Hello All,
I’ve just found this site today and quite new to all of this so hoping for some help please.
I started the fast800 4 weeks ago. My aim initially was to try and stick to something for more than a day without resorting to junk food and carbs.
So I’m really enjoying the food and have managed 3 meals a day from the book and no snacks. I wasn’t sticking to exactly 800 calories. More trying to have 3 meals that I liked and stick to it.
The first 2 weeks I lost 8.5lbs. The second 2 weeks I’ve lost nothing. So feeling a bit despondent.
I’m only 5ft so the calorie defecit maybe hasn’t been as big as it should be since I’ve not made sure I’m only having 800 calories. I’m also not doing more exercise.
So this week I’m going to aim for 800 calories and walking everyday. Is there anything else you would recommend I do? Thanks for your advice