Bad skin as a result of BSD – anyone else?

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  • posted by abbv213

    Been on the BSD for a week now and my facial skin is simply appalling – by far the worst it has been in a long time. Is this simply a result of the body getting used to a change in carb intake or something else? Just a little concerned and would be v grateful for any insights, ideas that anyone could offer x

  • posted by Snoop

    What kind of skin problems do you have? Maybe you’re not consuming as many nutrients you might need, minerals for example.

    I noticed my skin seemed to age very rapidly, but as I’m already getting on in years, I presumed it was the loss of fat that had previously been padding out the wrinkles. Not ideal, I guess, but I’d rather that than diabetes or some other weight-related problem.

  • posted by abbv213

    My skin has become very rough with lots and lots of small spots underneath… really irritating – I am cooking all the meals so shouldn’t be nutrient deficient really

  • posted by Snoop

    Sounds like it could be something else, then. Maybe even a change in weather (I really notice I need to use more moisturiser in autumn and winter) or perhaps an allergy to something.

    Hope you manage to find a remedy.

  • posted by abbv213

    I’m allergic to a fair amount so perhaps it is something in the meals that my body is simply not used to – thank you for your help with this xxx

  • posted by Hedgey

    I’ve had this before when on a different diet when I was losing weight. Apparently fat cells are somewhat a dumping ground for toxins and when you start to get rid of the fat then the toxins re-emerge and have to be dealt with. At least that’s what I’ve been led to believe by my GP!

    I’ve found this link which gives an explanation – if I’m allowed external links that is! Otherwise you could try Googling ‘are toxins stored in fat cells’ or similar.

    I hope this helps!

  • posted by Natalie

    Further on what Hedgey said; when I was pregnant I was told not to lose weight rapidly (as if!) because a lot of toxins are stored in fat and are released when you use it. Too much can be bad for the baby. As an adult hopefully any symptoms from that are temporary.

  • posted by topcac

    Hi there. Since you’ve only been on bsd for a week in seems very likely that it’s the detox effect. Healthy food are unlikely to make your skin breakout and it’s much more likely to be the body getting rid of crap. It probably won’t last but if you’re really concerned after another week or so I would get some medical advice x

  • posted by LeanerTina

    Hi, I had a rash under my chin for a few days at the end of week one / beginning of week two. It felt very dry and was a bit red but fortunately didn’t itch. I started the bsd on 1st Oct and was fortunate to read on that forum that there is something called a keto rash. I googled this and found a useful website, something like (it was easy to find). I found this info reassuring. My rash has now gone. I believe this is because I started taking a multi vitamin tablet and I upped my fluids. I drink 3 litres a day. Two of water with lemon or lime squeezed into it, plus at least 3 green teas a day. This fluid consumption is easier than it seems and helps with feeling full. I stop drinking at about 8pm to avoid disturbed nights!! My skin now feels much smoother than it has in years. Obviously your rash may be something else but it may be worth you considering that it may be a keto rash. It comes up a couple of times on various forums here too, put keto rash in the search bar.

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