Countdown to Christmas

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  • posted by Busybee

    Yowzer, I found your mojo in the left luggage box and have left it on the windscreen of the bus for you to pick up when you are ready!
    I am plodding along and still feeling positive with my new mantras. Feeling a little thinner but not going to weigh as if I don’t see a good result I usually end up eating to make myself feel
    O.D.A.A.T X B

  • posted by Yowzer49

    Woooo! 👻👻👻 Happy Halloween ChristmasCountdowners! X
    Thanks BUSYBEE,I’ll pick my mojo up later today,give it a soak overnight in case its been in touch with that nasty coronavirus,and resume mojo use tomorrow..🤗 so glad youre feeling thinner,its such a good feeling isnt it!
    O.D.A.A.T. 👍🏻👍🏻 X

  • posted by Jennie10

    Hi BusyBee – was mine in there? Good idea with the not weighing thing (I do the same) and great that you’re feeling thinner.

    Happy Halloween Yowser – not sure what you’re planning but whatever it is I bet it’ll be fun. I’ve suggested a Skype duck apple competition to my family – I’ve cleaned a bowl and got the apples at the ready…… and I agree with everyone else – a Count Downer award well-deserved xx

    In all honesty I’ve had a rubbishy week BSD-wise. Having decided to leave the structural work we need doing to our gable wall ’til next summer this week some slates have come off the roof and the TV areial has fallen down (sigh!!!) so I’ve focused on TRYING to get that fixed and hardly moved from my computer and phone. Result – I’ve done NO exercise at all. My eating has been a lot better, I’ve written my weekly meal plan and had good, well-balanced, low-carb foods. I feel like my portion control is really going well so as an old yo-yo dieter, that’s definitely a positive.

    I’m going to leave it there as my internet keeps dropping out (windy here) but hope everyone has a good weekend. Keep safe
    Jennie xx

  • posted by Yowzer49

    JENNIE10 youre a girl after my own heart re duck apple!
    Doing nothing halloweenish myself,but if things were different, wd love an old fashioned Halloween party,tho we never called it that,it was just called Duck Apple Night. And thats what I wd do tonight,duck apple,bob apple…no trick or treat but plenty of treats for my guests…baked spuds and treacle toffee,gingerbread men and parkin,mulled wine and sparklers. Fancy dress optional!
    Well done Jennie on keeping low carb despite trying to sort out yr tiles and aerial probz…..enough to make anyone dive into the biscuit tin or draw a chair up to the fridge! X at such times for me,my Carb Monster tiptoes up,peeps round the corner and does a low whistle,beckoning me to deal with my frustrations with so called carby ‘ goodies’ 😏😏 x

  • posted by Jennie10

    Busy – You didn’t see Boris in that Left Luggage Locker did you?

  • posted by Jennie10

    Yowser – yes, we must be of an age. It was duck apple night for me, too. xxx

  • posted by Yowzer49

    Howdy Countdowners,brace yourselves for a new month!
    JENNIE I’m 71 next week! And yes Wish BJ was in the leftluggage and wd stay there!
    Well I gave my mojo a wash,its squeaky clean now.
    My mojo gave me a jolly good talking to,and Im more than ready to climb aboard our bus and take battle again. Very low carb day today and plenty of water.
    Highlight of today for me…. low carb = no indigestion or heartburn! Woohoo! X
    A new month AND a new week..the clocks ticking down to Crimbo!
    O.D.A.A.T. X

  • posted by Busybee

    I have to confess that I missed the bus last night!
    I had decided to have just two small glasses of fizz and started whilst waiting for Boris. So I waited and waited and waited and before I knew it I had drunk 4 glasses,. ‘Fizzled’
    Have been hovering over the carbs today not too bad and today will soon be gone and tomorrow will turn inti today.
    Onwards and downwards O.D.A.A.T.
    X B

  • posted by ADD6605

    Well I’m now at ‘zero safe distance’ (to quote Aliens movie😃) from Christmas if I want to get to my goal weight for then so I need to settle into a seat on the bus and stay there!I’ve had the best day food wise than I’ve had in a while so feeling positive tonight.Doing some Christmas shopping tomorrow🎁so that should help keep me focused.Hang onto those bus rails everyone😀 Dawn

  • posted by Dreamscometrue

    Morning everyone! Great to read so many fun posts recently, really cheered me up and so much I can identify with.

