Let's do this in 2021 ! One Week at a Time beginning January 5th 2021

We have not checked the qualifications of anyone posting here. If you are have any health related symptoms or concerns, you should contact your doctor who will be able to give you advice specific to your situation.

  • posted by wendleg

    Well that’s it …We have decided to keep the weekly thread going as 2021 begins ! We recognise that some need the accountability of a weekly target and that helps them stay on track .

    So as always we are here to give advice and support whether you are a complete beginner or one of our regulars .

    It’s all been said before but this programme works !!! I have a long history of obesity and yo you dieting . I tried everything and was never able to keep the weight off, feeling pretty miserable after each failed attempt .I always felt deprived and gave in to binge chocolate scoffing. That all changed when I discovered the Fast 800 and low carb eating in general . Time to re think everything you thought you knew about dieting and what Weight watchers or Slimming World taught you !!

    If you know and love us , please come back and say Hi . If you are just starting out, then welcome . You are making the best decision for your future health and well being and we look forward to getting to know you .
    Wendy, SunnyB and Sunshine Girl xxx

  • posted by Starina

    Really delighted to see a weekly check in. I started on 4th November and lost 20lbs to Christmas. Delighted that I only put on a lb despite not overly thinking consumption. Next goal is 30lbs by end of March which will get me to 199lbs!! Target weight 135-145lbs – hoping I know when I get there!

    Starting BSD as a fresh round tomorrow. Just finished fitting a new kitchen which included removing Christmas leftovers!!

  • posted by sunshine-girl

    Hi Wendy, thanks for setting up a new weekly thread with a fancy pants new name for 2021. This is going to be a great year, trust me and believe you can achieve whatever you want. The diet book I follow is the Blood Sugar Diet which is slightly different to the Fast 800 with more emphasis on diabetes worries although they are basically the same diet with the same great results. Will start my annual weigh in tomorrow and make that my starting point.

    Good luck.

  • posted by Verano

    Happy New Year! Thank you Wendy for stepping up to the plate yet again!
    S-g ….. I believe you ….. I really, really do ……I’m trusting you!
    Another year just begun and we can make it as good as we want it to be, we just have to ‘believe’.
    Tuesday had always been my weigh-in day so I’m ready to start again tomorrow. Despite a fraught year I only gained a little over 6lbs, which feels like a victory to me. My starting point was the 1st but I keep daily, weekly, monthly figures …. a bit ‘obsessive’ maybe?
    Anyway, let’s get to where we each wish to be this year.
    Looking forward to logging, counting, cooking, eating healthy whole foods and sharing our journeys together.

  • posted by ADD6605

    Thank you for setting up the weekly thread again Wendy.I didn’t post much on last one but will try to this time,along with the Easter Bus Tour,Positive Thoughts and Non Scale Victories threads!
    Was completely off this WOE over Christmas and I feel pretty grotty because of that,aches and pains much worse,heartburn,bloated so am looking forward to getting back on track.I have no idea how much weight I have gained over Christmas,weighed myself on Christmas Eve and don’t intend to again until 1st Feb when I will hopefully be feeling much better.I got quite a few nice tops for Christmas which I can fit into but which will look much better with less weight around my middle.I got the Fast800 journal to fill in last year but didn’t really use it much so intend to this year.I looked inside it yesterday and found a card I had popped in there in July which I had forgotten about and it lists various body measurements so I will retake them all when I’m feeling at a healthy weight and hopefully see a big difference!Dawn X

  • posted by SunnyB

    Wendy, thank you for kicking off a new weekly thread, to get us started on the right track for 2021 and it’s good to see some joiners signing up already.

    As something of an old hand, I’m happy to co-host with Wendy and Sunshine-Girl and offer whatever support and advice I can. Currently (by which I mean this morning) I weigh in at 6lbs over target and am keen to return to basics to get rid of these, before they decide to multiply! Most days I will be on one meal a day, but every day will be at least 16:8, to extend my overnight fast.

