Countdown to Christmas

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  • posted by Dreamscometrue

    Hello everyone. Sorry not to have posted for a while, but nothing much to report tbh. But I really enjoy reading everyone else’s posts from the bus, and hearing how you are all getting on. We can learn so much from each other and help spur each other on.

    Butterlover, I’m so glad you’ve found a routine that works for you, and Dawn that your sparkly chart is still in business! Wishing you and your lovely dad all the best at this difficult time.

    Cathy I wish I had an answer for you. You are an absolute inspiration in terms of your diligence and motivation and it just seems so unfair that you are not currently seeing results. The only thing I did wonder is about your sleeping patterns. I’ve read on the NHS website – and elsewhere I think – that if you regularly sleep for either too long or not long enough, it can interfere with weight loss. Apparently 6-8 hours is ideal. I don’t know why, but just thought I’d throw it into the pot. But all I can say is that I’m sure you WILL start losing again. Just wish it was sooner rather than later! But we still have 39 days to go so keep hanging in there.

    Being honest, I’ve gone a bit off piste this week (yes, again!) so am going to pack it all up in a proverbial cardboard box and make a bit of a fresh start on Monday. I want to do a strict 10-day blitz up to Black Friday, then celebrate by doing my Christmas shopping (online of course) with a glass of fizz. I do find I need little things to look forward to to help me stay motivated. So I will do my best for the next couple of weeks and keep you all posted. I’m a bit wary of throwing around numerical targets as I just tend to miss them and get disappointed, but if I could get below 140lb by the end of the month I’d be over the moon. My lowest recent weight is 141.8lb but I’m currently around 143lb. So we’ll see . . . .

    Good luck everyone, and I look forward to reading your news over the next few days X

  • posted by Busybee

    Cathy I do feel for you as I am in exactly the same boat (or bus)!
    Nothing seems to be working at present although I confess I haven’t been as ‘good’ as you have!
    Lots of things going on, mainly with concerns over my lovely husband whose dementia seems to be getting a little worse at the moment.
    Still, must stay strong and battle on though beginning to think that if I stay about the same weight until Christmas I will be lucky!
    O.D.A.A.T. (Trying but not always complying – I
    Must not let that be my new mantra!!)
    X B

  • posted by Yowzer49

    Hi C CATHY and BUSY🐝I feel for you sisters! And I admire your persistence!XX
    I remember this knotty and horrid frustrating and maddening problem being discussed a few years ago on a forum about the 5:2 diet,and sbody mentioning Amanda Sainsbury- Salis and her book,Dont Go Hungry Again and what she calls the famine reaction,i.e., when you just stop losing…
    Heres a link to her website..hope you can find a solution there…
    And a review of the book…
    “Staying satisfied while dieting is the key to beating the “famine reaction,” the body’s method of protecting itself when it perceives a significant food shortage. This insightful resource explains the science behind the famine reaction, and includes vital information on how anyone can control and repress the body’s negative reactions to diet. Notes on nutrition and exercise plus 50 delicious, healthy recipes are also provided. This is the ultimate, tried-and-tested guide to working with both body and mind to lose weight safely and permanently”

  • posted by Yowzer49

    BUSY I’m so sorry to hear about yr hubby. Very hard I think not to turn to comforts when youre so worried. But bless you,still being upbeat X trying not always complying isnt the worst mantra you could use at the moment X 💜
    DREAMS good luck with yr ten day blitz X
    Feeling a bit blitzy myself far just had hot water and lemon,fasting til dindins time when its going to be a big plate of steamed veg and scrambled eggs. And thats me for today.
    Keep going BUTTERS!DAWN! And all together now…!!!!!
    🎶🎶🎶 The wheels on the bus go round and round..round and round…round and round….🎶🎶🎶….

  • posted by sunshine-girl

    Hi everyone, I am in the same situation with my weight. I have been up and down losing and regaining the same half a kilo. Now I have lost that I had hoped for some movement again but I am dithering between 76.5 and 76.8. Today I was the higher number and always trying to think where I have gone wrong. I too didnt have my small vodka and tonic but I also didnt do my exercises as planned. We can beat ourselves up as much as we like but we are all doing our best. If you really havent gone off plan then your body is telling you something, like ‘hey, give me some time, dont rush me, I’m working on it’. It will work out. A few months ago I was 79.9 and convinced my body didnt want to let me get under that no matter how hard I tried. Well I am now 76.8 so I was wrong. It will happen if we just stick with it. Or as I always say – keep on keeping on…

    We still have just under 6 weeks to the big day so anything is possible. For me 6lbs would be nice.

