We have not checked the qualifications of anyone posting here. If you are have any health related symptoms or concerns, you should contact your doctor who will be able to give you advice specific to your situation.

  • posted by wendleg

    February has started folks and so you can say goodbye to January/Dry January, whatever your targets and welcome this new month with renewed motivation.
    We can do it !
    I managed dairy and nut free January but ..there was cake , as I have explained .The carb monster still lurks, ready to pounce at any time . I have learnt that sugar is still a massive trigger for me but I will overcome .

    Keep going, whatever stage you are at .Hope the ‘quiet ones ‘ check in this week .Amz ? Windy Julz ?
    No judgement xx

    I’m sure sunshine girl/Denise won’t mind my saying that it is her birthday tomorrow !
    SG is 70 on the 7th ! Have a voddie, Denise, treat yourself xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  • posted by SunnyB

    WoohooπŸ€Έβ€β™€οΈ … πŸ₯³ Happy 70th SG πŸŽ‰ … definitely a reason to kick up your heels and 🍾πŸ₯‚ have a wonderful birthday!!!!

    Thanks for the new thread, Wendy. I know you will get that carb monster back in its cage.

    I’m in for another week. The past week has been okay and I’ve seen a small discard… not anything to shout about, but a tiny step in the right direction. My hope is to build on that this week.

    Looking forward to reading about how things went for you over the last week and your progress this coming week.

  • posted by MerryMelba

    Wishing you a very happy Birthday Sunshine Girl. Celebrate well! πŸ’ƒπŸŽˆπŸŽˆπŸŒΉπŸŒΉπŸΈ

  • posted by Russianroulade

    Happy Birthday SG. Hope you are celebrating.
    I’m back in. Fell off the wagon last week, but crucially I haven’t gained. Keep on keeping on all xx

  • posted by Wendy1947

    Happy Birthday SG I hope you have a wonderful day.πŸ’πŸΈπŸŽˆπŸŽˆπŸŽ
    Wendy I’m back in until I conquer my overweightness, is that a word?.
    It’s week 5 for me Day 4 & I will try a dry February to save calories for food but on sunny days I’m so tempted by a glass of wine. So far I’ve discarded 8.5 lbs having regained 0.5 lb last week no doubt because of the lovely meal my husband & I hosted for friends.
    I am currently reading The Obesity Code by Jason Fung that I bought in a book bundle from Amazon & it’s fascinating reading a different perspective & I’m awaiting delivery of The Diabetes Code that I hope my husband will also read. I feel as though I’m just treading water at the moment although not deviating from my range of 800 plus Keto recipes I am following although over the weekend my calories crept up to about 1000.
    My husband & I are off to our balance exercise class this morning & yesterday played an afternoon of short mat bowls & I walked nearly 6000 steps which I was pleased about. Lunch today will be a tinned salmon salad & supper the black bean chilli that we really like with couscous for my husband & more fresh veg for me.
    I hope everyone has a great weekπŸ€žπŸ‘πŸ€πŸ€

  • posted by sunshine-girl

    Hi everyone, thank you for the birthday wishes. My present this year was the nurse coming and taking out 8 of my clips (or staples), there are another 8 to come out on Thursday and that will be the end of it. I might be able to start getting back to normal. We are going for a meal on Saturday to one of our favourite restaurants so my diet for real starts next week although I always stay low carb there will be Alsace sparkling wine tonight.

    I am still not at my best so will come back to join you when I am feeling better. The weather here is starting to warm up to the mid teens so I am hoping for some leisurely walks over the next few days just to get used to being out and about again – oh and supermarket shopping on Thursday. Have a good week everyone.

  • posted by OrangePandaMomma

    Hello. I’m still around. I’ve been focusing on adjusting my food choices. I’ve been doing omad the past couple days and now I’m aiming for a longer fast – from 8pm Tuesday to sometime Thursday. I also need to increase my water as I dehydrate easily. Once I feel more confident in rejecting bad food choices, I will start reporting my weight.

    I also have several events coming up to keep me inspired- star wars costume party May 4th, middle school graduation party at a waterpark May 26, and 3-day convention mid-July. I want to improve my health and boost my confidence so I can enjoy these events with a stronger immune system and without feeling self-conscious.