    Will do my best to check in daily and look forward to being part of your journey.

  • posted by Riccoh

    Hi All. Happy New Year. Thanks again Wendy. I look forward to the coming months. I am returning to my exercise programme today. I’ll start with a 6k walk this morning. I’ve decided not to go back to the gym. I’ve been going for 8 years but now I think I have the skills to continue on my own.
    I have dropped a lot of activities for this year. Groups I belong to, etc.
    My husband is again sabotaging my attempts. He even overfeeds the cat and the fish. His intentions are loving but not helpful. He has T2D but is in denial. He is only a little overweight and his other readings, fat etc, sre within normal boundaries. Sugar is high and not managed well. I need to put all my focus into being strong for both of us. I still have 20-25k to go.( I will reassess my goal when I get close.)
    Stay strong everyone. Wr can do this together.

  • posted by Riccoh

    Sorry about the typos!!!

  • posted by Russianroulade

    Hi all!!

    I’m back. It’s a cliche, but it’s a new year, so I’ve started again today. It’s clear we’re likely to be in lockdown in the UK for at least 8 weeks, so I’d like to have something to show for it at the end of lockdown. Or rather I’d like to have less of me to show. I’m at my heaviest, after over indulging, but have always believed it is your mind that keeps you motivated and my mind is very much in the game. So here I am. In for 8 weeks. Let’s do this!
    We’ve got this guys

  • posted by Tulip1

    Hi all, thank you squillions for setting up the weekly thread again- it’s been such a lifeline for me the last 7 months with this new WOE.
    I’ve managed to maintain over the Christmas period which I think is pretty fab. I have goals, short term and longer term. I’ve put a longer version in the Easter bus thread, maybe I will copy it over tomorrow. I’m on it. Let’s do this in 2021!! 😚😚

  • posted by Mifoz

    Thank you for starting this up again Wendy. I’m one who gets a lot from a weekly update and reading others ups and downs.

    Sorry to hear the uk is going back into lockdown. The flare up of covid in Sydney is a concern, and my husband and I decided not to go to the test cricket this weekend. Luckily we could get a full refund, accommodation and all. We do NOT want to be the people to bring it back in to our region! So far we are covid free up here in Newcastle, but know that it can all change very quickly.

    My scales (a cheap set I grabbed from Kmart back when I started in October) died two days ago, so I’m not sure if I’ve dropped the small amount I put on over Christmas. New one on the way, so I’ll just keep at it and hopefully get some good news when it arrives. (Note I’ve just been struggling with the plural and singular of scales while writing this. I’m a writer by trade, so it is bothering me somewhat 😂)

    Along with a group of friends we were planning a big trip to the US this year when we all turn 50, but with that not happening, we are thinking short breaks in Australia together throughout the year. My very encouraging pals have suggested doing some walking/hiking trips to help keep me motivated with my fitness goals. We have a practice bushwalk in the national park near here in two weeks – I think it’s about 3km downhill to the ocean (and then back up – 😣) so I’ve started practising hill walks. 1.5km yesterday – up and down hills. Ouch. I’ll try to increase it every day. Wish me luck! 😆

  • posted by MerryMelba

    Happy New Year everyone, and THANK YOU 🌺 Wendy for setting us up a new Weekly thread. Much appreciated.
    Like many others have said, I know the extra carbs I ate in December greatly contributed to flare ups of aches and pains, arthritis, etc. I have sciatica like Butterlover – and it is exacerbated by high carbs. SO determinedly back on track for January – pretty much in my maintenance range, but as JGwen says it is also about body composition. During our 100+ days of lockdown I was doing some online exercise, but haven’t been doing very much since then – so some exercise is called for. Hopefully swimming!
    Made a delicious fish pie with cauliflower mash topping yesterday, which will do me for a few meals this week. Eating some fermented foods – including a spicy lemon achar I made in November and some pickled carrots.
    Good to hear you are staying away from the cricket Mif – you’ll get a good safe view on tellie 🙂 I am hoping that the Aust Open Tennis is held without spectators – especially if these current outbreaks aren’t under control. Have fun on those hill climbs!
    Best wishes to all in UK with the new lockdown there. Out with the jigsaw puzzles, embroidery, sewing etc to pass the time, and some YouTube exercise videos.
    Good to see you back RussianRoulade 🌷

  • posted by Maryanne Cardoz-Mascarenhas

    I am on this Today onwards! I am going to reverse Type 2Diabetes with your help and GOD! Amen!