  • posted by shoegirl

    A week and a half into the fast 800 and I’ve lost 2kg and over 3cm off my measurements. Really thrilled and ready to keep going for 2 more weeks on the very strict part of this regime. I respond really well to the 800 calories a day eating weeks, but still haven’t found a successful way to maintain this. Maybe it’s just my way to have to go low for a few weeks every couple of months. So sorry to hear about your husband, BB. Hang in there! We’re all trying so hard in many different ways, ODAAT can mean so many different things. Keep sparkling and singing on that bus everyone, we are nearly halfway up the hill now!!

  • posted by Yowzer49

    Howdy folks,just calling in to wish everyone a happy healthy eating,water drinking,keeping moving,week ahead!
    Ive just filled our Christmas bus with petrol and its ready to go ….further and further up the hill towards the festive season….even if we all have to get off and give it a push! 😀
    Thought for the Day…
    ‘ The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today’ ( H. Jackson Brown)
    O🌸D🌼A🌷A🌻T🌺 xxxxx

  • posted by ClarinetCathy

    Hi Busybee- hope you’re doing ok and sorry to hear about your husband’s dementia. We really do need to keep things in perspective don’t we as we try to battle with our weight loss.
    Dreamscometrue- good luck with your 10 day blitz, you’ve done so well to keep your weight steady and I am sure you will be under 140 by Christmas- exactly where I hope to be.
    Yowser- thanks for keeping us all in check as we head towards Christmas.
    Shoegirl- amazing weight loss in 10 days! Puts my 0.6 lbs loss in 11 days to shame! Hope I’m losing inches! I don’t measure myself because I can’t be accurate with the tape measure. I might use a tight pair of jeans as my guide. I might yet get into those pesky tight white jeans I wanted to fit into for the summer!
    Sunshinegirl- I have every confidence that you will lose 6lb in the next six weeks and well done losing 3 kg. You’re right, we need to trust our bodies.

    Today I am fasting again! I will do 42 hours. So far I am at 25 hours. I do feel hungry today but it comes in waves and I just have to keep drinking water and hope bedtime comes quickly!

    Let’s keep strong together and do our best this week taking one day at a time. I am hoping for a whoosh of weight loss. I purposely didn’t weigh myself this morning. I am considering ditching the scales until Christmas Eve and just to keep going and hopefully seeing a weight loss surprise for Christmas. In fact – writing this has made me decide that is what I am going to do. So no weighing for me now until the morning of Christmas Eve. Feels daunting but quite liberating. Does anyone else not weigh?

  • posted by Yowzer49

    Congrats on yr well deserved loss SHOEGIRL!
    CCATHY i agree ditching the scales can be a very good idea for some of us.
    I had no scales the first time I lost so much on low carbs..I got weighed about once a fortnight at most,at my daughter’s house,and didnt worry too much day to day on what my weight was.
    Then I found good scales going cheap in a charity shop and it was such a bargain,I bough them..but in some ways it was the worst thing I did,as I can be a slave to them, jumping on and off,and very often discouraged by what they tell me.
    Ive found for me its much more helpful to just see how I feel,see how clothes feel, and only weigh occasionally. But its hard when the scales are there!….. Even when sometimes I put them away in a cupboard,,I know theyre there,shouting to me!
    But for some people,weighing daily on their scales,recording the results,and working out the average over a week gives them an accurate result theyre happy with.Or theyre happy with a once a week weigh inDo whatever works best for you 💜 ….good luck with the fast! Im with you,sister! not fasting today but keeping to 800 cals and Im hungry on and off. Trying to keep busy to keep my mind off food! X

  • posted by Busybee

    Morning fellow passengers, and thank you for your kind comments and support
    I’ve come out of the ‘feeling sorry for myself’ corner and am ready to board the bus yet again.

    In spite of a big fall from grace I actually haven’t gained any weight – interestingly I haven’t been drinking as I’m having my annual blood test today and perhaps that had helped?!!!
    However, I am still near the top of my weight chart having been 2.5 stone less four years ago.
    I’m disappointed that I can’t get into the clothes I had planned to wear over Christmas when hopefully we may be able to travel to see our daughter and SIL. 🤞🥴🌲
    Never mind I could wear a big Christmas sack!!!
    X B

  • posted by ClarinetCathy

    Busybee- I reckon you could get half a stone off by Christmas and you wont need to wear a Christmas sack!

    I chose not to weigh this morning following my 40 hour fast and I am going to keep away from the scales until my weigh In on a Christmas Eve. I hope I can keep my resolve to stay away from the scales!

    Had my tooth out this morning by a lovely oral surgeon who was so kind to me. I’ll be eating light today so another good day under my belt.