    I think I’m in the naughty corner on the bus. I’d been doing great for ages; not losing but maintaining. But went a bit AWOL Friday and Saturday: massive Chinese takeaway then meal at some friends, with lots of wine with both. So by Sunday the scales were showing a 4lb gain since Friday!! Now I know a lot of that is probably carb water, but it was a bit of a wake up call.

    Being honest, I’ve not been following BSD very closely for a while, and certainly am way above 800 calories. I’ve drifted into new habits and routines, and they are good enough to keep me maintaining, but to lose any more weight I do need to up my game. And, even as I write this, I know I’ve said it many times before on here. But mostly it ends up being just words.

    I can really identify with BusyBee about working mentally in weeks, so as soon as I veer off course, it’s a kind of “oh well, leave it till next Monday” mentality. So my aim now is also to work one day at a time and make sure I have at least 2 – ideally 3 or 4 – days when I stick strictly to plan, and to 800 calories if I’m not exercising that day. I hope I do a bit better this week. Dawn I’m at the same stage as you re my Christmas target, “zero safe distance”. If I can rein myself in and start losing 1lb a week from now on, I will just about make it!

    And of course for those of us in the UK we have national lockdowns either already in place or starting this week. I’m in England so ours starts Thursday, and I guess that’s freaking me out too. I’m very lucky in that my day to day routine is not affected that much: I’m semi-retired and do part time freelance work from home, which continues during lockdown. But I’m just feeling a bit panicky and overwhelmed, and fighting the urge to dash around for the next three days trying to do everything that I won’t be able then to do for the next month: Christmas cards, animal vet check ups, DIY stores etc. And am cross with myself for not anticipating this and getting on with stuff like clearing the garden and garage, getting rid of old furniture, listing various things on eBay etc. I’m gradually trying to declutter and decorate my home, redo a couple of bathrooms and replace some of the furniture but some of that will now need to go on hold. And realistically, may not have happened anyway between now and Christmas, it’s just the knowledge that it now can’t.

    Sorry for whingeing, and I know that many many people are much worse affected than me. And I do think that this general level of anxiety that Covid is causing is also bound to impact on our weight loss efforts as well as so much else. So am wishing you all well in whatever situation you are in.

    How is everyone else doing? Cathy did you get your tooth sorted? Let’s all keep each other going during these difficult times X

  • posted by ClarinetCathy

    Morning folks
    Still hiding at the back of the bus dodging the inspector! Still up and down the same couple of pounds and not really motivated if I am being honest. Being in Greater Manchester we have been in lockdown for some considerable time now and the light at the end of the tunnel was to hopefully get to see my son who lives in London for Christmas. It’s now only a glimmer of hope and social isolation is getting harder and harder! Some days I feel really quite fed up. My dental extraction is planned for 16th November. My dentist has referred me to an oral surgeon because it is a complex tooth. I hope I can still go on 16th! Weight wise I am the heaviest I’ve been for quite a considerable amount of time – only by a couple of pounds but I can’t seem to get into the swing of things.
    I feel that lockdown has really derailed me from being in control of things. I don’t know what has happened psychologically but I have lost my usual self control and motivation and I am going to have to dig deep to regain my mojo. . I don’t want to be unhealthy, fat and demotivated, I want to be positive, vibrant and enthusiastic so I need to think of ways to try and get back to my old self. It is certainly a testing time.

    I can only do my best every day and that is what I am going to try to do. So I won’t be giving myself an unreasonable weight loss target as I’ve proved recently that I just can’t do it and that makes me feel a failure. From today, like a few others on here, I will do one day at a time. I think that will be really helpful and hopefully achievable. I like the mantra one day at a time and I hope it works for those of us who are really struggling. Well done to everyone who is doing well and well done to everyone who is trying hard in these difficult times, we are doing the best we can.