  • posted by WindyJulz

    Happy new year to you all!
    Thanks for the thread Wendy, I really appreciate it, i find the longer term ones good but if im not online much I feel i miss to much to jump back in, where as weekly its ok if i dont contribute for a week or 2.

    So i didnt counted calories for 10 days over the festivities, all went according to what i had planned at least initially, but i will confess to the occasional biscuit and chocolate related snaxident! But thats ok. In my “defence” (actiually, we shouldnt be using langiage like this….. we dont need to feel bad or defend food choices) but still, I ran 60k over a 10 day period finishing with a half marathon on Hogmanay. And i am not really a runner, and have never enjoyed it, until 21st Dec when i ran with a chum, slowly, for 10k and discovered it can be pleasant if im not chasing times…..anyway, hoping all the running, and many long walks, has offset some of the food choices. Average steps in December 14700, with 2 weeks averaging 21500. I’m not going to weigh til saturday anyway….. get 5 days back on plan in there!
    Amazing to learn though, just how much my guts do not appreciate carbs, the new normal is much better than the old normal….. theres a motivator in itself.

    So nice to read up dates, had a good break away from screens.

    Here is to a “good” January….or at least a January where we can be good to ourselves, despite all the chaos!


  • posted by Olive_1

    Hi all and Happy New Year!
    Thanks Wendy/Sunny B/Sunshinegirl for continuing beeing true leaders for us all.
    I’ve kick started 2021 from Jan 2nd by going really low carb, and just finished a 38 hour fast. This puts me only 1 kg over my lowest weight pre- Christmas. I was indulging quite a lot over the holiday, so nice to see that it is possible to reverse quite quickly. Have also started a 21-day online workout program, am feeling quite sore now on day 4, but am loving it. It’s part of me focusing on changing my body composition this year. Need to lower my fat% big time.
    Hoping for the best for all of you and nice to see both familiar names and new ones.

  • posted by MerryMelba

    Welcome Maryanne. You sound ready to go!
    You’ll fire plenty of people here, and many who have successfully tackled T2D, so ask as many questions as you need to. Have you read the BSD or Fast800 books? Also lots of useful info in the Take a Look at This thread https://thebloodsugardiet.com/forums/topic/take-a-look-at-this/
    All the best- this works and you can do it!

  • posted by lauraknits

    Hi All and Happy New Year.
    I have been here before and the BSD worked well for me until last year when everything went pear shaped (including me !)
    I would like to discard 39lb as this would bring me into the healthy weight range and seems achievable. I do think I need to post weekly to make me accountable and keep me on track so I’m very grateful for this thread.
    Today is my day one and I am positive and motivated … and possibly driving my colleagues mad already 🙂

  • posted by SunnyB

    Merry – great that you maintained over the festive season. The pie sounds delicious.
    Marianne – Welcome! We try to encourage and offer advice where we can, so if you have any questions just shout …. someone will respond for sure.
    Julz – your running sounds very impressive, well done for sticking with it.
    Olive – sure you will see off that small gain quickly. You sound really upbeat about the exercise and I’m sure that will help you achieve goals.
    Laura – Welcome back … sounds like you are really in the zone …. onwards and downwards!

    I’m still working on getting back to basics, but had an okay day yesterday and it’s going fine so far to day. Planning a chorizo and chicken dish for this evening, including some aubergine too.

    Whatever you are planning for your dinner this evening, enjoy!

