Hi everyone. First of all arcticfox, my heart really goes out to you and even if I have a moan now and then I dont know how you are coping and you are in my thoughts. With all the fire problems in Europe it seems Canada has dropped off the UK news radar. Parts of the south of France are on fire but that might just be the ‘usual’ seasonal, usually caused by idiots with portable bbqs, campfires, cigarette butts etc. Hopefully it is nothing more. Here in the southwest we are warming up but nothing like even Spain at 45 degrees yesterday. We hit 34 yesterday but that is just a normal summer. In fact we have just had a thunderstorm and a heavy downpour.
So, back to my woes. Dd just texted, her bloke has just been given his kids passports by his ex and, i think you have already guessed what comes next, yes – one of them is out of date. Seems like there is little to no chance of getting an emergency appointment so they are not coming. My dd and the 2 boys will still come but I know she will be miserable but she really wants to come. If she cancelled now her boys would be let down. What a great big pile of poop his has been. Maybe we should just sell up and go back.
So many people posting, I dont know if I can keep up. Will now look on YT for Fat Fiction.
It might be helpful for people to say which diet they are on when they ask for specifica advice as we are such a mixed bunch. We tend to assume everyone is on BSD 800 or Fast 800 but some of you might be doing 5:2 and have larger allowances on some days. Just say what calorie allowance you are on. And, week on week, we cant necessarily remember although I often look back at profiles to see if anyone has a medical issue or states which diet they are on.
Ellie666, all calories should be counted as they can soon add up if you are on v.l.cal it might only be a matter of 50 or 100 which tips you over. Although a few here and there are not to be worried about.
AMZ just do what you can and look for people on here for support.
Joeybee – there should be no carb loading, in fact MM suggesting dropping exercise rather than eating carbs. My brother is a gym fanatic and has just been diagnosed with high cholesterol so I told him to stop the rice and pasta pre-gym. He thought he wouldnt be able to do his workouts but I put him onto boiled eggs, lean meat, a few nuts, cheese etc. He is doing fine and his cholesterol is right down to normal again. Your body gets used to not needing the carbs and starts searching for stored fat to live on. That is one of the main principles of this diet. So really no-one here should be eating any carbs – no bread, pots, rice, pasta….. you know the list..
I know this diet is strict but it does work and it is also worth it for the other health benefits. When you burn more fat the first place your body loses it is around your internal organs which causes all sorts of problems, diabetes, heart disease, fatty liver and so on. Although, having said that, it is better to do your best than not do it at all.
Well, I am going off to have a little cry now. Take care everyone and have a good week / weekend.