No loss after week eight?

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  • posted by Roxanna

    Hi there fellow dieters I have successfully lost 18 kg on the fast blood sugar diet in the first 8 weeks but since then I have lost nothing. I am really frustrated as I don’t understand how it’s possible to maintain your weight at such low calories. I keep my carbs under 50g. Most of the time I manage to keep them under 40. I have eaten the same meals every single day since I started. It just doesn’t make sense. I have started some exercise ie skipping light jogging and walks. My starting weight was 106 kg and I am 5f 4in so I was severely obese. I now weigh 88.2 kg. and I’ve been this weight for the last month. It just won’t budge. Has anybody else experienced this? Please all help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks

  • posted by ruthdownunder

    Roxanna, you are having a ‘famine reaction’. 18 kg is a huge amount and your system and body are just digesting it. Do not panic, read other posts from longer termers. Some have many plateaus and then it starts again. I would say be kind and do not stress, maybe eat a few different good foods and remember how far you have come. Just be patient and kind to yourself. Look on the hello thread for some of Lucky’s posts, and others.

    Vary your good foods a bit. Jog your system a bit, not in cals but in flavours and textures. And remember that is a very substantial weight loss. If you were at WW they would be cheering you.

    If you google ‘famine reaction’ you will find some very interesting reading which will help explain your plateau. It is an evolutionary defence mechanism to stop you starving to death – I know you are not and it is very frustrating but if you read some of Dr Amanda’s research you will understand what to do to get over it.

    Best of luck, keep us posted

  • posted by ruthdownunder

    Roxanna, if you look on ‘over 32 weeks’ you will see a post from Imogen who has lost 45 pounds over 18 weeks, a great loss, but she mentions several long plateaus, as do others.

  • posted by Igorasusual

    Sorry for your frustration. 🙁

    I think if you have eaten the same foods for the whole time a fresh look at possibilities might help and also refocus yourself – almost like a new start.

    if you’ve had lots of meat, try fish (or vice versa)
    Try different vegetables – swap cauliflower for broccoli for example
    Do soups if you’ve not already done them
    Try spicy food – I love chilli now and it’s absolutely delicious in stir fries. Or invent your own curries if you like them.

    If you make things interesting again it will take your mind off the scales.

    Also I’m always going on about MEASURING. I think visceral fat does vanish and for some strange reason doesn’t show on the scales. How are your clothes doing? Looser? Does your face look thinner, is your waist smaller?

    Have you tried drinking even more water?

    It WILL work, just see if you can mix it I again and “relaunch”. And read all the long-term threads here !

    Very best wishes to you and congratulations on your losses so far!

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