  • posted by Marsie

    Happy new year to everyone and good wishes. It is a very long time since I’ve been active on the forum but seeing a weekly thread was very inviting. And nice to see some well recognised names.
    Between October 2019 and May 2020, I became 10kg lighter. This took me just into normal weight range. I maintained that +/-1kg until about November when that 10kg became 8kg. By today it was steadily 9kg over a week. I would like it to be 12kg, then maybe I’ll fully acknowledge the actual weight rather than the weight gone. Silly perhaps, but, whatever works🙃.

  • posted by sunshine-girl

    Hi everyone, we are gathering a nice mix of new and old. Welcome back Marcie you will soon be seeing the numbers you want with only 3kg to get to your under the norm weight. I have a long way to go before that.

    Maryanne if you need any specific help or have any questions or worries about your diabetes just shout out. There is a wealth of knowledge and experience on here.

    Didnt quite get back on track yesterday because I saw Verano say she started the diet on a Tuesday. Yes we did V, all those years ago which is why the start of the new week has become a Tuesday tradition. (Not blaming you V) I managed very well over the festivities but the weekend just gone I seemed to see the ‘must not reached that weight’ number as a target rather than something to avoid and gained half a kilo. But I am pleased to say I managed to stay within my limits. Dont forget everyone, keep on keeping on…

  • posted by wendleg

    Oooh so lovely to see the thread is already taking off with lots of our lovely regulars and newcomers . Beware new people …I will be compiling a list of contributors for 2021 and you are already at the top of the list . If you go quiet I will come and find you !!!!!

    It really feels like I am among friends ( what a softie I am !!)
    Keep posting your progress and if you need any guidance about anything at all just shout .

    I’m feeling very motivated with my reboot because I am compiling lots of new recipes which are simple and tasty ( no fancy ingredients and I am dairy and nut free for the moment)
    I will just say I used to love my pasteurised crème fleurette in my morning coffee ( sort of French single cream) but I have discovered a very satisfying alternative for hemp milk cappucino. 4 cups water, 2/3rds cup of shelled hemp seeds ( hemp hearts) , a pinch of salt ( vanilla if wished) Just wizzed up in the blender until completely smooth and sieved through a nut /muslin bag , squeezing the pulp tightly to extract any remaining milk. I warm up about half a mug and add it to a strong morning coffee . It’s a keeper .
    Hemp milk has a very mild nutty taste and is very nutritious.

    Hope to see articfox checking back in . Bryla where are you ?
    Merry ! My boys are in Tasmania ! Visiting my hubby’s daughter for a week . EC where are you ..?? Wish I was in Tas….would come to see you in Hobart !! One day ! You too Merry in Melbourne 🙂

  • posted by Verano

    S-g I know exactly what you mean. If I weigh and I haven’t reached that ‘upper limit’ I see it as a success ….. time for a change in ‘thought patterns’ I think. I have actually dropped my goal down to 5% body weight at a time but I’m not sure if that’s giving me too much leeway?
    Hi Marsie! And of course all the other golden oldies and new spirits.
    Day 1 has been OK but I haven’t been logging today. In the early days I used to weigh and count all the ingredients in a dish or soup I made but now I just guess …. need to get the precision back in my life. Tomorrow is another day …. will do better!

  • posted by Russianroulade

    Hi all.
    Feeling great as I have discarded 2.5 pounds this morning. I’m drinking loads of water and don’t feel hungry at all. My partner is doing it with me and I have to say it makes things so much easier.
    Glad to see so many familiar faces. We’ve got this guys.