  • posted by SueBlue

    Hello all,
    I’m another passenger who has been hiding down the back of the bus!
    After my recent family celebrations (birthdays and our anniversary) I had gained a couple of kilos, but as of this morning they had gone again thank goodness!
    I’m still a long way from the goal I had wanted to achieve this year though, so that’s gone out the window. I like the idea of one day at a time too and kept repeating that mantra today.
    I feel for you all going into lockdown again. I have been living in lockdown conditions now for 7 months, admittedly this has mainly been out of choice rather than government mandated, as I have compromised immunity.
    I haven’t been out to socialise at all, I think the last time was in February when I met a friend for lunch! I leave my home only once or twice a week for doctors appointments or other errands. I only stay within a few km radius of my home. Grocery shipping is ordered online and delivered…it does get me down sometimes. I am grateful though that I can work from home part time, so still am able to earn an income, and my son and daughter visit every few weeks. What upsets me is that every time I start to feel this situation may be over soon, and life may be returning to normal,
    then It seems to ramp up again!
    I hope for you all in the UK that the 4 week lockdown slows the virus spread down and you can then be able to enjoy Christmas with your families.
    It is hard to believe that we are in November already! I’m determined to strap myself into my seat on the bus and stay on for the journey! I’m trying more of a 5:2 approach with a few 800 calorie days and then the others I’ll stay around 1000-1200, I do feel so much healthier when I stick to on-plan foods.
    Let’s all keep on keeping on 🙂

  • posted by Busybee

    It’s good to see more passengers posting!
    The bus is COVID safe so there’s plenty of room for more without any social distancing!
    Im glad you found your mojo Yowzer – let’s keep waving them at those nasty carbs!
    Have a good week everyone.
    X B

  • posted by Yowzer49

    Hi lovely Countdowners,great to see so many comments! 🧡💛🧡
    I empathise with everybodys weight struggles and the general anxiety floating round. This year has been like no other so not surprising we ‘re feeling a bit discombobulated ! We are all hiding at the back of the bus it seems,hoping the Inspector doesnt find us!
    BUSYBEE im glad you had that fizz! Who could blame you when Bojo kept us waiting all that time..I m sure he was watching the rugby coz he appeared as soon as it ended!
    DAWN hope you enjoyed yr shopping spree and found everything you wanted
    CCATHY I really hope yr appt isnt cancelled,keep us posted
    SUEBLUE thanks for yr good wishes and Im so sorry you havent been out socially since Feb. Just out for errands gets tedious doesnt it! Lets hope its not for much longer 🙏but well done,despite everything, losing the family celebration kilos, and having a plan in place for the rest of Countdown.
    DREAMS I love the sound of that massive Chinese meal 🥰 mmmmmm…..At the moment I could eat a horse and chase the jockey, roll on teatime.!
    Oh and I too have always suffered with that Monday mentality,as if somehow Monday will be Magical lets wait til the next one to start again. Mad thinking isnt it…..Lets keep BUZZYS wise mantra in mind…O.D.A.A.T…
    🙂 One Day At A Time 🙃 onwards and downwards…
    Beep beep, hold tight! all on board the Magic Bus! XX
    Question of the day..
    If Cinderella’s shoe fit so perfectly,why did it fall off? 🤨 🤔

  • posted by ClarinetCathy

    Yowser- you are so funny and thank you for keeping us cheerful. I loved the Cinderella question – made me laugh out loud!

    One day at a time seems to be working for me! Had a brilliant day yesterday and was 1lb down this morning. I am having home made mushroom soup for lunch and a quorn fillet with mushrooms and cream and broccoli for my evening meal. Went to Sainsbury’s this morning and bought some half price trousers in a size 12 and have decided to paint my toenails so my mojo I has come back!! . Haven’t tried the trousers on yet but the fact is I won’t buy a size 14 so if they’re too tight I will get into them as I have vowed not to buy bigger clothes since losing my weight. It’s a great way to keep on the straight and narrow. Get rid of clothes that are too big and don’t keep them for when we put the weight back on like I always used to. I had clothes in a range of sizes up to size 18 and now I only have size 12.

    For anyone who is struggling I can recommend trying one day at a time. If we go wrong then it’s only one day and we can try again the next day.

    Thanks to everyone who is giving this a go. The battle bus has plenty of room at the front and I hope to be sitting further up the bus next week instead of dodging the inspector at the back. For each day I do well I will move forward one row. Today, I’m not on the back row!

