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  • posted by Manxsprout

    Bought the 8-week BSD book and read it today. I know I have to do something. I don’t whether I am likely to have diabetes or not, but I do know that I have aching joints that shouldn’t be aching and the brain isn’t working at full capacity. I also know that I am 35 kilos overweight. I should be around 75-76kilos, and I braved the scales this afternoon to discover that I’d reached 110. It’s a lovely round number to start with. I don’t think I’ll be able to make it to 14 kilos in 8 weeks, but I think I can probably make 10 kilos by July 28. I’d like to be under 100 kilos then, and give the whole thing another couple of months and see if I can get to around 80 kilos by late October.

    I am assisted in the journey by the fact that both my husband and I are in this together, and weirdly, by the fact that he has to be away on a course from September through December, so we will be competing. Added to which, I am very disciplined and if I’m down to 95 kilos by September, I’ll be able to go running and get that HIIT going for me.

    I’ve had phases of being very fit and entirely the right weight, but the past 3-4 years have chipped away at my commitment. It’s time to get my body back. I was pretty good at healthy Med-style eating, but bad habits and way too much chocolate/M&S cookies/ice cream have undermined the resolve. The part of the book that really woke me up was the Carbs quiz. I am very much in the wrong place regarding my relationship with carbs. But that is changing now.

  • posted by SkyWalker

    Well i was over 96 in Feb and now under 78 and stopped counting sugar and calories weeks ago. You will be fine but there is lots of support and knowledge on here to share and gain from. Good luck and if you already know your weakness and addiction then you will come to master it. All the best..

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