Anyone else having problems with excessive bathroom visits?!

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  • posted by TassieDevil

    I know that sounds a bit coy, but some people are sensitive! Since I started this five weeks ago, I seem to have to get up up to three times a night to go to the loo. I am eating fairly low carb, under 70g amd I know this has something to do with it, but good grief, this is ridiculous! Clearly I am not suffering from water retention!
    I usually have to get up if I fast but every night is getting silly. Anyone else having the same problem?

  • posted by Frog

    Hi Tassie Devil
    I get up probably once or twice – but this is way fewer times than I used to when my sugar levels were out of control.
    I find I need to get up more on days when it’s got to the evening and I’ve realised that I’ve not had a lot to drink thru the day, and then drink 1 – 2 litres in the hour or so before I go to bed. – So don’t cut back on liquids, but try and space them evenly through the day.
    Also more recently when it’s been very hot – I think I wake up because its too hot, or can’t get off to sleep so am restless – and my automatic reaction is to go to the bathroom, rather than waking up because I need to go to the loo.

    Caffeine is a diuretic – try avoid caffeinated drinks late at night.

    Are you diabetic – could it be to do with sugar levels? – Although I would have thought if that was the problem it would be improving with BSD rather than getting worse, but may be the route of the problem.

    Failing that – may be a urinary tract infection completely unconnected to BSD

    plus point – the more you pee, the less your weight will be when you weigh in the morning ๐Ÿ™‚

  • posted by Minnie48

    Hallo tassiedevil, yes I am having the same problem. I have been getting up 3 times a night but have trained myself to not wake up fully and manage to get back to sleep quite quickly.
    You may be interested to hear that I recently read an article by a cardiac surgeon who said that if people drank a glass of water before retiring and 2 glasses first thing in the morning on waking they would dramatically decrease their risk of having a heart attack or stroke. Moral keep drinking the water.

  • posted by TassieDevil

    Hi both and thanks for your replies, glad it isn’t just me then! Only caffeine in the morning but loads of water as I am in the Middle East and it’s scorching. My BS has gone down to normal levels which is a relief as well as my BP so all good news.
    I guess I’ll just have to live with it and go back to 5:2 when I’ve done my 8 weeks. it yes, the weight is coming off too so mustn’t grumble!

  • posted by sunshine-girl

    TassieDevil excess urine is the way the body gets rid of fat. In case you wondered where it went, does it melt, no or it would still be inside you, does it come out in your skin, no the far globules are too big to come out through pores, does it come out through pee or poo, yes, the fat can pass easily through the urinary tract. If you were to do a lab stick test you would be able to see the fat in your pee, only it is called ketones. That is why you have to drink lots of water to replace and to flush. Sometimes your poo will get harder and that is because the fat is drawing water out and into the bladder so it is drier, another reason to drink lots. After 2 or 3 weeks it will sort itself out so nothing to worry about. Maybe drink your fluids during the day and stay dry 2 to 3 hours before bedtime. When you go for a pee make sure you completely empty your bladder, sitting on the loo creates a little reservoir in your bladder so when you stand up the urge is there again very quickly. Too much detail, sorry, used to be a nurse.

  • posted by sunshine-girl

    TassieDevil, that peeing sitting down thing means I assumed you are female

  • posted by SunnyB

    Think this is something a lot of us have struggled with to some degree. I try to limit fluid in the evening, which seems to keep me to a maximum of one toilet visit during the night. I try to space my fluid intake evenly through the day and to help with this, I have a policy during the day, that if I go into the kitchen I have to drink a glass of water while I’m there. Obviously this doesn’t happen in the evenings.

    Hope you manage to find a solution TazzieDevil. Broken sleep saps energy, so it’s important you find a way forward.

    Good luck – let us know hoe you get on.

  • posted by Frog

    wow – I’d never really thought about the mechanics of how you lose fat Sunshine Girl

    And the sitting down comment reminded me of a recentish ‘conversation’ from (note, from, not with, more of a monologue) a taxi driver who went on all the way home from the west end about the benefits of squatting to poo rather than sitting.
    You know when you’re in an enclosed space with someone and you’d really prefer not to be ๐Ÿ™‚

  • posted by sunshine-girl

    Frog, but he was right, squatting everytime. Just not from a taxi driver

  • posted by TassieDevil

    Nice post thank you! Yes, I am married to a nurse so I know that feeling about too much info – usually during dinner!!
    And yes, female! Me not him. Very true about the poo too, but I hadn’t linked that, so interesting. Must try to get some ketosis sticks.

    This has been going on about 5 weeks now, but then it is always a problem when I fast too, I guess I’ll just have to live with it as I doing well on this so far, half a stone off, off the BP meds and blood sugar dropped to normal levels.

  • posted by Igorasusual

    This isn’t an answer to you Tassiedevil, but strangely OH on the BSD was peeing on the hour every hour during the night and got quite concerned as despite his water intake this was rather extreme ๐Ÿ˜‰

    In fact since this is a symptom of diabetes he thought somehow (despite evidence to the contrary) his blood sugar might be increasing.

    Anyway, BS results were so good, he came off Metformin and – strangely – the peeing frequency has now gone right down to once per night. He said this morning that he could only think that it was as a result of stopping the tablets.

    Odd or what?

  • posted by TassieDevil

    Still interesting though isn’t it? And that is great news about the Metformin for him.

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