One week at a time beginning 26th October 2021

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  • posted by florob85

    Tulip huge hugs winging their way to you!

    Wendy thank you for the sage advice, I’m still out in the weeds but I think you might have a point about the wedding, I think maybe I’ve convinced myself so deeply that I’m not worthy of being loved or seen as beautiful, that maybe I’m letting it be a self fulfilling prophecy that I’ll look like a troll on my wedding day, and look back at the photos and say see I told you so!

    Bernie, if you’re logging in on your phone, when you log in select the remember me tick box underneath – it keeps you logged in then, I have the same issue, it’s annoying!

    Keep on keeping on everyone xx

  • posted by Bernie R

    Thank you Florob85
    How did your weekend go?
    I had a super week then had friends round at the weekend and we had a unplanned pizza night!
    Today is a New day and had a lovely breakfast followed by a walk then the gym.
    How do you lovely folk handle these type of situations? They are going to happen so pointers on how to be social would be great please.

  • posted by sixturkeys

    Bernie, you may feel you have been cut off. I can’t keep up with weekly threads. “Lovely breakfast followed by a walk then the gym” – wow! I think you know just there how to handle the odd pizza night with friends.

  • posted by Bernie R

    Hi Sixturkeys
    Thanks for you words of encouragement……………….
    How are you going? If you do slip up Food or drink wise do you just go back on to the bsd?
    I was tempted to have branflakes yesterday morning But knew it was a slippery slope into a carb fest.
    I have avo, Fetta chilli, a sprinkle of dukah and a squeeze of lemon and felt really full!
    The Meals are great!
    Hope you have a lovely day

  • posted by Elle-Mae

    Bernie you could make up a low carb pizza from cauliflower rice or celeriac base, top it with your low carb choice of topping and keep it in the freezer, then if an unexpected social/pizza situation arises in the future you could whip it out if the freezer and have it cooked in the time a pizza is ordered/delivered. 🍕.

  • posted by Bernie R

    Perfect idea thanks ! How long have you being making wise choices like this?

  • posted by Elle-Mae

    Bernie I have been doing this woe since June 2021 😁

  • posted by sunshine-girl

    Elle and Bernie, you can now contribute to the 9th November thread as this one is now dormant.

  • posted by Bernie R

    Hi Elle-Mae
    It must have been daunting to set out on a new way of eating that was not backed by your support team.
    How wonderful that you kept going and now you have set an example how your support team May help others in the future.
    It feels like we are living through a way of eating that will become much more normal one day……..
    You story and the others have given me hope that this will work long term.
    Thanks for sharing

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