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  • posted by cj1064

    I had a heart attack back in November of 2012 and with me not being as active I put on @ 45 extra lbs , Doc said it needs to come off . I get bored I eat , so this will be a challenge eating small amounts and not all day long . I decided I would do a little intermittent fasting along with it . I will have my 800 calories in a set time period and it will be in two meals only . I figure I will eat between the hours of 12 pm and 6 pm a six hour period , 300 calories for lunch and 500 calories for dinner . I really believe this is something I must do to have a more productive and longer lifespan . I went through the recipes here and found that they were appetizing to my liking, so I printed off around 70 of them and put them in sheet protectors and put them in a nice binder . I believe it will be easier for me to go through them and pick out a weeks worth of recipes and create a shopping list for the week. I’m really looking forward to not being so winded , there is too much to do around here and I need the energy . I also bought myself a food scale today by Taylor ( the Biggest Loser ) – the flag has waved and I’m off – Thanks for the group in general , sincerely cjack1064

  • posted by Igorasusual

    Welcome cj1064!

    I think many people can empathise with the “if I get bored I eat” syndrome. You could try in the short term to turn that into a cue to drink – perhaps concoct something you enjoy like mint tea, or fizzy water with lemon or (my fave) ginger tea. Quite honestly the more you can drink the better here, it really does seem to help to flush the visceral fat away.

    Enjoy the cooking – I have been exploring spices and chillis and really enjoying the results. You will, like me, probably find that the BSD principle food is totally delicious, much more than previously. Odd!

    I wish you well on your journey and lots of people here to answer any queries toy may have. ๐Ÿ™‚

  • posted by Frog

    Hi CJ
    there’s a lot of planning going into this for you!
    Double whammy isn’t it – you get sick and would benefit from more exercise and loosing weight, but are less able to get out and about!

    Hope it goes well for you – if it is a big change in eating, if the initial plan of intermittent fasting doesn’t work, experiment with just reducing calories and carbs and have smaller more frequent meals.
    As well as the drinking as Igor mentions, are you more mobile now? Getting more active has been hugely important for me in helping to shift the weight – when you get the “bored, need something tasty” feeling, pop out for a short walk (but not to the supermarket!)

    Enjoy & loose lots!

  • posted by cj1064

    Thank you for the tips , I will make some flavored water , maybe cucumber water or something of the likes . I have done intermittent fasting before with great results , I guess I just got depressed and slowly got away from it . This time I am very determined to make it happen . I will start on my daily walks again , I can walk about a mile now and will add to it weekly . My 52nd birthday is in October and I plan on losing 25 lbs by then – about a half pound a day .

  • posted by Yowzer49

    Hi CJ! Iam impressed by yr planning ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป seems an excellent idea to get a folder ready then shop for the week ahead.
    Preparation leads to better results!
    I feel for you re exercise..poor health means i too cant do as much as i wd like to in order to shift those pounds.
    Its frustrating isnt it!
    Anyway welcome to the forum and enjoy yr new adventure! X

  • posted by Langerhans

    Fabulous organisational skills, cj1064! I should take a leaf from your book! Like you, I’m tending to have two meals a day as 2×300-400kcals seems a better deal wirth more scope for healthy fats.
    Only on day 4 here, but loving the food. The daft thing is that, so far, I haven’t eaten anything unusual for me – I just needed to be reminded that I like it!
    Like you, I can’t do much exercise due to ill-health but maybe losing fat will get me more steady on my feet.

  • posted by Lucky Maneki

    Hello CJ. Well done for taking this step and being so organised, I jumped in headfirst and I’m still playing catch up at times!

    Langerhans, hello ๐Ÿ™‚ I’ve lost around 35 lbs in 10 weeks and I’ve gone from being pretty inactive (although busy around the house) to walking quite a bit, when I’m not suffering with back, knee, hip etc ๐Ÿ™‚ It’s getting easier the lighter I get, but my husband is pretty sedentary due to ill health and he’s lost over 30lbs in the same amount of time. Exercise certainly helps the weight loss but the great thing is it still works without it ๐Ÿ™‚

    I can second what Igor says about the food tasting better. I noticed that quite early on, and make sure you get a lot of variation too so you don’t get bored. I find the Paleo sites have a lot of compatible recipes, some not, but in general, quite a few are. If you like spicy food, I find that something spicy/peppery makes me feel fuller for some reason. Drink plenty of water!!! Good luck both of you ๐Ÿ™‚

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