Don't understand why sugar subs are allowed

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  • posted by Lellycancan

    I’m confused as to why quite high levels of swweteners are allowed – surely this just keeps the sugar craving active?

    Can someone help me understand this?

  • posted by Collie

    Hi Lellycancan
    I somewhat agree, and I have avoided them ,however if you cut calories and carbs some may need a substitute. In my experience at the moment my tastebuds are changing or adapting and I now find yoghurt and berries sweet where’s pre BSD I would of needed some honey etc. No regime is perfect and the joy of this is the adaptability of it. No sins , no points just real food you choose . The Mediterranean food provides a wide choice. I do worry about sweetness per se as they have been adapted so much and to be honest if I really needed sweetener would use a local honey. What do you think? Wishing you well and success .

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