Hi everyone , I haven’t posted in a while but have been reading everyone’s posts as they come to my email. So many times I’ve composed replies in my head, but then not got around to posting! I’ve been on the bus, but hiding away in the luggage hold – time I went back to my seat I think!
I’ve no major things going on at the moment but have some health issues, family issues, and work ones too! That’s life I guess, it’s smooth sailing sometimes and then you’re navigating through storms!
I keep a chart of my weekly losses (and gains!). At the start of this year I set myself a target to lose 10.8kg by the end of the year. I added up all of my weekly losses and I’ve actually shed over 20kg this year….but also regained almost 20kg, so my net loss so far this year is just 200g! Still I haven’t given up, I figured with 25 days to go till Christmas, and 32 till the end of the year, I could lose 100g per day and be a little more closer to my goal – and weigh less than I did last Christmas (thanks for giving me that idea Cathy). And if I shift the goal posts a little I could be at my goal by Easter…. that’s the plan anyway. Even when I reach that goal, I’ll still have another 10kg to lose, but that’s something I’ll work on later!
Jennie – I’m sorry to hear of your bereavement. Covid has caused problems and heartbreak for so many, I’m hoping that the vaccine will be successful and we can all get back to some semblance of normal life soon.
Cathy – if you are still in pain with your tooth it may be worth going back to the dentist. I had pain a couple of weeks after an extraction last year and it turned out I had a dry socket. She cleaned out the wound, and I had a course of antibiotics and it was all good after that.
Yowzer – thanks for all your positive words and quotes 🙂
Well I’m off to plan my meals for this week now. It’s 9.50am on Sunday morning and already 37 degrees – yesterday it got to 42! Too hot to do anything outside, I’m staying in with my air conditioner on!