  • posted by Busybee

    Still going O.D.A.A.T.
    X B

  • posted by Yowzer49

    C CATHY yr dindins sounds lovely!
    Well done on keeping to a size 12 wardrobe only….. That tells yr brain and body,This is it,no going back,no going up any higher….
    Let yr Carb Monster sit and sob and shake her fists in defeat! you’re much stronger than her and youre heading right to the front of the bus! ❤️
    I imagine my Carb Monster a bit like this….🐷..or a small chubby gorilla 🐵….
    Either way,pig or gorilla,she’s small,fat and wears a pink tutu and she’s always hanging round corners,trying to trip me up…but she wont win! X

  • posted by ClarinetCathy

    ODAAT is really suiting me at the moment. I wrote out a journal last night to log my progress daily. It’s just over 7 weeks to Christmas Eve and that’s quite a lot of “one day at a time” days which I reckon psychologically is helping me. I know that if I stick to my plan I could make a difference to how I feel and it should be possible to get a good half a stone off in time for Christmas. One thing I am mindful of is that I don’t want to start 2021 feeling fat and frumpy. 2020 has been a bad year for us all and I am hopeful that 2021 will be much happier and I intend to start 2021 feeling optimistic and enthusiastic.

    Its a lovely autumn day and I’ve been to my local park this morning for a brisk walk. The birds were tweeting and the colours were autumnal and I did feel optimistic that I can do this one day at a time.

    I hope that I’ve inspired anyone who is struggling like I have been for the past few weeks that it isn’t too late to make a difference for Christmas – we have 50 days of one day at a time before Christmas Eve. What can we do in 50 days?

  • posted by Busybee

    Good for you Yowzer, show that monster your sparkly mojo!
    I’m still keeping on keeping on with my O.D.A.A.T. and also haven’t weighed myself since I started this new (to me) new mantra. I will brave the scales on Friday and hopefully will see a couple of pounds gone!,
    I’m keeping the sparkle in my life by lighting the fairy lights on the mantel piece each evening and, of course, lots of candles over the weekends.
    We seem to be keeping the seats on the bus warm – long may it continue!
    X B

  • posted by shoegirl

    I love that, ClarinetCathy, we can all achieve so much in 50 x 1 day at a time. I’m with you every step of the way!! Keep it up 👍🏻

  • posted by caronl

    I loved your post too, Cathy. I haven’t so much been lurking at the back of the bus, but hanging on to the bumper. Or maybe the pole of a double decker in pre-Boris days. OK. One day at a time. 50 days countdown. Diary dusted off. Wish me resolve and determination please!

  • posted by ClarinetCathy

    Caronl and Shoegirl – great that you’re embracing ODAAT going towards our Christmas countdown. Breaking the countdown into one day chunks is so much easier and doable. I’ve been out for a brisk walk this morning, have a large glass of water by my side and am planning cottage cheese and egg salad for lunch and skinny lasagne from the BSD cook book for my evening meal. By concentrating on just today we can do it. To be honest, in these uncertain times I think I am going to live one day at a time in all aspects of my life. No point in making too many plans ahead of time, they invariably are cancelled and I’m disappointed. So ODAAT is working for me and I hope it works for you too!

    Busybee – good luck for your weigh in tomorrow- I reckon you’ll be pleasantly surprised.

    Have a great day countdowners.

  • posted by Yowzer49

    Happy Thursday,Bommie Night,first day of lockdown everyone….please bear in mind how frightened animals are by loud bangs,and how they keep babies awake,if youre setting off any fireworks tonight. Keep to the colourful but not loud!
    BUSY BEE my mojos so sparkly i need 😎…!!
    best wishes for the weigh in..and I LOVE fairy lights and candles and tealights…..twinkling lights are particularly welcome as winter approaches …
    CCATHY i totally agree..O.D.A.A.T. Is the way to go!👍🏻 Thanks to our BUSYBEE for the mantra!
    And youre right CCATHY!these days its the ONLY way to go in all aspects of our lives.
    And Im with you and CARONL and SHOEGIRL..fifty day countdown started today…be there or be square!
    Ive tried on several “ooh thats a bit tight!!!” tops this morning..determined that when i try them again Dec 2nd they’ll be looser! XX

