2022 ! One Week at a Time beginning 4th January 2022

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  • posted by Stevoka

    That is really helpful. Thank you so much Jgwen. I’m very sorry to hear you’ve been feeling poorly for so long and hope that your recovery goes well. I’ll definitely take a look at some of the resources you’ve mentioned.

  • posted by sunshine-girl

    Thanks JGwen, I needed reminding about the INSULIN IQ site. Then today I received an email with links to the last 3 ipods whatever you call them so will look in.

  • posted by JGwen

    Hi Sunshine-girl, there is an interesting one today about IR and Covid.

  • posted by sunshine-girl

    JGwen, I have never actually watched one as they want me to subscribe and pay a fee and, is it American because the live videos were in the middle of the night for me. These, however, look like easy access something like YouTube so will give it a look.

  • posted by Onestep

    Thank you JGwen that was really interesting, so knowledgeable I will definitely be looking up some of those resources you mentioned. The more I learn about this woe I find the more invested and energised I am.

  • posted by JGwen

    Hi Sunshine-girl
    I joined Insulin-IQ when they were starting out, and were offering free membership to build up numbers of followers before they launched their paid for counselling service. I think they may have an old and new facebook page for InsulinIQ because there has not been any new posts on the facebook page I used to follow since last summer. –

    If you go to the social media section of their website, you can scroll through all the posts they have done. At the start they used to have panel sessions where people could post questions and Dr Bikman would join in. Its not always that format now, the one last night on Covid was a bit poorly structured and was just two of the team chatting about research papers. But there was some useful info to take away. on the relationship between fat stores and virus’s.

  • posted by JGwen

    Hi Sunshine-girl
    I joined Insulin-IQ when they were starting out, and were offering free membership to build up numbers of followers before they launched their paid for counselling service. I think they may have an old and new facebook page for InsulinIQ because there has not been any new posts on the facebook page I used to follow since last summer. –

    If you go to the social media section of their website, you can scroll through all the posts they have done. At the start they used to have panel sessions where people could post questions and Dr Bikman would join in. Its not always that format now, the one last night on Covid was a bit poorly structured and was just two of the team chatting about research papers. But there was some useful info to take away. on the relationship between fat stores and virus’s.

    I think it is probably worth looking out for videos posted by Dr Bikman where he gives presentations at conferences or is interviewed on podcasts. That’s where you get the clear information.

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