Starting the diet today – I’m very keen, a bit excited and a bit apprehensive. Got a lot of weight to lose, and I hope I can look here for support. Wish me luck!
We have not checked the qualifications of anyone posting here. If you are have any health related symptoms or concerns, you should contact your doctor who will be able to give you advice specific to your situation.
Hey Franki – well done on making the decision to change your life with the BSD. It can feel daunting at the start, but you will soon be settling into this new way of eating and posting some good results. There are plenty of people on the forum who will offer advise, support and encouragement, so shout out if you have any questions or if you are struggling – there will be plenty of people here who will be happy to respond.
Be sure to make good use of the forum. Looking forward to reading you results – good luck!
Thanks SunnyB! So far so good; survived day one pretty well. Did not sleep the best last night, but I know that will improve. Seem to spend most of my time meal planning and calorie counting!! Ever onwards I suppose……..
Once you settle into this way of eating, you should find you sleep much better – it seems to be one of the non-weigh-loss benefits of the low carb way of life. And once you are more accustomed to things, the planning required will dial back a bit too, as you will get used to what quantities of things equate to what cals and carbs. You’ll fall into a routine in no time. Keep going.
It’s my first day too and I have also spent most of the day meal planning and working out calories. I made the Beetroot Falafels from the recipe in the book which were delicious with salad. I’d like to fast forward a few weeks to see the results but no I must be patient and take it one day at a time. Good luck to everyone just starting out on this exciting journey.
I need to say at the outset that I am not very experienced at this sort of online community support thing and I have a lot of trouble finding the things I have seen/read/written before, so please forgive me my ignorance! It has been almost 3 weeks since I started and my Dr wanted me to have another blood test. She is really glad to see that my blood sugar has come down, cholesterol is way better too apparently, oh and I’ve lost 7.3 kg. She asked me for the details of the book by Dr Moseley, because now she wants to do the diet too!
Hi Franki, well done on your loss so far! 7.3kg is fantastic and how good that your doctor wants to know more about the book 🙂
The easiest way I find to keep track of where I have posted is to go to Your Profile > Replies created. Although you can’t reply from there you can click on the link to the forum thread.
The support I have received from everyone on here is fantastic and have definitely encouraged me to keep going 🙂 -
KG1 – planning is definitely one of the keys to success with BSD. I try to have a rough plan of what I am going to make each week and then each evening I put the next days meals into My Fitness Pal app (sometimes do a few days at a time). It’s easy to change if you end up having something different. Also each week I’ve been gradually buying ‘BSD staple ingredients’ – cans of beans, tuna, coconut milk, nuts, spices etc. then when I want to try a new recipe from the book I find that I already have most of the ingredients.
The other thing that has helped me it to “keep it simple” – I have the same breakfast or lunch for a few days running, also do things like batch cooking spaghetti bolognaise, chilli, veggie soup or curry – then I freeze some So always have a quick meal on hand. Lunches are usually salads with beans/tuna/ham/eggs or cheese (or a combination of those).
I honestly feel like I’ve never eaten so well before 🙂 -
Yes SueBlue, I have found planning works for me too. I plan the weeks meals and do most of the shopping in one hit – just top up with fresh as needed. I cook enough for 2 night at a time so only have to cook 3 or 4 days per week. Lunches, salads or soup made in bulk and just reheated. Salad I make a couple of days worth at one time, just adding the protein component at the meal time. Breakfast is usually an omelette and sliced tomato. Because I am supremely lazy (!) I make 7 omelettes in one hit, freeze 3 and refrigerate 4. They freeze quite well, and I only have to do one wash up of all the equipment! My husband is happy to eat the same food as me, so that makes things easier, and he is also losing a few kilos, which he is very happy about!