I was a little discouraged when reading about the Hi Intensity part of the Fast Exercise because it’s just impossible to do because i am a fat couch potato … with a few minor ongoing physical problems to deal with.
It’s not just about the Hi Intensity being so great, the best … it’s just like doing a little aquabics (where even taking an Interval class … my speed is “very slow” and “almost very slow” and i can’t even do half the stuff).
Love ideas on what people who are really out of shape, like me, are doing.
Which parts of the Fast Exercise program can we do?
How to keep a good mindset when we can’t do Fast Exercise.
Maybe ordinary exercise should be more encouraged …. i’m sure whatever we can do … we should … and even if it doesn’t burn a ton of calories … and takes more time … isn’t there still a benefit to general health, energy, and clothes size.
Just trying to give myself a pep talk … yoga class later which was labelled “Beginner, beginner, beginner” which i mistakenly thought was for real, true beginners … who really can’t list their asses off the floor yet!!!