I was diagnosed as being borderline pre-diabetic around 18 months ago with blood tests showing HbCA1C at 43 and Glucose level 6.00. I have been overweight most of my life and must have tried every diet going (even the really stupid ones!) When I started the BSD on 2nd May I weighed in at 121.2 kg. Today I weigh 110.00 kg. I have had a few weeks where the weight loss has been amazing, some weeks the loss has been minimal and some weeks where I have stayed the same. However I have only had one week where I have put on 0.4 kg (about a lb) I have tried to stick to 50g carbs a day and 850 calories a day. I haven’t always managed that. Some days I have been hungrier than other days and have eaten more. I have also ‘fallen off the waggon’ on some days. However I climb back on and start the journey again the following day. Somethin I have never managed before on other diets. I think this must be because my head is in the right place at the moment and I like most of the food that I can eat on this diet. My husband has joined me on the diet, although his goal was to help me and to lose 6.35 Kg (around a stone) I realise how lucky I am for his support as those who have a family or a partner (not on a diet) have a very hard task. I didn’t have a set goal other than to chip away at the 45 kg (7 stone) I felt I was overweight by and hopefully improve my blood test results. I still have a long journey ahead of me but I feel confident I can do this. I can now cope with the disappointing weeks. Physically and mentally I feel so much better.
If you are struggling, having a bad day or week, are feeling disappointed at your results, please stick with it. Don’t be hard on yourself. I have a small bar of chocolate every Saturday night. Some weeks that has been my light at the end of a tunnel. Find your light ! Good luck everybody.
My blood results today were HbA1C = 40 Glucose = 4.8