Blood Sugar Low.

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  • posted by Milesp02

    Hey All,
    1 Week in lost 16 lb in the first week so was over the moon I do have a good bit to lose though. Had blood pressure/glucose tested and both looked odd. Pressure high and Glucose (4.9) low. Is it safe to continue?
    At the docs tomorrow

  • posted by LittleDrummerGirl

    I can’t give medical advice as no qualifications, and have no experience of high blood pressure, but I have experienced blood glucose as low (and lower) than 4.9 without an issue (usually on extended fasts rather than F800) – went with how I felt rather than the numbers (caveat – I’m not diabetic). Good idea to check with your docs.

  • posted by sunshine-girl

    Hi Miles, you should have seen your doctor by now and I would be interested in what they had to say. I know when I started my BG dropped from around 200 (10.8) to 130 (7.2) in just 2 weeks and after that down to under 100 (5,0) consistently. You dont say if you are diabetic, which makes a big difference to any advice.

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