  • posted by EllieAllegra

    Hi all – I’ve been posting on the Easter bus thread 🙂 I’m on Day 4 of restarting F800…a few hunger pangs but hopefully these will settle down soon. I’m determined to make it through to the initial 12 weeks…I’ve got a lot of weight to get rid of so will be in it for the long haul. Hope everyone is staying safe and well xx

  • posted by EC

    Happy New Year friends old and new!!
    We are back from being SO very fortunate to visit our kids and grandkids in Victoria for Christmas! Truly special to catch up with them all ….and tears were definitely shed when we first hugged the grandkids at the school gate!
    Unsurprisingly, there have been some COVID outbreaks over the holiday season but we still have no community transmission here in Tas (only a few returned travellers in hotel quarantine) -I do hope all of you in the UK are staying safe and well at this very troubling time-I must admit, we were truly impressed with how compliant most Victorians were in regard to mask-wearing

    So Wendy….tell your boys we actually have two (COVID safe) events on this weekend!!! -feels great to be working towards something positive after last year -the Sunday has already sold out, but there are tix for Saturday….and some of Tasmania’s best musicians (IMHO) https://events.humanitix.com/day-at-rosny-farm
    tell them to say hi if they do come! :)…shame it’s not you though….one day!!

    I wasn’t too fussed about food etc while away, though the first week at least, I kept making juices and TRE….not eating till early afternoon and even with Christmas not too much over-indulging
    However, since we got back I’ve had a massive flare of my hip bursitis (ADD6605 and M Melba-with you both, sadly) and I have found myself wanting to eat more to dull the pain (counter-productive, of course!!) so I have regained just over a kg ….and of course, all my exercise good intentions are on hold until I’m not limping 🙁
    On the positive side, since we returned my sleep has been great and I’m planning to start swimming semi-regularly after this weekend

    anyhow, I am starting back on MFP and better habits and look forward to staying the distance with this great group-here’s to all of you in 2021!

  • posted by Tulip1

    So whose recipe is the Chocolate torte? I can’t remember but I saved the recipe and made it for NYD- it was amazeballs and I need to thank whever it was!! x

  • posted by EllieAllegra

    Eeeek…woke up after a bad night’s sleep and have been in the grip of having a ‘hungry day’ ever since!! Trying to avert eating everything in sight! Just on my third pint of sparkling water and hoping today improves 😐 Hope everyone is doing well xx

  • posted by sunshine-girl

    Hi everyone, looks like wendleg is going to have to type a loooooog list of attendees. EllieAllegra, it is well known that it is hard to sleep when you are hungry and the opposite is true so there is some evidence that lack of sleep causes hunger. It is something to do with leptin and ghrelin levels. Ghrelin makes us feel hungry but if you have a small snack before you go to bed (an hour or so) to increase your leptin (satisfaction hormone) you will be able to sleep better. Then it is a vicious circle, if you dont have enough sleep your body will produce more ghrelin and make you feel hungry. Try a small snack but it is important it is very small as having to digest a lot of food can disrupt sleep. What to have. I do the same to stop my diabetes numbers rising in the night and usually I have a small piece of cooked meat, preferably not cured meat so cooked chicken or a mouthful of tinned tuna or even a cube of cheese. Try to keep it within the carb and calorie allowance you are following. For me tonight I always have my clean the fridge out fritatta made with 6 eggs. Hubby have half on his dinner plate and from my half I save a quarter – that is then my bedtime snack.

    Did my 30 mins exercise this morning (2nd time in 2 days) and my body is starting to remember how good it feels. I have set myself my new goal and starting from Monday 4th it is 13 weeks to Easter so I have set myself a pound a week. It is not a lot if you are new to this diet but I have been on it for so long I dont expect big results. Just to put it into my beloved kilos that takes me from 77.9kg to 72kgs. That’s it – done. Just need to do it. Have a good week everyone.

  • posted by EllieAllegra

    Thanks Sunshine-girl – my sleep can sometimes be disrupted due to my pain levels so I’ve upped my meds a bit today. Managed to stay on track so far…hopefully I’ll get by till bedtime!

  • posted by wendleg

    OOOH EC such a treat to be able to meet up with your family after so long . Very much looking forward to that …it will happen. I mentioned the event to my boys but they haven’t got back to me yet , probably too busy touring round Tas !! Such a beautiful place. I hope you can get some relief from the hip bursitis . It sounds horrendous .