  • posted by Busybee

    Well, I’m very disappointed! After following my new mantra for two weeks I have only lost two pounds. I know that is better than nothing but I really thought I would have lost more – I have been so ‘good’ and feel thinner.
    But… I’ll take a big breath, dust myself off and start over again – there’s still time to lose a few pounds before Christmas.
    All aboard the Christmas bus 🚌 with mojos held high!
    X B

  • posted by ClarinetCathy

    Hi Busybee

    I was sorry to read that you were disappointed with your weight loss this morning. Losing 2lbs in two weeks is a good weight loss. I know the effort to reward ratio when losing weight can be disheartening. We have to work so hard for every single pound. However, as a slow loser myself I can honestly say that when you achieve your goal weight you will not think about how long it took you and really it doesn’t matter as long as you get there. When I lost 42lb in 2017, it took me a lot longer than any of the people I shared my journey with but I was so happy to eventually achieve my goal. Well done for sticking to your plan and achieving a 2lb loss – four packets of butter! I don’t know where you are in your journey but I know that I have to work hard for every single pound and that’s because my body is used to less food and a healthier diet. As JGwen wisely tells us, the scales do not show us the full picture. I can remember seeing bony protuberances (my knees) and bony shoulders long before the scales showed a weight loss. The fact that you feel thinner and can probably get into clothes you couldn’t a few weeks ago is proof that this way of eating is working.

    Like you, I am doing ODAAT and I plan to do a 36 hour fast on Sunday. I am using the second UK lockdown to really give myself a fighting chance of getting fit and in some way it is giving me back some control. Let’s use the next 47 days until Christmas Eve to continue working hard so that we can enjoy a few days off over Christmas before embarking on our 2021 journey. I reckon even us slow losers could be half a stone lighter than we are today if we keep on track.

    Well done busybee on your hard work and your weight loss, KOKO ODAAT!


  • posted by Yowzer49

    Hiiiiii BUSY🐝 I know,we all know,that disappointed feeling 🙁 when we step on the scales,its not nice at all!!!
    but please take note of what CCATHY says!X
    The scales can be treacherously disappointing and they dont always give the full picture.
    You may find your waist now measures a titchy bit less, and like CATHY said,your knees -or elbows – might become bonier. Your face slimmer. Things you mightn’t immediately notice but still make a difference. I love it when my knees look a little bit pointier!
    Also,this WOE is notorious for giving you a Whoosh week you could stand on the scales and see a significant difference..or the week after that. Your body sometimes just wants to hold on like crazy then suddenly lets it go. The Whoosh Moment makes it all worth while!
    And dont forget the improvements that make your doctor happy. Blood pressure falls,tests show your cholesterol etc are all better than they were. Youre at less risk of stroke,heart attack,diabetes. These things are even more significant overall than looking slimmer.
    Like you said,keep on keeping on, hold your head and your mojo high in the air,stay twinkly,and never forget your mantra..
    O.D.A.A.T.! XX
    Theres a great quote,cant remember who said it and the exact words,but basically its saying,
    You may not be where you want to be yet,but youre no longer where you used to be…
    So celebrate that two pounds 🥳🥳🥳 well done buzzy,just think,if you hadnt been so careful for the last two weeks,if you had just eaten mindlessly,you might now be two or more pounds UP,so the trend is good.X 💜

  • posted by sunshine-girl

    Hi all, I am still here watching what is going on. Counting down, 6 weeks now so not long.

    Busybee, just to add to what others have been saying so well. I have seen you around this site for ages now so you must be a long time BSDer or 500er or whatever. When you have been on a diet for a long time you are bound to lose much slower. Worse than that, it is so easy to put weight back on as I saw with a 2lb gain over the weekend just for a few drinks and a dish of ice cream. I am always just grateful I know about this plan and can get back on whichever bus I fancy and soon get back into my smaller pants. Or in my case, that 2lb on gave me back the underarm boob flab which, thanks to getting back on track I have lost again. It is one of the first things I notice, booby growth which I really dont need. Dont be upset with yourself, you are doing great, just stick with it. Take care everyone and have a great weekend.

