Low mood end week 5

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  • posted by Gordosh

    I’ve read a few posts commenting on low mood as my mood has been getting lower and more irritable as I’ve been progressing. Now, at the end of week 5, I went out for my sons birthday last night and decided to eat what I wanted (I’m a long term low carber anyway) when I added up my food on MFP, I’d had what was a normal amount of calories for my ht, wt etc for the day. What a difference- today I feel like my old self, what a relief. Think, on the strength of that, I might pop up to 900 cals/day as I don’t want to feel that bad again. I don’t have any prior history of depressed mood but it certainly seemed to have been impacting on my serotonin (my best guess).

  • posted by freester

    I seem to remember getting a bit low, grumpy irritable around week 3/4 of my 800 cal phase. I started taking an Iron supplement at that point which also helped.

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