Exercise when you are really out of shape still has value

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  • posted by shalimar

    I was a little discouraged when reading about the Hi Intensity part of the Fast Exercise because it’s just impossible to do because i am a fat couch potato … with a few minor ongoing physical problems to deal with.
    It’s not just about the Hi Intensity being so great, the best … it’s just like doing a little aquabics (where even taking an Interval class … my speed is “very slow” and “almost very slow” and i can’t even do half the stuff).

    Love ideas on what people who are really out of shape, like me, are doing.

    Which parts of the Fast Exercise program can we do?

    How to keep a good mindset when we can’t do Fast Exercise.

    Maybe ordinary exercise should be more encouraged …. i’m sure whatever we can do … we should … and even if it doesn’t burn a ton of calories … and takes more time … isn’t there still a benefit to general health, energy, and clothes size.

    Just trying to give myself a pep talk … yoga class later which was labelled “Beginner, beginner, beginner” which i mistakenly thought was for real, true beginners … who really can’t list their asses off the floor yet!!!

  • posted by Igorasusual

    I always think that Lucia’s My 8 Weeks thread is the best and most inspiring read for those who have issues (whatever they be) with exercising.

    I have never forgotten her “stairs with a chair at the top and at the bottom” exercise – truly inspirational. Still not possible for everyone, but gives you ideas of what might give you a start n

    Do look her up and read the thread if you haven’t already.

    🙂 🙂 🙂

  • posted by shalimar

    Thanks Igorasusual! Will check that out too.

    Did look up the disability and exercise thread …. and chair yoga classes have been suggested to me. I might try that for the interim …. but i think i just need to gradually work up to being fit enough to try the Fast Exercise plan!!

    Would love some more handy hints on what type of thing to try.

  • posted by shalimar

    My yoga class this morning did CHAIR YOGA … I could do a lot of it … til i got really sick and had to leave and run to the bathroom. Dry sinuses made it feel like i was breathing in sand.

    There is actually a local class on Friday morning by Coleen, the same person, She makes it seem good and possible for me, when i’m healthy.

    Took a sinutab and other stuff … Hope to go to aquabics class with my sister Sunday morning.

    BTW … aquabics is great if you have trouble with feet/back … especially when the pool as noodles or even better those large waist tie life vests …. no impact on feet/back. Even just moving for an hour is great.

  • posted by Orangeblossom

    swimming could be good?

  • posted by shalimar

    Swimming would be great …. i personally am not that good at it … i never like to put my face in the water!! My breat stroke is really funny because my right leg just will not kick properly!!

    Swimming is also great because you can do that high intensity stuff.

    Aquabics is great for me …. because i have eroded discs in my back and foot and knee problems …. and aquabics can be low or even zero impact. And if i keep going to classes i will eventually be fit enough to do high intensity / interval stuff.

  • posted by RozyDozy

    Hi Shalimar,
    Don’t worry about the High Intensity fitness too much – I’ll let you into a little secret, I have totally bypassed that & still lost weight. I have a pretty intensive part-time job & an allotment. On the days I’m not doing either of those I make myself do a walk of some description to keep the step count up.
    And this week (coz I’ve finally booked myself a week off work) I intend going swimming for the first time in 6 years (there, it’s in writing – I’ve got to do it now).
    What I’m really saying is don’t try and force yourself to do too much if you have physical issues as you won’t want to aggravate any of them. Best to find different ways of increasing your activity and build up from there. Any activity is better than no activity. As the weight comes off you can be a bit more adventurous and push yourself a little further with the exercise.
    Anyway, good luck!

  • posted by shalimar

    Thanks RozyDozy ….. for now i just want to keep moving as in aquabics … i can make that low impact. I also will try and walk a little more. I actually like some of the fitness machines at my gym/pool …. i love exercising my shoulders … and the rowing machine. I’m going to try and get more fit …. but at a pace my body can handle.

  • posted by Sumo

    I have exercise all my life many sports, but in recent years my body has decided to slow me down, a few years back I was so over protective of my cream cracked knees, they ended up almost so stiff I struggled to walk, physiotherapy sorted that out, now I just keep moving, Aqua Fit is great all over exercise, I first used it many years ago after a Rugby injury as it is non weight baring, I also have a dog to walk. the HI training may come at some time in the future but not yet. remember you encourage babies to walk before they run, so it is only logical you work up to a Marathon, set yourself personal gaols, Aqua fit twice a week a short walk on 2 other days. from personal experience after my legs almost seized up, any exercise is good, the old boys at the gym, in their 80’s keep saying to me use it or lose it, I take it they are talking about exercise and not going senile and forgetting they already said that?

  • posted by JulesMaigret

    I probably fit into your description as well as I was originally 23.5st and hadn’t done any serious exercise for the last fifteen years or so. I started off with just walking at a steady pace for about 20-30 minutes then over the weeks (I’ve been at this for the last 8 weeks or so) I started upping the tempo in sections of the walk, until I was warm/slightly sweating, breathing a bit hard and with an increased heart rate. I then moved onto 2 sessions a day (morning and PM), with longer sessions at weekends. I use a pedometer to track steps and aim for 10,000+ per day as my job is quite sedentary.

    A few weeks ago I also started doing some stretches from a beginners Yoga session on Youtube (the one from a lady with a name not dissimilar to the bloke whole built the wall in the North of England!) and have found them gentle, easy and refreshingly good to do. Unfortunately all the yoga classes around where I live have waiting lists, so I have arranged with one of the instructors to take one-to-one lessons, initially for the next ten weeks. This is not a cheap option and may not be for everybody but I see it as an interesting experiment/investment.

  • posted by shalimar

    I am paying for some yoga classes …. the ones at the gym are free BUT i’ve tried them and they are too advanced for me right now.
    The one thing both my new yoga class readers stress is Listen to your body …. You should not be in pain and to go as far in a pose as you can … but try and improve your poses, etc. bit by bit.

  • posted by JulesMaigret

    That sounds eminently sensible. I’d like to make sure that I understand the basics properly and potentially go on from there.

    I called on my “new” teacher and as I walked in she was balancing on one hand with her legs and other hand motionless in the air. I reckon that’s probably a bit advanced for me for the moment 😉

  • posted by Sumo

    I used to practice Yoga with my children many year ago, our instructor after a few months showed us the stance you mention above, we started of using a wall for support, most of us ended up in a heap, head first on the floor, definitely advance? but fun to try? Or was I younger fitter and a bit more stupid then?

  • posted by JulesMaigret

    Got my first session this morning and am really looking forward to it. I hope she’s gentle with me as I have a client meeting this afternoon and would like to be able to move without them taking the mickey too much.

    Warning: the following is not advisable.
    I was sat in the rugby club (drinking fizzy water!) on Monday evening and mentioned that I’d lost nearly three stone. They suggested that I see what the difference really means. So I took an old rucksack and filled it with 15kg of weights wrapped in towels and went for my normal lap (about 4000 steps and 14 Fitbit flights of stairs). I can normally whiz around it just a bit out of breath and light sweating. With the weights on I was panting like an old steam engine and the sweat poured from me, but this was only the weight I was carrying around less than three months ago!

    It really brought it home to me – but I won’t be making it part of my normal routine!

  • posted by Sumo

    Instead of that level of punishment, wait until you reach you gaol, then see, very carefully if you can lift the weight you used to carry around on your frame?

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