  • posted by Busybee

    Thank you Cathy and Yowzer for your cheer up messages. I’ll get over feeling sorry for myself and will get out my mantra which is hiding behind the cushion at the moment.
    Onwards and downwards O.D.A.A.T.
    X B

  • posted by shoegirl

    Keep going, BB, you’ve had some great advice from Sunshine Girl, CC and Yowzer, I remember JGwen advising me to concentrate on measurements, small changes to areas of your body or clothes feeling a little loose. Like you, I get hung up on numbers too, but try to come back to JGwen’s words of wisdom to keep me feeling positive. Be kind to yourself and stay on track, you’ll get there!
    I’m 3 days into the 800 calorie fasting days and feeling hungry but ok. I still get so cold during these days of restricted intake, weird!! I’ve had a bit of weight loss but I know it could just be fluids this early on so I’ll give it a week before I check again.
    Stay strong everyone!!

  • posted by caronl

    Hi all. Just popping in to say I am on track for Day3 of the Countdown – or should that be Day47? Anyway thanks for all the support, and pleased there are so many fellow passengers!

  • posted by ClarinetCathy

    Still on track here too Caronl – am firmly in ketosis so burning fat. Tomorrow I am going to do a 36 hour fast. I will try to fast until Monday lunchtime to give my body chance to repair and heal. I reckon one long 36 hour fast per week until Christmas should help me keep on track. I’ve put a countdown app on my phone and I am ending my countdown on Christmas Eve. I plan to give myself a few days off over Christmas and then get straight back into what I hope will be maintenance. If I can maintain at 138 lb I will be happy with that. Once I have got my weight under 140 lb then I am going to set 140 as my maximum weight threshold because I know I can’t keep yo yoing up and down for the rest of my life. I did originally achieve my target of 133 lb but I know that weight isn’t maintainable for me with any quality of life! I managed to stay at 138 lb for just over a year until last year when the best part of a stone gradually crept on and wouldn’t creep off again!

    So onwards and downwards we all go. Slowly and steadily towards our a Christmas target. 47/48 days to make a difference to how we all look and feel about ourselves. Oh and I hope to be sitting one or two rows up the bus next week- so let’s all “move along the bus”. Ding ding!

  • posted by Busybee

    Well done Cathy both with your weight loss and future plans.
    Sadly I will be sitting at the back of the bus hiding from the inspector but aim to move up a little before Christmas.
    X B

  • posted by ClarinetCathy

    Fasting today and my husband decided to bake bread! Didn’t bother me – my iron will got me though. So far I’ve had water, peppermint tea, coffee, apple cider vinegar in water. For some reason I don’t sleep well when I am strict low carb and in ketosis so I might be in for a long night ahead with a rumbly tummy. I plan to eat tomorrow late morning so that will be a 40 hours fast. I will weigh myself on Tuesday and hope to have lost a couple of pounds this week. I really do want to see the scales going down over the next few weeks and I just have to keep chipping away week by week even if the scales haven’t moved. Like Busybee, I feel thinner and I know how hard I’ve worked this week. I am 10 lbs away from being where I want to be and I know that the last 10lbs won’t fall off me easily.

    Well, I’ve had a good day and tried my hardest and just have to dig deep to do this for the next 45 days!

    Have a good week everyone. Tonight I will be planning my meals for the next week. I am going to be strict 16/8 until next Sunday when I will do my next 40 hour fast. It would be great to read what your plans are for the next 45 days until Christmas. I wonder how much weight I can lose in 45 days?

  • posted by Yowzer49

    CCATHY! im blowing a big ceremonious fanfare on my imaginary bugle 🎺🎺🎺🎺🎺 and clapping like mad!👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽
    Your post above is SO strong and rock,girl! Wild applause!👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽
    You dont deserve Award of the Week,you deserve Olympic Champion of the week!XXXX🏆🥇🏆🥇🏆🥇🏆

  • posted by ADD6605

    Happy birthday YOWSER🎂 hope you have a great day.
    I have been hanging on for dear life to the Countdown bus over the last few days,will power all over the place but I haven’t totally fallen off yet.Hope everyone has a good day! Dawn

  • posted by Busybee

    I’ve taken my mojo from behind the cushion and given it a bit of a polish!
    I have to confess I ate too much and drank too much over the weekend – I tend to self sabotage when the scales go the wrong way! However I only gained what I call the carb fluid which I hope will come off quickly and today I feel ready to climb on the bus again!,
    Here we go again O.D.A.A.T.
    X B

  • posted by ClarinetCathy

    Yowser- wishing you a very happy birthday for today. Thank you for making the thread a happy place for us all to post and for your continued support and enthusiasm. I hope you have a special day.