  • posted by Wendy1947

    I hope that you are soon completely recovered SG & good luck OPM with your new choices & more positive attitude. How exciting a Star Wars costume party to look forward to πŸ˜€πŸ‘I’ve always enjoyed the films & May the force be with you!
    I stood on my scales today & they have move slightly downwards.
    Good luck everyone πŸ€πŸ€

  • posted by RubyG

    Hi all, I am still here, haven’t logged on much this week (work is kinda busy).

    BSD – I am having quite a good week, doing 16:8 TRE and eating lunch and supper with no snacks in between, with a focus on low carb but not counting calories.
    I have lost half of my Christmas gain, so 2lb still to go, but I am half a stone heavier than I was in Jan 2022, so more work to be done. I can feel the difference in my waist already, one belt notch tighter again.
    I am still slogging through The Obesity Code book, but it is making sense and it is interesting, just a bit hard going as bedtime reading.
    Keep going everyone!

  • posted by Wendy1947

    It all sounds very positive RubyG & like you I’m following TRE about 15 hours because I don’t eat breakfast. I’m also still wading through The Obesity Code & was rather alarmed to read the section on calories in/calories out so peeked at the end conclusion which cheered me up because I seem to be doing the right thing. I will read all the chapters though because the research is interesting to read.
    I’m hoping that when I weigh on Saturday that I will have lost some weight & I have fasted from last nights supper to eating at 6-30 pm this evening to encourage my body to cooperate πŸ˜€
    Onwards everyone!
    Margaret πŸ€πŸ€

  • posted by Tulip1

    Hi everyone,

    thank you as always Wendy/ SunnyB for the thread, and SG, so glad you are still on the mend.

    Unfortunately I’ve caught Covid again (since Sunday), but, all my fingers and toes crossed, it hasn’t been as bad as the 1st time (March 2020, what a corker that was) and I am on the mend, although I have been signed off work for a second week by my GP.

    As of yesterday, I am back pretty much on the good eating though….but clearly no exercise atm! Such a shame…..I’d just got to week 5 of c25k again….there’s always something coming along to throw me off my progress πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜……..even covid vaccinations set me back several weeks, so I’m going to be treating my body and my energy very carefully for some time!!

    Love to all,
    Clare xxxxx

  • posted by OrangePandaMomma

    Hi. Anyone know if any hard candy/lozenges/etc that won’t cause a blood sugar spike? My anxiety causes me to clench my jaw and grind my teeth so I eat them to relax my mouth, but I would like to find an alternative to the sugary ones I’ve been using.

  • posted by Wendy1947

    Good morning everyone
    OPM would sugar free chewing gum help? Mine are 5 calories per piece that I occasionally have after eating a meal. Unfortunately I think most sweets/ candies have sugar in them & in Dr Jason Fungs book the Obesity Code , that I’m currently reading, he says artificial sweeteners unfortunately also cause an insulin release response. Breathing exercises can also help tension so you could try slowly breathing in through the nose counting to four then release out through the mouth to the count of four & repeat five times. I hope that helps 🀞🀞
    Sorry to hear you have again caught Covid Clare! It’s such a pernicious virus & my husband & I both had it just before Christmas for the first time but thankfully mildly because my husband & I are all vaccinated up to the hilt, but that didn’t stop us getting it! It was ten days for us until we had a negative test result πŸ™ I hope you quickly feel much better.πŸ‘
    I am pleased to report that I have finally lost some more weight 2.5 lbs, 11lbs so far, as I creep towards losing a stone(14lbs)πŸ˜€.
    It’s the beginning of Week 5 Day 1 for me now & after finishing eight weeks I plan to start another cycle of eight weeks. My goals are after losing this stone to get below BMI 30 into the overweight range then through that to a healthy weight. I now weigh 12 st 9.5 lbs BMI 31.4 & my goal weight is 10 stone the upper end of the healthy weight range.
    It’s a very long way to go but I’m going to try to do it this year asap!
    I hope you have all had a positive & successful week πŸ‘πŸ€πŸ€

  • posted by SunnyB

    Wendy is out this evening, so asked me to set up the thread for the new week, which has been done. It is all ready for everyone to jump across to and let us know how things are going for you. Look forward to seeing you there.

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