    Let’s all keep positive and keep doing our very best every day. 37 days to go until Christmas Eve. I’ve got my eye on a Terry’s chocolate orange 🍊 as my Christmas Eve treat! I always go off plan for one week at a Christmas and it works for me but I know many don’t do what I do. Let’s make this work for us whatever we chose to do.

  • posted by Yowzer49

    CCATHY im glad all went well with yr extraction!👍🏻
    Im not sure yet about Crimbo..Ive had Christmases where Ive eaten what I fancied,Ive had other Christmases where I havent wanted to come out of ketosis,and really didnt miss the goodies
    Im on quite shaky ground these days,resolve not as strong as it might be, so I prob WILL eat the goodies! But at same time,not go wild and only for a few days! X

  • posted by shoegirl

    Glad your dental work went well, CC. I love the idea of planning a Christmas ‘break’ from this WOE, I like to have an iced coffee on Christmas Eve when I do my shopping ( it’s often warm here in Melbourne!). I’ll KOKO and look forward to this. Keep going BB, I’m sure you’ll look great at Christmas, from your posts you already seem to have a lovely sparkly personality so wear that on Christmas Day!! Still time for us all to edge a little closer to our goals even if we don’t actually hit the target.

  • posted by JGwen


    I have to confess that I have been holding on to the bumper of the bus at present. – I am living with 4 other people who have carb heavy diets. – There are 8 packets of biscuits consumed every week, with the packets on the worktop by the side of the kettle.

    Each morning there is the smell of toast, and pancakes, and the noises of cereal hitting the bowl. Then the same again for scrambled egg on toast mid morning or lunch time, and evening snacks which always involve toast. – I have got to the stage where I know who is making toast by the smell, as they all like it slightly different levels of cooked, (from toasted only on one side to bordering on cremated.)

    Once a week I come back from the shopping trip with all the food ordered by everyone, including pizza’s. and pasta and quick cook rice.

    Its not easy to stick to plan. My belt hole challenge hasn’t been effected, yet, but its only a matter of time at this rate. I really do want to get back on track. I don’t get a huge kick out of sneaking a biscuit. So I guess I am realising that the “treat” of eating carbs doesn’t = a high. So I may as well get back whole heartedly onto the bus.

    It is so much more difficult to stick to low carb with all that temptation in front of me every day.

  • posted by JGwen

    Hi CC,
    I am so glad that you shared with us that you don’t like monitoring with the aid of a tape measure because its difficult to be consistent. – It was a light bulb moment for me, as I have a solution for you.

    There are some basic mechanics to this way of eating. – If you are in ketosis, and your calorie intake is less than calorie output you will be burning body fat for fuel, which should result in loosing weight.

    At the same time if you are in ketosis, your growth hormone will be able to trigger body healing, so your body composition can improve resulting in denser bones, stronger muscles, which will increase weight.

    So, the scales are not a reliable method of monitoring progress. – But equally the tape measure isn’t, because our bodies are difficult and don’t always burn the fat from our waist or hips, but instead expose collar bones, and drop shoe sizes. So I have noticed times when there has been no change in the scales but clothes fit differently.

    So here is my suggestion.

    1. Its basic science, if you are burning more calories than you are eating AND – the AND bit is very important – you are in ketosis. your body will be using body fat for fuel.

    2. As you have been on this way of eating for some time, its likely that you have low levels of body fat around your organs, so that body fat is coming from somewhere under the skin.

    3. Therefore sort out for yourself a full set of clothes that you can use to measure progress. – You may be inconsistent on where you put your tape measure, but your bra will fasten in the same location each time, as will your jeans, or even if you are like me with chunky calves your socks will end at the same location on your legs.

    Use that set of clothes to monitor progress each month. – It may only be small changes you are looking for. The ring on your calf from your socks at the end of the day doesn’t look so pronounced. Your ring on your finger may feel a little looser. But there are lots of different small changes you will be able to notice in time if you have one set of clothes that you use as your measuring stick.

