Blood sugar increasing

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  • posted by FerretQueen

    Hello my mum has been doing the bsd with me and we are on week 5 however her blood sugar has risen does anyone know why?

  • posted by KrysiaD

    Hi FerretQueen
    When you say her blood sugar has risen – is that her fasting blood sugar or after meal sugars? It has been mentioned on this forum that fasting blood sugars can be unreliable because of the dawn phenomenon. I also found that my fasting blood sugars were quite variable until my pancreas started working properly and I was able to stop the insulin. They now stay low all the time.

    Is your mum on diabetes meds – if so has she cut them down too fast. How is her weight loss and does she have a lot more to lose?

  • posted by sunshine-girl

    Hi FerretQueen, has your mum cut out all simple carbs, for it to work you can’t just cut down. Does she have a snack before bed to stop the Dawn Phenomenon, (glad Krysia had spelt it for me). In order to help can you give us some figures (BG, meds etc) and what she is eating. There is always someone here who can help or advise.

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