, but pile it back on I did, much to my own shock and disbelief. I am better prepared this time and know the pitfalls to watch out for.

    My name is ‘dumptynomore.’ Definitely jumping the gun as I am still a very round butterball but I wanted to be positive and look to the future.

    I hope readers have found this useful and apologies for banging on – I do go on a bit.

  • posted by Eureka

    Hi dumptynomore
    Many congrats & welcome to Vets Inc! A place on the board I think. Good plan, hope it proves so
    Eureka 👌 💐

  • posted by Lucia

    Hi new play mates.

    My name is Lucia and I am a sugarholic. I have been on the Wagon for eight weeks and a few hours.
    I am an absolute genius on this BS800 diet, especially
    how to fail and recover.
    How to slip and get up.
    How to be thick, not understand but ask questions, read and get help.
    How to put a pound on and then work harder to lose it
    How to be …..human.

    So, after my eight weeks, I thought I would come here and have a look around.
    I like what you have done with the place, maybe we could add a few more scatter cushions and Chinz drapes.
    I don’t feel ready to move straight in and leave my old blog.
    I will probably write on both as I continue.

    One question, do you have any crazies in here?
    Will I fit in?
    Let me test you, how much is a dollop of yoghurt?

    It feels strange being here, like the first day of school, where don’t know many people, and are unsure how you will be taken.
    Do any of you want to come it and play?
    Love Lucia

  • posted by hashimoto

    He he lucia, scroll up I beat you to it 🙂

  • posted by Purplepenguin

    Hi over the eight week line and more guys did the eight weeks fine and lost 14.8 kilos so really happy decided to continue on and am about to start week two of second set of eight weeks but for some reason I am finding it harder and want to go back to old habits! Anybody got advice on this. I haven’t slipped at all but feel like I could right now 🙁

  • posted by dumptynomore

    hi Eureka – thank you so much for your lovely welcome and flowers. Vets Inc. – I love it! I hope my plan works too! I have a 57 year old history of plans not working but I blame that on false governmental advise. Low fat, anyone? I guess the sad truth is that I (and I suspect a few others on here) can never really relax and will always have to be vigilant.

    I’d like to thank you for being such a wonderful support to us newbies who have been warily moving forward – you are are a star! Many thanks

  • posted by Eureka

    Hi dumptynomore
    Aw-shucks! Ta. You are no slouch yourself 😉 If it’s in your genes ( I think mine is, T 2) then I have to sleep with one eye open. BSD vigilantes, surppressing sugar. Like it.
    Yep HM.Gov has much to answer for ( lol)! No, really! And we’re gonna make em pay 😠 Grrrrrr❗️

  • posted by Alanhypno

    Lucia a dollop of yoghurt is free,I Nick it from my relatives fridge they never notice !

  • posted by hashimoto

    Welcome to the veterans club purplepenguin 🙂

  • posted by Purplepenguin

    Thanks Hashimoto great to be here 🙂

  • posted by Lucia

    Does anyone mind if I move those chairs over to the right, and the sofa nearer the window?
    I have brought the scatter cushions.
    Now what colour shall we do the walls, make sure the colours aren’t edible. None of that apple white, cherry red, Avecado green, lemon yellow, caramel brown, chocolate, strawberry pink. Etc
    We need … I know, … How about magnolia?
    Everyone does magnolia.
    Now a few scented candles here and here.

    Now, does this suit everyone?


    Love Lucia

  • posted by Californiagirl

    Hi Purplepenguin, yes, I know what you are talking about — I am on week 10 and I am tempted to cheat. The diet has been very successful for me and I really would like to lose a bit more, so I decided to continue for “a few weeks”. Well, I think now that my casual thinking of a “few more weeks” has made me less serious and that is affecting my motivation. It also reminds me that although I have done well, I don’t have this thing beat yet. So, to get my head back in the game, I am planning on eight weeks more. My personal trick is to take 4 by 6 sticky notes and number them 1-56. Every morning I pull one off and start my food diary — the sticky notes are easy to take with me, I can even put them on my i-phone screen! At the end of the day I record it in my calendar. Watching the sticky notes pile getting smaller and smaller is motivating and every day I get a “fresh start” with a clean, new sticky note!

  • posted by jimbob

    Purplepenguin I can relate exactly to your fear of slipping back into old habits. Finished my 8 weeks 4 weeks ago and had planned on a bit of slippage as my wife and I were having a mini break which had been planned pre any knowledge of BSD. My loss was 30 lbs and though no absolute target felt another stone off would be good to take me down to 12ish stone which for a 5 foot 10 guy would be about right, however despite good intentions have stuck at post 8 weeks principally as have given myself small rewards of a few pringles or couple of squares of dark chocolate. No bread or biscuits so I know daily intake will not be massively over 800 but when not losing as before can lose heart just a bit. Really keen to know latest bloods but not due for another couple of months so just a bit in limbo of late, anyway I know the cure just now seems harder to apply, but have no intentions of regaining these lost pounds have given away all my XL clothes and will not be going back to that.

  • posted by captainlynne

    Welcome to all the new veterans 😃 Great to see this group growing 😃

    Lucia, you’ll fit in fine on here (and meet lots of old friends) – and thanks for the homely touches to the club room.

    *Hands Lucia a spare set of keys*. Have these so you can get in to keep the place tidy😃 Will you please make sure we have enough coffee and sparkling water?

  • posted by hashimoto

    I like your sticky notes idea 🙂

  • posted by Purplepenguin

    Thanks Californiagirl and jimbob like the sticky notes idea just have to get into that zone again it is the total lack of energy that is annoying and frustrating I think things are slipping but not signifantly but still no carbs bloods in a couple of weeks so maybe something will show up then wondering if my levythyroxine needs upping. Thanks for you support greatly appreciated. 🙂

  • posted by Lucia

    Who has left muddy footprints on my clean floor?

    Now come on! Keep this place tidy, I have a gang coming over soon from the first eight weeks group.
    They will need to sit down and get settled in.

    Now who has hidden my yellow duster?

    Love Lucia

  • posted by Lucia

    Hi captain Lynn, thanks for the spare keys, I will keep the place tidy.
    😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇love Lucia

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