  • posted by Butterlover

    HI Gwen.I totally get what you are going thru with the smell of toast and the biscuits everywhere. I made a rule” no carbs on view in the kitchen”.they must be in a container or a cupboard.During toast events .I go out to a patio or my room then headphones on and listen to utube something on carb addiction or keto or type2 diabetes. On occasion I’ve had a slice of toast but then I want a whole loaf It has taken months for me to develop my resistance.My new routine to keep salad ready in the fridge for snacking has also helped. Good luck

  • posted by ClarinetCathy

    Hi JGwen and thank you for taking the time to post your wise advice. I am really grateful for your suggestion and I am going to get the white jeans that were too tight in the summer to wear and a top which is tight and use these weekly to see where I am losing fat from my body. I agree with you that because I’ve been low carb for a number of years the fat is more than likely subcutaneous fat and most likely that 10lb of fat I am trying to lose is on my belly. My arms and shoulders look good so it’s more than likely tops of legs and stomach fat to go. The scales are now redundant because I decided that I don’t need insulting daily when I know I am doing the right thing and am in ketosis so I don’t need to rely on the scales to applaud or deny me on my journey. I hope that you will soon be sitting beside me on the battle bus instead of clinging to the bumper. It’s great that you’ve not had to undo your belt so that is a positive. My husband eats a carb heavy diet and I’ve just got used to living with it and I guess you will too in time. He made bread whilst I was fasting for 40 hours last week! “Dieting” is a mind game and so I reckon you will easily overcome the temptations once you are in the right zone and I’ve saved you a seat on the battle bus next to me so we can have a good chat.

    It’s good to see you back posting again and I know you have a wealth of knowledge which we all appreciate. Thank you again and I think you should receive one of our awards for the help and support you offer to us all. 🌟🌟🌟🌟

    See you on the bus!!

  • posted by Yowzer49

    I second your motion CCATHY
    An award for JGWEN and her always wise advice 🏆🥇🏆🥇🏆🥇🏆🥇🏆🥇XX And also for living amongst carb eaters on a daily basis. I can resist pasta,rice and potatoes fairly easily,but the smell of toast…its sthing I think about every day.
    And I heartily agree with BUTTERLOVER, one slice and I want the loaf..shows how addictive it is….
    Have a Terrific Tuesday,Countdowners,as the bus continues to roll along! 🚌xx

  • posted by ADD6605

    Hi everyone,yes I agree JGwen should definitely get an award for her wise words🏆 I’ve been reading this forum since early last year (though only posting from this year) and have often found her posts really helpful.
    I’m having a good week so far,I found my old food plan on MFP from last year when I had great success on Fast800 (oh how I wish I had continued with it! ) so I’m trying to follow that.Am sitting comfortably in a seat on the bus for the first time in a good few weeks so let’s hope I don’t slide off it any time soon😃 Dawn

  • posted by Yowzer49

    Well done DAWN! Keep up yr good week O.D.A.A.T. and soon you’ll need 😎 to look at yr sparkly chart!
    Im writing a To Do list every night for the next day,and its really helping me to focus and stay on track
    Hows yr Dad..I think of him and the tartan blanket every time I cuddleupon the couch with my blanket..its stripey not tartan! They can be very comforting ❤️

  • posted by ADD6605

    Hi Yowser, your Christmassy tea lights sound lovely,I love candles and wax melts and started burning a Christmas spice one at the weekend,bit early I know🙂 My dad has been a bit up and down,I think when I last mentioned him the nurse had told my sister his body was starting to shut down but then a few days later he was up and about!She spoke to him on the phone yesterday and he sounded quite weak again bless him.We are hoping that the care home visiting trials the government are talking about will be successful and that my dad will still b around for when they come into force so that my mum can visit as normally as possible (though wearing ppe) even once.If there was any way we could have brought him home we would,as never thought when he went into a care home a month into lockdown that we would have only been able to see him twice.I know lots of families are in the same situation so am keeping everything crossed that the trial visits work.
    That’s a good idea about doing a To Do List at night,I might try that.Dawn X

  • posted by Yowzer49

    I too have got my fingers crossed for these trial visits DAWN and I hope the family get to see yr Dad many many times in the months to come. I think this has been one of the hardest aspects of this year,the fact people in care homes and their families are separated. No matter how great the staff are,family time is so precious. Both my parents were eventually in a care home and we could pop in any time we wanted. It makes such a difference,visits were so enjoyable and so reassuring,and I want yr Dad and yr family to have that too.x
    Well thank you Dawn,you have given me permission to light my Christmassy tealights..i was keeping them til beginning of December but no,as soon as its dark this evening Im lighting a few clementine tealights!..we need everything we can think of thats not food and drink related to keep our spirits up! X💘

  • posted by ADD6605

    Warning,do not read any further if you think it’s too early to get Christmassy!!!!!
    Thanks for your kind words Yowser.You enjoy those tea lights,as you say,we need things to keep our spirits up,and Christmassy smells and glowing candles are a good way to do that😀I’m hanging fire til 1st weekend in Dec to put the Christmas tree up but my daughter is decorating her bedroom this weekend so DH will b making a trip up into the loft to find what’s needed.I would normally suggest she waits til Dec but the Christmas rule book has been thrown out of the window this year🎄❄️🎄❄️🎄❄️🎄❄️🎄❄️🎄❄️🎄❄️ and she is having to self isolate at the moment as one of her school friends has tested positive for Covid so a bit of light relief will be nice for her. I think you said you had your presents wrapped🎁🎁🎁I have most of them bought but not wrapped yet,I have written most of my cards though,must get some stamps! Dawn X

