I’ve just signed up to the forum but have to confess that I’ve been lurking since the beginning. Having listened to other people’s stories I realise how lucky I was to find this book and this community just when I needed it. I feel ashamed that I haven’t contributed but I didn’t think I could keep this up. Thank you for keeping me going.
We have not checked the qualifications of anyone posting here. If you are have any health related symptoms or concerns, you should contact your doctor who will be able to give you advice specific to your situation.
I have also been visiting site but only now registered. Into week 6 and nearly a stone and a half lighter. I think a community such as this is so good as people at my workplace are very judgemental of this diet (they are all slimming world fanatics) . I have got the diet down with no cravings now I need to get the exercise right.
He he, your results should be making them all think again flump
This is the fight we face though, not just with colleagues but with the medical profession and their low fat mantra
Well done you for standing up to them
Timeforchange no need to feel gullty, there will be loads of folk reading the forums without contributing, thars the nature of a forum.
It doesn’t matter, this is a support forum and what we post is in the spirit of trying to help diabetics and those who need to lose weight full stop.
No one has to post although those who do are very welcome as their experiences add to the huge amount of data being amassed on here. -
I tell you what – no matter what eating programme you are on, there are always critics. (I must say, I’ve never been a fan of low calorie diets, but I’m now eating my words – excuse pun.) A lot of it is down to lack of understanding: whatever you’re/we’re doing has presumably been researched to our personal satisfaction while others may have no idea at all. Change scares people – even vicariously! Also, beware the Green Eyed Monster! People can get very jealous of the success of others and rather than show support or ask for help themselves, they’ll rubbish their perceived ‘opposition’.
I’ve found it’s best to enjoy the results, smile sweetly at the nay-sayers, and respect their journeys.
That was deep for a Monday morning, eh? I’ll get me coat… 😉
Deep but spot on Pat. Nice one.
Hi everyone, I have had high blood sugar for many years and hope to make some real changes by following this diet. My husband has found a supplement he thinks i
should try called Arborvitae. Does anyone know whether it is helpful or where I can get some truthful information about it? Thanks, -
Only info I can find on Arborvitae is that it’s a hedging plant !
I would advise following the diet for a couple of weeks without any supplements and see how it goes.
If you are like many others on here you will be amazed at the results.