2022 ! One Week at a Time beginning 4th January 2022

We have not checked the qualifications of anyone posting here. If you are have any health related symptoms or concerns, you should contact your doctor who will be able to give you advice specific to your situation.

  • posted by florob85

    It is FLIPPING COLD Ruby! I’m lying in bed still (I didn’t get to sleep till 5am in my defence!) and have about fifteen blankets on top of me as I can’t stop shivering!!

    My plan for today once I warm up is drink allllll the water, try and exist through carb flu, some description of bits on a plate for lunch and I might try and adapt a kung pao chicken recipe for dinner, I reckon I can do it. Or turkey burgers with harissa roasted veg 🤔

  • posted by Elle-Mae

    It’s freezing, rainy and very windy here in Northern Ireland. I didn’t sleep well either Florab. Think maybe I have carb flu too, gonna try a sugar free electrolyte drink.
    Ruby hope you like the cardomon chicken, couldn’t do mussels 🤢

  • posted by Verano

    I’ve been so lucky because I never suffered carb flu even in the very early days when I started low carbing. I sympathise with all who are suffering and hope you’re get over it soon.
    Wendy I agree not much new in the book but I still think it helps to renew enthusiasm. Thanks for the link the website looks good.
    Also Elle-Mae thanks for the chicken recipe I’ll definitely try that one out.
    Well I’m managing to increase fibre and should be up to 18g today which is a vast improvement on my starting point of 5.7g. I’ve started including psyllium, flax and the odd slice of low carb seeded bread.
    Must admit I’m getting so confused with all the emails from different threads I think I might just dip into the forums and catch up that way!
    Anyway, just started snowing here, have a good day wherever you are.

  • posted by RubyG

    I use Forums – Latest Forums Posts and then see all the recent posts, rather than checking or subscribing to each thread, which may be why I randomly answer on some threads.
    My new MM book is due today, so I’ll have a read. I must be honest, I have never looked at my fibre values when tracking previously. I just looked in MFP from earlier days on the BSD and probably because I’m too tight to pay for the premium service, it doesn’t show fibre values. I may have a look at MyFatSecret mentioned on here, and see what it’s like.

  • posted by Verano

    Ruby FatSecret has UK and US versions you want fatsecret.co.uk. I tried both when I first started but I must admit I find FatSecret easier to use. I find it easier to add my items and my own recipes. Try it and see.

  • posted by SunnyB

    Stumbled on an app called RecipeIQ, similar to FatSecrets I think. I downloaded it and as I was making some almond crackers today, decided to used it to calculate their values.
    Seems yo do a very good job, presents all macros, but the recipe header displays cals, carbs, fat and protein, with fibre and additional info being found on the more detailed nutrition page.
    The app is free and seems to be very simple to use … I’m not hugely tech savvie and coped well with it. Just thought others might like to take a look at it too.

  • posted by sunshine-girl

    Nice to see so many of you on this weekly journey with us and with such enthusiasm. For those of you who are feeling the cold and not sleeping well you should do what I have done. It is a bit old ladyish. We have bought an electric blanket. Dual controls, washable, 3 temperatures. We set it an hour before bed and turn it off when we go and it is like slipping into a warm bath. I have never been a good sleeper but this has been a game changer.

    I stopped logging all my food when the app I used closed down. I have logged onto FatSecret which I dont like but also with MyFitnessPal which is okay. However, I got a bit of a shock when I logged todays food and came in at over 1000 cals. Just shows we dont know it all. Fortunately, I logged before I ate so have managed to tweak it down to around 900 for the day. Put in my measurements which I will update weekly along with my weight. I love charting things and having a graphic to follow.

    My book arrived today and I am looking forward to reading MM’s words of wisdom. Dont expect much difference from his other books (I have read BSD800 and Fast800) but always enjoy having something to read in English.

    Have a good rest of the week everyone.

  • posted by SunnyB

    Just a quick revision on my previous post, RecipeIQ basic is free with a Premium package being payable.

    SG, an electric blanket sounds like bliss!

  • posted by sunshine-girl

    Hi again, just read on another thread that there is a new course on FutureLearn called Reversing Diabetes- Fact or Fiction. I know a few people who follow these amazing free courses (dont tick the paid ones) and will enjoy looking at what science is saying about us now or even if there is something new. https://www.futurelearn.com/courses/reversing-diabetes-fact-or-fiction

    Not advertising, this is completely free and totally genuine – University of Leicester is running this particular course.

  • posted by Elle-Mae

    S-G the electric blanket wouldn’t work for me, I had conveyor belt hot flushes last night which was one of things stopping me sleeping I usually get woken up just as one is about to start, like a premonition 🙂

  • posted by Verano

    Thanks for the link s-g. I’ve signed up! I have just been reading some of the ‘introductions’ and I feel like screaming “ there’s only one way to reverse T2, low carb as a WOL”!
    Will be interesting anyway.

  • posted by sunshine-girl

    Hey V, I know exactly what you mean. I have made a couple of comments but will hold my views until I see what the research is showing and whether it goes along with our diet. You never know, there might be something we can learn and if not, we can teach them.

  • posted by Verano

    S-g I saw one of your comments, I’m Verano C by the way. I was going to post after you but decided to wait. I have a feeling that the course will concentrate on ‘weight’ rather than carbs. I just hope it stresses that there isn’t a ‘cure’ for T2 but that it can be reversed/managed very well by a low carb way of life without medication for many. We’ll see!

