An off day…

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  • posted by GrumptoGlam

    Hi folks, lovely to read all your amazing results and stories on these forums, they really helped me to get motivated.
    I’m on day 4 now and although I’m starting to feel a HELL of a lot less bloated and I know I’m loosing weight, the cravings this aft have been off the scale! I know why, but it’s not easy to loose ’em is it?
    I had scrambled egg this morning with a rasher of bacon and mushrooms/spring onion chopped in. Yum! I took a bottle of water out with a measured amount of almonds and other nuts in case I got peckish. I went out to do lots of ‘new school year’ shopping with the kids and on route I had the misfortune to go into Home Bargains, which if you haven’t got one local, is like a Poundland or quality Save…. Great for stuff like washing powder and toothpaste. Apart from the obvious aisles of sweets, the entire shop is kitted out in SUGAR. Its like someone has taken my blinkers off.At one point I was just staring and could have cried when my son came running over with a “family pack” of Maom (sugar & colouring) . I just thought, this isn’t fair you know!? It’s not cricket! I’ve felt a bit angry the rest of the day ….which in turn has turned on the comfort eating alert part of my brain. I understand we all make our own decisions on what we put in our mouths but these shops have super sized bags of everything at very low prices wall to wall. In weeks gone by I would’ve allowed myself and my son a ‘treat’ but now (and I guess this is a positive) I see it as the enemy.
    Oh and re the cravings, I haven’t given in (yey!) I went on to have the chickpea soup from the book and salmon for dinner BUT if you have any tips for that “end of day-almost out of calories-God help me before I eat an entire loaf Of bread and butter-lifesaver” I’d be super grateful!x. Thanks and may the force be with you all on your weight loss and health restoring lifestyle changes xx

  • posted by Verano

    The cravings really will become less severe and less often. 10 almonds and a bottle of water or a warm water with lemon or lime in will probably do the trick. Just try to persevere for the next few days . It will get easier.

    Good luck!

  • posted by GrumptoGlam

    Thanks verano, I’ll keep some on hand! Hope they subside soon ๐Ÿค

  • posted by Avila

    As someone who succumbed to a whole cheesecake in a depressive mood (I craved *and* it was reduced) , you are are not alone.

    However I have found the cravings lessened. And a majorly stressful week this week has had only limited crash – and I needed that drink! It delays things but not stop the gains, though I was aware after cheesecake day that I had to face the sugar ‘cold turkey’ anew – a good enough reason to add to the ‘resistance movement’

  • posted by Wilma Flintstone

    Last week was bad for me week 8 and I was insatiably hungry and all I wanted was bread. I caved a few times and ate bread. The worst bit was when i went back to properly following the bsd and it was like a monkey on my back craving carbs. It’s taken a few days to get over the carb cravings. I’ve upped my protein at dinner which helps with that end of day craving. I also like apple cider vinegar in water.

  • posted by Bissell

    I try and take my mind of the hunger/cravings. I have a bath, do some sewing, walk the dog, plan a day out, have (another) cup of tea. And usually it works and I go to bed feeling noble, rather than guilty. And a spoonful of peanut butter, slowly chewed, if all else fails.
    Best of luck. It’s not easy is it? But stick at it, you will get there.

  • posted by GrumptoGlam

    Thanks a million for the tips everyone. You know something, I have actually done some of these things in the past, and had forgotten! – like the bath and the spoon of peanut butter …but my brain sort of shut down and refused to recall anything helpful! ๐Ÿ˜…. I’m going to write a list of crave busters and pin them to the kitchen cupboard today as I woke up worried how the day will pan out… I’m going to have more protein later in the day Wilma and going to weigh out portions of nuts as lifesavers Bissell.
    You’re right Avila there is no worse a combination than a crappy day, a serious craving in the middle of a shop then you spot that yellow sticker ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ”ซ my last purchase like that was a ginsters Cornish pasty. I don’t even particularly like them and I told myself I’d freeze it …how we kid ourselves! ๐Ÿ˜…
    Have a good, crave free day folks xx

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