    Nothing very exciting to report here . Hubby did a big shop so we have provisions for some time . I hate going out shopping unless it is really local . We are lucky to have farm shops close by .
    Well done on your exercise routine SG . I love my pilates sessions on youtube and I do a Zoom one with 4 chums on Thursday morning . Joe Wicks will be doing his thing again in the UK , bless him keeping everyone motivated .

    Welcome to anyone I haven’t said hi to . You are in the right place. 2021 will be your year !

  • posted by SunnyB

    Thought I’d check in, as I promised to try to do so daily. Day kicked of with a half lb gain on the scales, but I was able to use that, to get myself focused on eating right today, in the hope of seeing better results later this week.

    Today I finally got around to starting both meditation and qigong again, which had lapsed. It’s made me feel really positive and I’m hoping it will help me sleep better tonight too. Have also been making a conscious effort to move around more today, doing stretches and squats every half hour. Figure any additional movement has to be a good thing, even if it’s only a few minutes at a time. Might get the rower out tomorrow as well …. might🤭.

    Hope your day has gone well.

  • posted by Starina

    Promised myself that I would check in…not super brilliant at building relationships and accountability, but hey, it is 2021!

    I was supposed to have returned to BSD today, however last night I slept horribly and ended up resembling pacmac….eating anything in sight. To be fair, I did not do anywhere near as much damage as possible, but certainly not low carb. New day starts now.

    Diet aside, journalling / planning going well and exercise rebooted. Currently a week into Peloton’s Power Zone programme, with an additional weekly pilates. Next week I want to run the strength programme alongside it.

    Have a great evening.

  • posted by Hello 66

    I’d like to join you all , I have been on the forums before but not for a long time .
    A little about myself , I had a Cancer diagnosis 3 years ago , have had four operations since that diagnosis , last mid year last year , lost significant weight due to Chemo side effects , & was severely under weight , & was quite ill , but since last op . have gained weight , & now want to lose 6.6 kilos !

    I have enjoyed reading through some of the forums & recognise so many names & I look forward to getting to know some of you as the year goes by , a week at a time .
    😊Hello 66

  • posted by Jordana

    That’s it – between Starina and Hello 66, I’ve decided to take the plunge and post – it resonates because I’m not very good at accountability either, or posting like this. Is it ok if I join this weekly thread?
    I remember reading your posts from before, Hello 66, not that you’d really remember me cos I didn’t really contribute. You’ve been through so much and are clearly a great fighter, so I feel inspired to really stay on track this time.
    I’ve got 7 stone to lose (most ever for me) and it’s such a daunting prospect. I know this diet works because it worked for me before and I felt much better. (I suffer from Crohn’s). So – here we go again. I started on Monday, and when I weighed today, lost 4lb. Mostly beginner weight I know but it helps.

  • posted by Russianroulade

    Hi to all the newcomers! Welcome. This thread is a friendly and supportive place.
    Day 3 and another pound lost. So 3.5 after two days feels good.
    I struggled with hunger today. I slept badly last night as I was worrying about a meeting, but have just jumped into bed and hoping tomorrow will be easier. I seem to remember the first two weeks were tough, but once I got past that last time, it was easier and I felt much less hungry.
    Come on, we can do this xx

  • posted by Alipetunia

    Hi there. I’m wondering if I can join your wonderful little community? I’ve been following for a while, but thought I could benefit from the support and accountability:). My story- I have struggled with my weight for all of my adult life. Have tried many things, including surgery, with no long term success. I have known for a long time that I have a strong reaction to carbs, but listening to MM has given me a more scientific explanation for what I’m experiencing. I started the Fast 800 on 29th November, and to date have lost 6 kg. I have 20 more kg to lose. This is the longest period of time I have sustained a healthy WOE, and I’m cautiously excited that I can keep this up. I am struggling with long term lower back pain, which is making any exercise difficult. Need to go back to physio and Pilates (which I really don’t enjoy).
    Anyway, I love following your progress which gives me inspiration.