  • posted by Yowzer49

    Yes I agree DAWN the rule book has been well and truly thrown out this year!👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽
    Got my clementine tealights lit,tomorrow night its mistletoe tealights! And yes my cards are written and parcels all wrapped. Just one last one for SIL left to wrap,its only just arrived in the post. Any other year none of that wd be done til December but this year is like no other!
    Hope yr DD will be ok in isolation and I bet she’ll enjoy decorating her bedroom for Christmas,what a lovely idea! X
    Ps I got a late birthday card says..
    Theres a runner inside all of us screaming to get out,but we can usually shut her up with a biscuit! 😀

  • posted by ADD6605

    Yes DD seems to be rather enjoying the time off school again,doing school work online and relaxing🙂 Hopefully she will get through the 2 weeks without any COVID symptoms🤞Dawn X

  • posted by Busybee

    It’s a yes from me too for an award for JQwen -her knowledge is amazing and she explains things in a clear way which suits my old brain!
    As for tea candles, they are lit every weekend along with the mantlepiece fairy lights, starting on the day the clocks go back until the clocks go forward. I just love them!
    The bus is slowly filling up as the old passengers buy another ticket. I hasten to add that by old I mean those of us who have been around BSD for a long time, not that we are old!
    Back on track O.D.A.A.T.
    X B

  • posted by Dreamscometrue

    Hello everyone

    Definitely agree with awarding JGwen for all her helpful information. Great to see you back on the bus JGwen, and I hope you can push through all the temptation you are facing with your new household. Keep us up to date with your belt tales!

    I’m loving all the Christmas and candle chat. I’m in the middle of some home decorating and decluttering at the moment. Hopefully once I get that out of the way I can start thinking about making the house look Christmassy.

    And we still have time to make ourselves look Christmassy too! Who knows what we will and will not be able to do socially by Christmas but let’s dress up anyway. And not in sacks! We still have a few weeks to scrape off some of those pounds and squeeze into our Christmas finery.

    Lovely to catch up with peoples’ news as well. Cathy I’m so pleased your tooth is finally sorted. I bet that’s a weight off your mind. Dawn, it’s good to hear your Dad has shown some improvement, even if it is a bit sporadic. I hope and pray that you can see him soon. Busybee I was so sorry to hear about your husband’s dementia and I think you’re amazing to be keeping on with this WOE despite all that you have to deal with. The bus is a much better place because of you X

    So I’m on Day 2 of my 10 day blitz. So far not bad. Can’t say I’m Queen of Fast 800 exactly, but at least I’ve managed to avoid my two worst enemies – wine and chocolate! Onwards and downwards hopefully: would love to see a bit of a loss by the end of the month.

    Have a good week you lovely people, and let’s keep enjoying the journey together X

  • posted by Jennie10

    Hi everyone
    Sorry I’ve not been on for a couple of weeks. As a family we’ve been having a hard time recently. One of my relatives has recently died due to Covid-19 and another is struggling to put food on the table/heat the house . Easy to fix short-term but harder to work out a fix for the longer term. Anyway I know I’ve got to look after my own health and don’t want to slip back so I’m back on the bus.

    JGwen, you definitely deserve that award xx

    Jennie xx

  • posted by ADD6605

    Hello everyone🎄Thanks DCT,I’ve just seen footage on the news of the trial care home visits already taking place and it was lovely🙂
    I wasn’t going to weigh myself until Friday but I decided to this morning and am delighted to have lost 2lbs in 2 days (still not down to weight I was on last entry on my sparkly chart though so need to lose another 2 before I can write another loss on it! ) I am doing my old food plan from MFP that I started when I began Fast800 in February last year.I’ve been having a good look at what I was eating back then as I did really well (lost 18lb in 6 weeks)and felt so much better.This year I’ve been trying to keep my carbs down to no more than 50g a day but back then I see my carbs were mainly between 50 and 80 so,following that plan this week,I had 50g on Monday and 70g yesterday.I am not diabetic or prediabetic (as far as I know and I know carbs play a huge part if you are)so am hoping that I can continue with that level of carbs and still become healthier.I was also having 10g of 70% dark chocolate most days.All of my cravings for sweet food had disappeared and it wasn’t until I seriously fell off the wagon for about a week that they came back.After looking at this I feel that it is definitely possible to still make a big difference before Christmas so am sitting firmly on the Coundown bus (can we decorate it soon with sparkly lights please🙂) with renewed vigour!!!! All the best for the day/night ahead everyone.Dawn