  • posted by ClarinetCathy

    Weighed myself today and have lost 1.6 lbs this week. A lot of hard work and determination went into losing that 1.6lb. Taking one day at a time for this week too. My tooth extraction is scheduled for next Monday and so I might change my fast day to Monday, rather than Sunday/Monday – I don’t want to faint with the stress of the extraction and no food inside me!
    So going forward it’s 16:8, low carb, plenty of water, walking and sticking to it. If I lose a couple of pounds over the next few weeks I will be the lightest I’ve been since June 2019 when my weight started to gradually increase. That is something to aim for.
    I am enjoying the one day at a time approach and it certainly seems easier for me to do it this way. So 43 days until Christmas Eve and 7 days until my next weigh in.

    I hope that the glimmer of light at the end of the tunnel re a Covid vaccine is inspiring everyone that we might be leading more normal lives by next Springtime and who knows, we might even be booking holidays!

    Have a good week everyone and let’s keep trying our hardest to be the best we can one day at a time. Also, one bad day doesn’t mean it’s game over, we just try again the next day.

  • posted by Busybee

    Well done Cathy on your strong determination and I love your comment ‘one bad day doesn’t mean it’s game over, we just try again the next day’
    I will add that to my O.D.A.A.T. mantra – I need all the help I can get!
    X B

  • posted by Yowzer49

    Thanks for bday wishes,had a lovely day..really,have been celebrating since DDS 40 th on Saturday,and have kept the festivities going today as have goodies to finish up! Oh well it wd be rude not to munch cake,drink gin and eat chox when theyve been bought for me,now wouldnt it!!!
    Tomorrow tho..tomorrow I begin again,a new day dawns on the Battle of the Bulge bus with my Countdowning Chums! Celebrating every victory ( well done CCATHY!) Beep beep get out of our way,we’re hitting the high road!
    Every day in every way Im getting better and better XXXXXXXX

  • posted by Busybee

    The Christmas Bus 🚌 has had a bit of a clean and polish and is ready for passengers.
    All aboard – ding ding!
    X B

  • posted by ClarinetCathy

    I have no doubt that the newly cleaned and polished battle of the bulge bus will be accelerating as we head nearer to Christmas as we become significantly lighter. Also, there will be fewer of us hiding at the back and therefore distributing the weight evenly. 42 days to Christmas – exactly six weeks so that is enough time to make a difference.

    Climb aboard everyone, make a plan and enjoy the ride!

  • posted by Mariet

    Here I am, back on the bus and with three successful days under my belt.
    I am planning ahead, preparing meals and embracing the empty feeling- it’s really not bad hunger, just empty, so no need to rush off to the kitchen to make it go away.
    I’m also dismayed to realise how much snacking I do. Something else that had crept into my life but banished these past few days- and my world has gone on!
    ODAAT seems to be working for me so far, thanks everyone for the encouragement I see with every post.

  • posted by Yowzer49

    MARIET three successful days! respect! 👍🏻 I know what you mean about snacks..Or snaxidents as MERRY MELBA calls them! .😀.I could happily draw a chair up to the fridge and snack all day..specially after a few days of bday celebrations..isnt it funny how quickly we can get back into bad habits?
    BUSYBEE thanks for the clean and polish up,we are now ready to set off on our newly pristine bus,all the way to Christmas! Every good day we have,we can hang up another crimbo decoration on the bus…we will be very sparkly indeed in 6 weeks time..think thats how long CCATHY said we have..its deffo long enough to make a difference!
    Quote for today..
    “How do you spell Love?
    You dont spell it,you feel it “ (Winnie the Pooh) xx

  • posted by Butterlover

    Hi ,I feel that I’ve found a formula that works for me.I count carbs and portion size on all packages .stay strictly less than 50 gms daily.
    Make a big salad every evening and keep half for tomorrow.keep a protein cooked and ready in the fridge,eggs and chicken are my current favourite. I don’t eat till after 12noon. Fluids only in the morning.lunch is the salad and protein in the fridge.4pm snack nuts ,or berries or yoghurt.dinner salad or cooked greens and 100gms of meat or fish.
    My big problem has been after dinner snacks.I found the extra meat or eggs solves the problem.In cold weather a bowl of miso or chicken stock. Also, When needing distraction,utube any related topic fasting ,keto etc etc motivated me.Most of all reading all the great advice on these forums.Ive been on and off the BSD thinking for several years.Now I’ve worked out what fits my situation the challenge is consistent determination. I hope everyone is moving forward ODAAT.

