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  • posted by Stephen Dolan

    G’day, 8 weeks done & dusted. 103 kgs down to 87.5kgs. Brilliant for the weight loss but I am still having mid to high fasting sugar levels in the morning???

    Nil sugars, all following the 8 week BSL diet???

    Any feedback or tips are more than welcome!

    Cheers Guys!

  • posted by Esnecca

    I’ll take this one, sunshine-girl, since you’ve already done it twice today.

    Stephen, what you’re likely experiencing is the dawn phenomenon, aka dawn effect, aka liver dump, when your liver detects that you haven’t eaten for a long stretch and releases glycogen to keep you going until you eat again. It strikes around 5:00 AM, and you can fend it off by having a small no-carb snack — a chunk of hard cheese, a piece of chicken — right before you go to sleep. You have to budget for this in your 800 calories, so be sure to leave yourself 100 calories or so to play with at the end of the day.

    Good luck!

  • posted by Stephen Dolan

    Esnecca, I feel you may be right as I take my levels prior to my morning walk at 5.30 a.m. I was worried as I am going to get bloods done to return to my GP tomorrow and was wondering why the varying rates. I will try this tonight.

    Roast chicken I presume??


  • posted by Esnecca

    That’ll do nicely. Please post tomorrow morning to let us know if it made a difference to your FBS. I hope your GP visit goes swimmingly.

  • posted by Andy Tots

    This is very useful. Thanks. Blood sugars between 6.5 and 7.4 first thing in morning but down to 4.4 to 6 by mid afternoon. Any other stories or comments welcome. Ps: I’m 55 and otherwise fit. Have lost stone in 4 weeks of BSD down to 11st 7lbs and three inches off waist to 33ins. It does work

  • posted by sunshine-girl

    Thanks Esnecca, I get fed up of typing that long word, think I will call it liver dump. Also, Stephen you dont have to get up at 5.00 to check your bloods, 5 am is an average time, it can happen anytime between 3.30 and 7.00 so still not an exact science, depends on what time you had your last meal among other things.

    Andy Tots, you say your BG is okay in the morning but drops by mid afternoon. Are you on any meds, this was happening to me until I realised that the glycazide it take in the morning can cause big drops so I reduced by 1/3rd. Also I was exercising around 4pm and getting quite shaky so had to have a small BSD friendly snack then moved my exercise to a better time. Lots of things.

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