  • posted by ADD6605

    Jennie I’m so sorry to hear your news,my thoughts are with you.Dawn X

  • posted by Yowzer49

    So sorry to hear about yr bereavement JENNIE,and your family member struggling financially X this year has been so tough hasnt it. Im glad youre looking after yourself,its more important than ever right now. Sending love to you and your family x❤️x

  • posted by Yowzer49

    Thought for Thursday..
    “Be happy with what you have,while working for what you want” (Helen Keller)🌸💘🌸💘🌸💘🌸
    Well done DAWN on that little Whoosh!!!! 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽

  • posted by Dreamscometrue

    Just catching up with recent posts. Jennie I’m so sorry to hear your news, that’s terrible. It brings it all home as to what an awful time this is. I hope that your family can be of strength and comfort to each other, despite all the current restrictions. Sending love X

    Dawn I’m so glad that there is light at the end of the tunnel in terms of seeing your father. And well done on your loss – that’s a real boost! Do feel free to start putting the Christmas lights on the bus as soon as you want to: it would help to cheer us up and boost us on. I saw a house round the corner yesterday which already has its inflatable Santa and snowman outside!

    In fact I reckon we should up our Christmas Countdown once we get to December by running some kind of Advent Calendar. Maybe suggest a little treat (non-food related) each day. I was going to say inspirational quotes but we already have our lovely Yowzer covering that! Thank you for all the inspiring words Yowzer – I love the most recent Helen Keller quote you posted. It’s all too easy to get into the mindset of what we will do / how we will feel when we eventually lose so much weight or whatever. But, especially in these difficult times, we also need to make the very most of every minute and not pin all our hopes and dreams on that unspecified time in the future.

    My mini blitz is going quite well so far. One thing I’ve been doing is logging all my food on my Fitbit. I’ve done this WoE for so long that I kind of assumed I knew instinctively what is high cal and high carb. But decided to log it anyway just out of interest. My aim being for the next 2 weeks to stay under 1000 calories and 50g carbs per day. Well, what a shock!! Some foods that I eat regularly – and in huge amounts – are actually way higher in carb than I’d realised. Last night’s culprit being kale. I know it’s good for you in so many ways and I love crispy kale (put on a baking tray with a bit of olive oil, salt and pepper, and bake for around 5-7 mins. Lovely!). But last night’s heap that I happily munched through clocked up around 15 carbs! So I need to keep an eye on the hidden carbs – even in good foods – that are lurking.

    There’s always something new to learn!

    Take care everyone X

  • posted by Busybee

    What a mixture of ups and downs we’ve had this week? Some sad, worrying about family and friends and others excited and determined about their weight loss trip.
    Travelling on the Christmas Bus together offers support, comfort, encouragement, congratulations and lots of fun.
    So I have put a little Christmas tree with flashing lights onto the dashboard next to where the driver sits (Yowzer?) which I hope will makes all the passengers smile. 🌲 😃
    X B

  • posted by ClarinetCathy

    Jennie- so sorry to read how difficult things have been for you and for your family. It certainly puts things into perspective and makes us realise what is important. It’s a great that it has given you the momentum to look after your own health so come back aboard and enjoy the ride amongst friends.

    Thanks Busybee for starting the Christmas decorations on the battle bus. Loving the Christmas tree with flashing lights by Yowser as she drives us along!

    DCT- loving the Advent idea! All these things definitely help us on our journey. Yowser’s quotes are always fab, maybe we could have a cracker joke to enjoy or maybe we could all enjoy singing a Christmas song/Carol or maybe we could share a low carb recipe or meal I am sure there will be much fun and merriment as we had towards Christmas. If we all try and contribute something during Advent it will be a fabulous ride!

    I’ve not been feeling great since my tooth extraction on Monday and haven’t been out but I’ve been sticking to my plan and have eaten less, low carb and no weighing! yesterday my Ketostix were on the very darkest purple and I’ve never been on that colour ever! Was a bit concerned to be honest that it might be dangerous!

    34 more days until Christmas Eve so lots of time to get a few pounds leaner.