  • posted by ADD6605

    Hi fellow Countdowners.Still no further loss to add to my sparkly chart but I refuse to give up(I know for sure I would have done if it hadn’t been for the forum) My dad is still not eating and one of the nurses in his care home thinks his body is starting to shut down,but he’s comfortable and is sleeping a lot bless him.For one of his birthday presents we sent a fleecy tartan throw which he was apparently very taken with so there is some solace in the thought that he is finding comfort with that wrapped over him (it’s not the same as being able to give him a cuddle would be though🙁)I’m not berating myself too much when I emotionally eat at the moment but am going to fill next 3 days food plan in on MFP so that I’m not tempted to just grab stuff.Hope everyone has a good day.Dawn

  • posted by ClarinetCathy

    Dawn, when I read your post this morning it resonated with me. Despite being on day 10 of my ODAAT regime and despite a 40 hour fast, my weight is now only 0.6 lb lighter than when I started. It went down and then has gradually gone up. I was really disappointed this morning but with 40 days to go to Christmas Eve I am NOT giving up. Your dad’s fleecy, tartan throw sounds lovely. I bet he feels all cosy with it on.

    Dawn, put a star on your chart this morning! You don’t need to lose weight to earn a star! You are keeping strong in difficult times and keeping your resolve. I am not giving up either because I am not letting the scales get the upper hand. I am in ketosis, I am eating less and I know I can’t be getting heavier eating so little. Scales- I am ignoring you!

    Have a good day everyone.

  • posted by ADD6605

    ClarinetCathy,thank you for your lovely post.I have rejigged my sparkly chart to change it to weekly weigh ins instead of 2 weekly and will indeed put a star on it today to remind me that it’s not all about weight loss🙂 Dawn X

  • posted by ClarinetCathy

    Feeling a tad fed up this morning. Scales have gone up for the third day in a row despite being in ketosis and sticking to my ODAAT regime and being good! I know it is likely fluid etc but still disheartening to see scales going in the wrong direction when I am saying NO to things I want to say YES to! No Friday G&T last night! Had a glass of sparkling water instead. I don’t know why I’m finding losing weight so difficult and don’t know what to do. I committed to doing this until Christmas Eve and despite what the scales say I am not giving up until Christmas Eve. I am fed up of not seeing a result yet but I can only hope for a whoosh at some point soon. It is a test of my resolve and will power and disappointing but I won’t give up. Maybe I should not weigh myself until Christmas Eve. That is something I am going to think seriously about. It might be better than tormenting myself. Looking at my statistics for the last 11 days I have lost 0.6 lbs! I could cry! I know that it’s not just about the scales but something doesn’t seem right here. I am definitely in ketosis according to my ketostix. Oh well, I will keep on keeping on and fighting my battle. I am going to stand at the front of the bus and hold my head up high and will not hide at the back because I have done nothing wrong! I will record my total weight loss at the end of my 50 day journey and won’t bore you all with the daily ups and downs over the next 39 days. I am putting a 🌟 star on my imaginary chart today because I AM GOING TO SEE THIS THROUGH TO CHRISTMAS EVE despite the disappointing result 10 days in! Sorry for the rant! Thank you for your support and if anyone has any ideas or suggestions or tweaks, I would be grateful.

    Have a good weekend everyone. I am having my tooth out on Monday so that will mean I will be a few grams lighter! Every cloud etc …..

  • posted by ClarinetCathy

    Just looked up the definition of disappointment and it sums up exactly how I feel “sadness or displeasure caused by non fulfilment of ones hopes or expectations”. Couldn’t have put it better myself! Exactly how I feel today!

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