I’ve found a few paleo recipes that contain arrowroot or tapioca (also in gluten-free recipes). Just wondering if it is considered any better or worse than regular flour from a BSD perspective?

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I’ve found a few paleo recipes that contain arrowroot or tapioca (also in gluten-free recipes). Just wondering if it is considered any better or worse than regular flour from a BSD perspective?
That’s what I want to know, does anyone have any idea by now? Specifically tapioca flour. Thanks in advance.
Meh. Cheers though…
curious too, if it’s allowed
Tapioca is a very easily metabolized starch. I have read that it is particularly bad for people trying to control blood sugar (I believe there is a discussion of it in Gary Taubes book “Good Calories Bad Calories”). Taubes may also mention it in my favorite book, “Why We Get Fat” (excellent and short discussion of refined carbohydrate effects on the body). Arrowroot is similar. I would avoid both if possible (no pearl tea!).
Have just eaten white sauce made with arrowroot. After 30 mins, blood glucose 8.4! Not good.