Hi Everyone, best hints for getting started please.

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  • posted by Red Devil

    Hi every body ☺
    I am going to be starting this dietry change/diet on Monday.
    I am a carb loving addict with prediabeties blood sugar levels.
    Have somewhere around 12kilos to shift, the typical 3 F’s. (Fat, Female, 50)
    I am planning on trying to follow the diet as laid out in the book to the letter (with the addition of coffee).
    Sporadic gym junky (weight training) and getting out on my bike around 3 times a week, covering around 100ks (cumulative) for the week.
    My step count for the day can vary between 2000 and 15000 steps a day.
    Just wondering what are the best hints and tips that will help me get through what is sure to be a very interesting and challenging 8 weeks.

    Cheers all

  • posted by Cherrianne

    Hi Red,
    One of the best assets you can bring to the BSD is your sense of humour, so you’re ahead of the game already. It will help you through the first couple of tough days. As a self confessed carb addict you can expect 2-3 days of withdrawal as your body demands some sugary easy to process carbs. So treat yourself gently if this happens to you, some people breeze through it, take paracetamol for headaches and rest if you need to.
    The main tips are to drink plenty of non sugary fluids, at least 2-3 litres a day, keep your fat intake up by using full cream milk, full fat yoghurt and cheese, oily fish etc. this will help you to deal with hunger/carb cravings and kick start fat burning.
    Keep reading the posts for inspiration and call out for support/ advice if you need it. Same with your successes, post them here and we’ll cheer along with you 🙂

  • posted by Red Devil

    Thanks Cherrieanne.
    Will definitely try to hang onto a sense of humour, although the carb devils may take it hostage.
    Have been putting together my shopping list and there are things on it that I have never bought before.
    Bidding a fond farewell to all my carby treats this week end. It is always sad when a love affair comes to an end. 😢


  • posted by Cherrianne

    It was a toxic love affair though, cos carbs take more than they give. It’s a very one sided relationship and you’re better off without them. 🙂
    After a week or so you will be surprised at how well you feel without carbs. You’ll have so much more energy and the feeling of well being is amazing.
    Remember your support crew is standing by you, cheering you on. We are pretty global now so there’s always someone around.

  • posted by Natalie

    My best tip is the clear out the bad stuff from your cupboards. You’re less likely to slip up if it’s not right there in front of you and you have to make the effort to go out and buy something off-plan specially.

  • posted by DJDAussie

    Hi Red Devil, welcome to the team. … I’m day 5 week 1. The best advice I can give is to read all you can on here, start your eating plan, learn from your mistakes, take heart in the fact we’re all on this journey together. I’m also a member of the 3F club. 😉 Looking forward to hearing about your journey.

  • posted by Switzerland

    Speaking of the 3F club, I too am a member! I’m day 2 week 1. Something I’m holding on to is the reason I’ve started this journey – to achieve good health. The BSD lifestyle is the whole package – diet, exercise and mindfulness. I really need to step up with the exercise and mindfulness. There are some great apps out there for meditation/mindfulness. Red devil, I’m so pleased that you’re leaving your abusive carb relationship behind!

  • posted by Red Devil

    Hi Natalie, DJD & Switz,
    I reckon we are going to have a ball on this journey.
    Just back from my first shopping trip, amazing how the aisles were full of non food food items.
    Yes, all those things that I would normally have bought.

    As hubby isn’t joining me on this diet I do have to keep some carby items around for him.
    However he will be getting the diet dinners made for him, it is just the rest of the days food and snacky items that I will need to avoid.
    Long term plan is to get us both eating a Mediterranean type meal plan. He is really interested in seeing how I go on this.

    Looking forward to getting started on Monday.

  • posted by CazP1965

    My best tip is clear your schedule. Make sure for the first couple of weeks at least, that you have no social engagements and are free to settle into the new diet.
    Why don’t you make Hubbie keep his snacky items somewhere out of your sight.
    I’m also doing my own food plan and finding it hard to stick dead on 800 cals a day without feeling hungry. I’m told the trick is to have enough fat in the meals but hard to add fat without adding calories.
    Anyway I’m not being too anal about it and losing weight but probably a but slower than most.
    Buy yourself some Keytostix as well from the pharmacy. They help tell you whether you’re in Ketosis state (fat burning not carb burning).
    Good luck .. I am a sugar junkie and type 2 … finding the sugar cravings hardest to cope with 🙂

  • posted by CallMeDeb

    My best hints:

    1. You’re going to mess up. You’re human. It will be okay as long as you don’t let it defeat you in the long run. Every minute is an opportunity for a fresh start. You are worth going on this journey – never forget that.

    2. Reward yourself with non-food items when you reach a milestone (see my profile for mine as examples),

    3. DRINK WATER. It helps with the carb cravings and it fills you up.

    4. Don’t be afraid to ask for help. The people on this forum are amazing human beings, I learn from them every day.

    Welcome and Happy Journey!


  • posted by Red Devil

    Thanks Deb and CazP
    Have been following the book recipies and they seem to provide so much food!
    I think this is the first time I have gone on a diet and felt immediately that this IS something that I can take on long term.
    The food is tasty, I am feeling good on it, and even if I don’t lose any weight when I weigh in on Monday I will still want to continue.
    Mind you I will be surprised if I haven’t lost anything as I know I am eating a lot less than I was.i am hoping that hubby will come around to this way of eating. He has had one of the breakfasts with me, and his diners have been the same as mine just with a bit of added carbs for him.
    Must work out a rewards system for myself, behaviour based as much as weight based.
    First mini goal make it to monday without breaking diet – manicure. 😊

  • posted by Allychat

    1. Read the book twice – there is alot of info there and it is quite a mind shift to leave behind “low fat”. Highlight what u want to remember.
    2. Get an app such as ‘My Net Diary’ to help you count your daily calories, fibre etc. Small differences in some foods can make a big difference.
    3. Make sure you are drinking plenty of water and do track your fibre. Too little in your overall calorie count can end up making it harder to lose the weight.
    4. If you dont own digital bathroom scales and digital kitchen scales do invest in both.
    5. Regularly include kumara and prunes and legumes if you like them. All are high fibre and low gi.
    6. Get to know the food grains – oats, quinoa etc.
    7. Plan ahead for special occasions.
    8. Remember there are many others doing a similar journey and we want to cheer you on.

  • posted by Red Devil

    One week in and all is well.
    Have been drinking lots of water and not a slice of bread, nor grain of rice, nor cake or biscuit has passed my lips.
    The licorice that I bought for hubby is still sitting in the cupboard, maybe I should let him know it is there.

    Have been doing head space 10 minute meditations which have been going well and getting out on the bike at least 3 times a week for a 25k ride. 3 times a week at the gym for weights training. I have a 7 day step total of 85.5k steps, so have been striding it out.

    For the first 5 days didn’t worry about calorie counting but felt like the food quantities were too big. (Been following the book menu). I thought I could get away with doing that as the lazy gals way of dieting.
    So for the last two days have been counting the calories on My Fitness Pal, and as I anticipated I have had to cut back the calories a bit.

    I have lost 4 kilos in this first week which is a bit mind blowing. Makes me wonder how much I might have lost if I had calorie counted from day 1. Dang.

    I don’t mind however as it was probably good for me just to concentrate on cutting back on the carbs.

    I find it amusing that I am on a diet and really enjoying the food. Hubby even agrees that we can do a few of the dinner recipies again.

    Cheers all

  • posted by Bill1954

    Wow Red 4 kilos in week 1 is magnificent
    I bet you’re looking forward to the next 7 weeks a lot more than you were.
    Congratulations, onwards and upwards. 😀

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