  • posted by SunnyB

    Just wanted to extend a welcome to our first time posters…. happy to have you all onboard.

    We’ll do our best to provide support, advice, pats-on-backs, encouragement – and yes, straight talking – as necessary. Shout out if you have any questions and feel free to come and vent here if you hit a rough patch, someone will always respond – there’s no judgement …. we’re all human and all have slips and trips from time to time.

    Will look forward to sharing your journeys, so please be sure to keep us updated and share your progress.

  • posted by arcticfox

    Hi everyone,
    Welcome to the newcomers.
    Thanks for the shoutout, Wendy. I have been checking in and reading posts once a week or so. I have been very busy looking after my horse and doing work around my place, so haven’t had much time or energy for much else. Today I am getting the evening off from going to see my horse thanks to a major accident closing off the road I would have to travel on to get to the yard. It has given me a chance to catch up on some things at home. I also have an early physio appointment tomorrow, so am planning an early night.
    I am continuing with TRE and I started a new exercise regime yesterday combining core strength training with some yoga.
    Wishing everyone a good week!

  • posted by Hello 66

    You have got this Jordana & I feel honoured that you mentioned me in your comments , & you have given me incentive also to visit here every day & get support & also give support wherever possible , stay strong & look forward to hearing your progress & progress of others & support from those who have reached their goals .

    ❤️🤗Hello 66

  • posted by sunshine-girl

    Hi there, it is so good to see so many new names, especially those who have been watchers and now decided to be joiners. So hi to hello66, starina, jordana and alipetunia – glad you have felt comfortable enough to join us. Not going to call you newbies as I think some of you have been around but just not posted before. Hello66, hope you are doing well. You sound so much like my cousin in Leeds who has been going through the same things. If it is you – hi. That would be a big coincidence.

    I made a classic error yesterday. I was so pleased with myself. Weighed and measured all my food then logged it. Came in at 775 calories so I was well pleased then woke bolt upright this morning. Shit, I forgot to include the cheese on my fritatta – guess that took me over the 800. Hey ho, we cant be perfect all the time and sometimes it just wobbles over the 800 and sometimes under. Feeling good anyway. As I have set myself a 13 week goal of weight loss I will declare my losses (there wont be any gains) but just once a week.
    Have a good rest of week / weekend. Keep on keeping on…

  • posted by wendleg

    Hi everyone

    Hope your day is going well . Starina are you having a better day ? Your exercise routine sounds impressive ! I enjoy pilates too, a 2020 discovery for me .

    Welcome to this thread Hello66 . I read back on your posts from 2018 when you were enduring the most horrendous health challenges and I dare only imagine how difficult that time was . But you are here with us now Hello66 and feeling a whole lot better we hope. 6.6 kilos is a very manageable target and you have already shown incredible mental strength so I have no doubt you will achieve that discard . All the very best and a massive hug Hello 66 and we look forward to getting to know you .

    Hi Jordana ! Don’t be daunted by your target . Try not to look too far ahead . One step at a time and you will get there . I dropped 5 stone and most of that happened before the first year was out . You can do it ! I used to log everything , measurements , meal plans, carb and calorie counts when I first set out and it gave me back so much of the control I had lost with my numerous failed ‘ diets’

    You will be fine Russianroulade. Just keep going. Sometimes just having something to drink helps and allows you to manage any sensation of hunger . Yes, the first couple of weeks can be tough as you transition from high carb foods but it does get better .

    Good to see you with us Alipetunia and well done on your success so far . I never managed to sustain a weight loss program before this one either , in fact putting on more weight each time . You mention back pain . I follow The Girl with the pilates mat on Youtube and she has some very good targeted workouts . Here’s one for lower back pain


    They are gentle and accessible and each move is clearly explained. For sure, Alipetunia you can only maintain an exercise regime you enjoy .

