Im mixed up…

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  • posted by Happyhols

    Opinions please….which is better…..Calories or Carbs?… little brain is getting in a muddle trying to sort it all out……

  • posted by shalimar


    The Mosley Fast BSD plan … is 800 calories. Mosley does not count carbs.

    Many people here try and combine that with 50 carbs or even less.

    It’s up to you. If you are following the Fast BSD plan with almost zero simple starchy carbs for the complex carbs in vegetables, beans, lentils …. then how many carbs can you really eat on 800 calories anyway.

    My advice is start out with 800 calories …. and see how it goes before ;you make things more complicated.

    Many people here then try and lower the carbs while still on 800 calories to increase weight loss.

  • posted by Happyhols

    Oh thank you very much shalimar..I was going round in circles trying to do calories and carbs…even thought about only having fresh air tomorrow my brain is so mixed up haha….back to the calories it is then…thankyou,thank you

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