Any app you recommend?

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Any app you recommend?
Sit in a quiet space for 20 minutes, whilst concentrating on your breath.
Bring your thoughts back to your breath.
Repeat daily.
(free app)
I like you can have the app on android devices and login from your computer. It has free meditations or you can sign up for a small monthly or yearly price. You can select the time you want for a mindfulness session. Otherwise you can try headspace.
There is the app recommended in the book – Headspace, which gives you 10 x 10 min daily exercises to introduce mindfulness. There are free mindfulness courses online and you can download the meditations to your phone, computer, tablet etc to do wherever you want – one of these on line courses is mentioned in this post –
Thank you for your input! I am trying Headspace now, and it feels good 🙂