    Good to see you checking in articfox and glad you are ok despite being so busy . It can’t be easy during these winter months but you are always so diligent with your exercise regime . I hope all is going well with the renovations.

    Hi SG ! I wouldn’t worry about not logging your cheese . You have several weeks to work towards your target so it will all balance out, no worries . I know you will get where you want to be .

    Hope you are still feeling motivated folks . Don’t let January 2021 be yet another false start ( I’ve had many I can tell you!) Even if you think you have had a bad day you can just focus on a better one and all will be well xx

  • posted by sunshine-girl

    Apologies for my little swear word.

  • posted by Starina

    Hey @wendleg – thanks for asking. Absolutely. I got up, weighed, and continued my fast from last night. I am due to eat around 4:30, have my meal planned and ready. Staying focussed. I knew this may be a stumbling block (having the Christmas break), but certain once I get back into the flow, I will be fine. I have set weight loss goals for end of March, June, September and December.

  • posted by RubyG

    RubyG and hubby still here, although this week has been a bit more difficult (post-Christmas, cold and grey) than I thought it would be. The planned 800cal this week has so far come in over every day so far (max 1200cal on Monday – I blame the 50g of mixed nuts) but today is looking on track.
    Today’s soup lunch was the Asian-style broth I like to make, but with a beef short rib instead of a chicken breast fillet – more calories but freezer contents need to be used and the meat will be split between the 2 of us over at least 3 meals. The broth just feels so warming and healthy – I simmer the meat in water with a stock cube, some aromatics (lemongrass, bay leaf, whole pimento, star anise) and fresh chopped ginger, garlic, chilli and turmeric, then add finely sliced pak choi, celery, radishes, spring onions, and more ginger, garlic and fresh chilli (and chopped coriander if I have any, not today though).
    Exercise hasn’t really happened yet this week, no excuses, but will try to be better next week.

  • posted by Starina

    Completed the first day back today – fairly happy with macros, although water intake could have been higher. Ended up with 835 calories, 46gm protein (22%), 58gm fat (63%), 32gm carbs (5 of fibre – so net 27gm) – 15%.

    Now back to work, which will serve as a distraction from evening munchies. Hope everyone else had a good day.

  • posted by SunnyB

    Looks like you’ve had a good day, Starina.
    Liking the sound of that soup, Ruby and I don’t think there should be very much difference in values per portion.

    My day has been a good one, both on the food and exercise front. 19hrs overnight fast, small portion of kefir to break that at 14.30 and chicken with fried toms and a few green veggies for dinner. Nothing else now until tomorrow.

  • posted by Ditchedthemet

    A very happy new year to one and all.
    I started on the BSD, after a diagnosis of type 2 diabetes, on the 23rd November with a start weight of 13st 6lb. Currently I’m at 12st 5lb, so am very pleased.
    Id like to get down to 10st_lb by the start of April and keep knocking down my HbA1c ( from 95 at diagnosis in October to 50 mid December) until in at least the pre diabetic range.
    I look forward to meeting you all and sharing!

  • posted by RubyG

    Ended today well, I did a 20 minute youtube yoga session followed by 6.5 minutes on the exercise bike!
    Stew of pork cheeks with lots of veg and cauliflower mash, under 800 cal today!
    And Sunny has reminded me, I have revived my kefir too, may have some later.

  • posted by Ditchedthemet

    @rubyg your soup recipe sounded delicious earlier – can I ask do you eat once a day?
    And do you follow a particular yoga on you tube? I have been doing Adrienne Mischler since the start of lockdown and have loved every session- it’s been so beneficial to target my problem areas to strengthen them (lower back, knees etc) she even has a session for those with diabetes.
    I’m currently on day 6 of her dedicate 30 day program. Yoga has definitely kept me physically going but mentally has been incredibly beneficial- I love it!

  • posted by JessKirkpri1

    Hi Wendleg,
    Thanks for starting this thread. I’d love to join in again 🙂
    Happy new Year everyone. May 2021 be a lighter one in all the ways

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