    Good luck everyone. We will do this,

  • posted by Busybee

    I’m all for a Christmas cracker advent calendar- I’m sure we could manage 24 between us. I lay bets that Yowzer could come up with some ‘crackers’!
    X B

  • posted by ADD6605

    Hello everyone,
    CC I hope you are feeling a bit better now after your tooth extraction.Busybee I love the sound of the Christmas tree beside the driver(Yowser🙂) I’ve draped some golden fairy lights around the bus🎄Love the idea of an Advent calendar and Yowser’s quotes are definitely always inspiring.
    Not sure if Rainey reads this thread but well done for getting into the smaller jeans!
    I AT LAST have another loss to put on my sparkly chart!!!! I’ve lost 4lb since Monday but alas can only write 1lb loss on my chart as 3 of them were gains from the constant up and downs of my willpower.But that’s all in the past (hopefully) It would be great if by next Friday I could write on a more substantial loss so I’m sitting firmly in my seat still,hopefully all the way to Christmas and beyond⛄️ Have a great day everyone,ding ding🙂 Dawn X

  • posted by Yowzer49

    Hi everyone,ive been busy hanging old fashioned paper chains on the lower and upper decks of our Christmas Cracker bus! Thanks to everyone for contributing decorations and lights, I think we’re gonna end up very bright and festive,like that yearly Coca Cola lorry! Its deffo beginning to feel like Christmas is coming,seems everyone needs it early this year,me included,tho I was a bit dismayed to hear in the supermarket..🎶. Simply having a wonderful Christmas time!🎶
    I love Macca but not keen on that one!
    Ready to warble a few choruses of …
    🎶 are you hanging up your stocking on the waaaaaaallllllll…..🎶 though.
    I guess we’ll get thru plenty of Christmassy songs over the coming weeks as we bowl along on our bus!
    O.D.A.A.T. 💘💘💘💘💘xx

  • posted by Busybee

    ‘All I want for Christmas is’ ……………………….
    For me it’s for me and mine to stay safe and well, oh, and of course to be a few pounds less!!
    X B

  • posted by Yowzer49

    I echo those wants BUSYBEE and will add
    AllI want for Christmas is for all the animals to be loved and respected and treated kindly 💜💜💜💜💜
    And a more light hearted one….
    All I want for Christmas is..a fast metabolism!😀
    I feel grateful that Im not saying ….
    All I want for Christmas two front teeth ( like in the song!)
    O.D.A.A.T. XX

  • posted by shoegirl

    Great bus songs! How about “Last Christmas….. my jeans were too tight”!! What would anyone else identify as a positive change/bad habit they’ve changed since “Last Christmas“?? 🎄🎄

  • posted by ClarinetCathy

    Not posted for a few days; I’ve been in a lot of pain and discomfort since my tooth extraction last Monday. I have had to take paracetamol and Ibuprofen to help with the pain and earache I’ve had ever since. Last night I managed to sleep through without the need for pain relief but I had to take paracetamol this morning! I’ve never had a problem like this with previous extractions. I keep hoping I’ll feel better, apparently it can happen! Anyway, I didn’t fast yesterday because I didn’t feel well enough to. I have been sticking to my plan and haven’t weighed myself all week. I have tried on the tight white jeans I couldn’t wear in the summer and I managed to get them up, zipped up but wouldn’t want to wear them for any length of time quite yet. I am eager to see what the scales say but am determined not to weigh until Christmas Eve. I will try the jeans on every Monday and gauge any loss. Maybe by Christmas I will be able to wear my white summer jeans and turn them into winter white Christmas jeans!

    Shoegirl, I loved your Christmas bus song- it made me laugh out loud. My Christmas bus song today is going to be. “I’m dreaming that my white jeans fit” sung to the tune of I’m dreaming of a white Christmas!

    30 days to go until Christmas Eve- who reckons they could be five pounds lighter by then?

  • posted by Yowzer49

    Good day Countdowners! Another week begins,hurrah!
    So sorry to hear your toothypeg news CCATHY,what bad luck. …..after waiting for the extraction and then still in pain doesnt seem fair at all,you would just expect to be comfortable post extraction wdnt you. I just hope youre over the worst of it now and will soon be totally pain free and no more paracetamol and ibuprofen. I think its wonderful you got yr white jeans on and zipped! It will deffo be a White Jeans Christmas for you! 🎀
    Yes! We can lose five pounds by Crimbo,easy peasy! Lets do it folks!🎉🎈🎉🎈🎉🎈🎉🎈
    Today Im singing…Dashing thru the snow..on a twinkly Christmas bus….o’er the fields we go,low carbing all the way …….🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶 xxx
    Ps so looking forward to our christmas cracker christmas advent calendar! X🎉🎁🎉🎁🎉🎁🎉🎁 fab idea DCT!

  • posted by sunshine-girl

    Hi to everyone on the bus. Read all your posts even if I dont comment every day. Like the idea of an advent calendar, might be the boost we need for the last few weeks of this challenge. I set my own goal of 9.5 lbs by Christmas and will weigh in tomorrow to see how I am doing. Sorry you are still suffering CC, hope you feel better soon.

