How over 800 is over?

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  • posted by csmcnevin

    Hey Gang!

    Hope everyone is well! Quick question – my calories have been 764, 748, 787 ,779.

    My schedule was funny today (up super early for a 6hr exam at 6am which started at 8am (and i wanted to eat before) had a scheduled 15min break at 10am (where i had a snack), and had a late lunch at 3pm means i am almost at my max calories (765). In the book on some days he goes up to 840 / 860 on occasion. Do people do this? Is it recommended? I’m sorry i know it might seem neurotic but i’m afraid 850 will become 950 will become 1050 etc!

    Do people have a limit they set themselves? How strict are ye?

  • posted by SunnyB

    If you take the eight weeks as a whole, you are bound to have days when you eat less than the 800cals and some when it is more, but over the eight week period, it will balance out. My advice is not to stress, you have been quite decently under on you cals so far, so for today, allow yourself a bit extra – even at 1050 it wouldn’t be a complete disaster. If you are hungry and you need the extra cals I would go for it – you have had an exceptional and stressful day so be kind to yourself.

    I try to stick with the 800cals, but Monday it was 907, Tuesday 702, Wednesday 744 and it looks like today will top out at around 850 – if I add those up and then average it out over the four days it’s a fraction of a calorie over 800 per day.

  • posted by jpscloud

    I’m tending to be around 900 on my best days, so I’m working on being more careful. I do have the occasional day under 800 but you two put me to shame!

    csmcnevin, I think it all depends on motivation – I’m sure you can do it and not let the calorie creep get the better of you! All I can say is this “diet” (in inverted commas because I intend to follow a version of BSD for the rest of my life, maybe 5:2 when I am happy with my weight) has done something no other has ever done for me… allow me to stop gaining and start losing again before I regained all the weight I lost last year.

  • posted by csmcnevin

    Thanks for the answers guys! I (nervously) hit 899 last night BUT got up this morning (day 6) and was down FIVE lbs! Delighted, very encouraged and feel like its all starting to make sense! Thanks for the support!

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