TDEE is a calculation based on your weight, height, gender and activity level of the average number of calories per day that you will be burning. There are loads of different calculators available online. – The theory is that one lbs weight loss comes from 3500 less calories eaten against burnt. So you need to look at the difference between the number of calories you eat and the number you are using.
Secondly your shape changes may be happening somewhere other than your waist and hips. For me I had a noticeable change in about 4 inch wide steps up my legs in the first few months on this WOE.
I know that muscle takes up a smaller space than the same amount in weight of fat. So you could be having a period where the muscles on your arms and legs are increasing in response to the increase in exercise. I am currently on a long plateau as well with regard to weight. But I can see where my shape is changing. I don’t understand why but on the current plateau without loosing a single pound I have managed to loose 4 inches off my hips. I think that in response to exercise I am increasing muscle in parts of my body as well as loosing fat from the spare tyre, but without access to one of those expensive body scans its difficult to prove.
What I do know is that its basic science, if your carb levels are low enough so that your body can access fat as its fuel source, and your calorie intake is less than you are burning there is no option for your body other than to reduce levels of fat.