    I know Yowzer likes motivational quotes so here is one I say the other day@
    Dont worry about failures, worry about the chances you missed by not trying = Jack Cranfield, motivational speaker.

  • posted by Yowzer49

    Hi SUNSHINE thanks for the great quote x
    Synchronicity! Jack Cranfield was talking in the lead up to my meditation this morning! X
    Hope yr weigh in goes well 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻

  • posted by Busybee

    There is an air of positivity and enthusiasm on the bus over the last couple of days perhaps due to the sparkling decorations which are appearing!
    I’m going to repeat my favourite quote, mainly to keep me on track – ‘Yesterday has gone, tomorrow never comes, so take life one day at a time’
    Keeping on keeping on O.D.A.A.T.

  • posted by sunshine-girl

    Hi all, weigh in this morning shows I have only 1.75 lbs to go to reach my 9.5 lb goal before Christmas. Still have time to do even better, is it 4 weeks to go.

  • posted by Yowzer49

    SUNSHINE GIRL wowzeryowzer,you must feel like youre walking on air? And still plenty of time to lose more than 1.75 lb by Xmas….How fab is that! That gives you a bit of wiggle room too if you want a few treats at Christmas XX🎁🎀

  • posted by ClarinetCathy

    Wow Sunshine Girl that is an amazing achievement! Well done on your incredible weight loss. I’d love to know your secret! You will most definitely smash your Christmas goal as we still have 30 days until Christmas Day! What a wonderful feeling it will be after Christmas knowing that you’ve done all the hard work beforehand and you won’t be starting the New Year having “lose weight” on your New Year Resolution list! That is one of my ambitions. I really wanted to get on the scales this morning to see if I had lost any weight but the thought of seeing something which might upset me put me right off. It’s quite nice not knowing and I am keeping on with my low carb way of eating. So far today I’ve only taken two Ibuprofen and so I am hoping my ? Post extraction infection is clearing up with the saltwater rinsing I’m doing . I really want to feel better and smash my Christmas Goal like you Sunshine Girl. I’d love to be around 140 lb on Christmas Eve- it’s a long shot but here’s hoping. On my last weigh In on 14th November I was 148.4.

    Keep going everyone, keep strong, let’s keep doing our best and let’s look forward to a healthier and happier 2021 taking it one day at a time.

  • posted by Dreamscometrue

    Morning all. Hope everyone is well, and still chugging along on the Christmas bus? Loving all the Christmas vibe on here already!

    Well done SG for getting so near your target, that’s fantastic!

    Cathy I hope your tooth problems are easing? Sorry to hear this is dragging on. But I love your relentless positivity and enthusiasm. It will definitely be a White (jeans) Christmas for you!

    Cathy and Yowzer It’s a big YES to the 5lb before Christmas from me. With all the talk of Black Friday I think we can call this our “Pre-Christmas special event – 5 pounds off!”

    I’m delighted to say that my 10-day blitz is going really well. Yesterday my scales hit 140lb! I’ve seen a steady movement down from 143lb in just over a week. I didn’t dare say anything on here yesterday because I know how fluid weight gain and loss can be and half expected to be back up at 143 or more this morning. But no, it’s 139.8 – so I’ve finally dipped into the 9’s again. Just – but YAY!! First time for over a year. I’ll keep riding this rapid loss wave until it stalls – as indeed I know it will – then do my very best to maintain at however far I get, rather than go back to bad habits and see it piling back on again.

    Interestingly, I’ve gone back to exactly what I did right at the very start, which is to typically have five small meals/snacks a day. Not text book BSD I know. I did that right at the beginning because I was scared of not being able to stick to plan. Then once the weight started coming off, and I was more used to the WoE, I went to three small meals, and at times to 16:8, 18:6 and OMAD – all of which worked for a while then my body got used to it. In recent months 16:8 has become the norm for me, but I was also having too many treats too regularly, particularly wine and chocolate. But now I’m having a small breakfast, sometimes a mid-morning snack – particularly if I’ve been out running, small lunch, late afternoon snack, and light dinner.

    The late afternoon snack is key for me as that’s my danger zone. It’s Pointless time (UK readers will understand!), and it’s too early for dinner but I need “something”. This is when I usually open the wine, closely followed by the snacks, but at the moment I’m finding a chilled glass of tonic water with ice and lemon is doing the trick nicely. Fever Tree do a lovely one with clementine and cinnamon. I also have a small handful of peanuts with this, and my body seems happy with that. Not zero carb I know, but way better than hitting the wine and snacks big time!

    Have a good week everyone. Christmas is coming!

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