  • posted by Tulip1

    Day 3 proper…..a bit over on cals but still under 1000, and no carbs not from vegetables….my elves provided nice biscuits for the family as their parting gift when returning to the North Pole….but I didn’t cave….I looked at them, ate a brazil nut instead, and went for a 45 minute run in the rain, so I’m really pleased to have found some proper resolve 😁

    I need to look back up the thread to find this cardamom chicken that everyone’s talking about!!


  • posted by florob85

    Morning all!

    I’ve woken up to two unpleasant things – one I’m RAVENOUS and could eat a baby dino, and two…..a text from the government, positive PCR 🙄😰😫 – so maybe not all my carb flu was carb flu! I have heard of “flurona” which is flu and COVID at the same time, I think I’ve got covarb – COVID and carb flu at the same time.

    Sticking on plan is going to be a slog this weekend but I’m going to do it, I might have to nix the TRE for a couple of days though as my body is screaming out for nutrition – what do they say about feeding a fever?!

    Send me good wishes!

    L x

  • posted by sunshine-girl

    Hi everyone, Lauren so sorry you have a positive PCR and hoping you are not too unwell with it. We dodged a bullet in visiting the UK and managed to get back with negative tests on both sides of the Channel. Yesterday daughter was pinged with a warning she has been in close contact with a positive test on 30th. Turns out she went to the gym the day after we left. Good job she wouldnt let me go for a swim and tried to keep us safe. Anyway she is double jabbed and doesnt have any symptoms so it doesnt really affect her. She works from home anyway. However, it took 7 days to notify her, she could be infected and walking around infecting others. Bit of a lame system if you ask me.

    Still doing well on the diet and losing weight but blood glucose is stubbonly remaining high(ish) even though I have increased my insulin injection. It will take my body a few more days to get back onto an even keel.

    With a high blood sugar reading this morning and not going anywhere I extended my TRE from 8pm to 1pm – 17 hours fasting. I will probably be starving later as it seems to have a knock on effect if I miss a complete meal but I will get through it. Have a good weekend and stay safe.

  • posted by Tulip1

    Oh no, Lauren!! No wonder you are feeling awful…
    If it was me personally (although quite happy to be told no to this by anyone else!!), I would probably not worry so much about the calories, although keep to med style low carb because, exactly as you say, your body is asking for nutrition as you are fighting a virus….also making sure you have good vitamins going in including high dose vit D, C and B complex and other immune support minerals like potassium (my whole family went mad for bananas in the covid recovery period)….also covid thirst can be insane- I countered mine that lasted after the virus with coconut water and still have 100ml of it every morning- I guess it’s a natural electrolyte drink, supposed to help with cellular dehydration.

    Any how, that’s just my twopence worth- also gets lots of rest and lots of fluids!

    Feel better soon xxx

  • posted by Verano

    Lauren …. wrap yourself up in TLC. Hope you’re well soon.

  • posted by florob85

    Aw thanks Tulip, good suggestions! I’m doing ok so far although I suspect the self isolation might do me in before the COVID does!

    Sunshine girl you can do it!!

  • posted by florob85

    Thanks Verano x

  • posted by florob85

    I’m back, just wanted to shout about my dinner cos it was amazing!!

    I had 2 cauldron sausages, runner beans, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower mash made with some garlic and herb cheese and a tiny bit of gravy, all in all 21g carbs and 390 cals – but I’m still under 800 for the day and under 30g carbs so not bad going at all considering I’m poorly!

    L x

  • posted by Californiagirl

    Happy New Year all BSD’rs!
    Thank you Verano for posting that link — it’s exactly what Dr Bikman/ Dr Fung/Gary Taubes have stated — when you are gaining weight or are fat (no perjorative there — I was there too) you have high insulin levels and high insulin levels “lock” calories/fuel in your own fat cells thus leaving your body “starving” for fuel. I’m going to repeat that — high insulin levels “lock” calories/fuels in your fat cells. Your body is left “starving” for fuel. Your body cannot access the (more than adequate) calories in your fat cells. Insulin has them safely stored away. Your body IS literally starving.
    Insulin is “anabolic” — in other words, it works to build UP body tissue. As long as you have high insulin, it will be hard to lose weight AND you will feel hunger.
    Hello all the new posters!
    I’ve been happily following Dr Moseley’s advice for just about seven years now and have been able to manage my weight for all that time. What Verano has posted is really critical. The most important goal you have is to LOWER your insulin levels.
    Please take the time to listen to some of Dr Bikman podcasts and get the books by Gary Taubes “Good Calories Bad Calories” (my original eye-opener) and “Why we Get Fat” — they are so helpful to understand what has gone wrong.
    This is so do-able!
    I had such doubts (but also no other options as I was steadily gaining weight) when I found the original Moseley book at Heathrow passing through on a holiday. I was embarrassed to buy the book but it was the best thing I ever did.
    It opened up the world of new research about insulin, calories and carbohydrates — all so important for my ultimate success.
    To all newbies — don’t give up.
    It took me weeks and weeks and months to internalize a new way of thinking. But ultimately this works. Your body is going to become a friend again – not an enemy who keeps getting fatter — this WILL WORK.
    You will eat off plan. You will eat too much. You will have too many Prosecco’s.
    Don’t quit. Start again the next day. Draw a line under it and just start again.
    Start right NOW — with your next meal. It will take a bit of time but if you stick with it, it will change your life.

  • posted by SunnyB

    CapiforianGirl, thank you so nuch for such an inspirational post. We ALL need reminders like this, that one over indulgence doesn’t mean all is lost so we might as well give up; that it’s okay to be human and stumble. What’s important is that we forgive ourselves and just get back on track ASAP.
    Thanks again CG.

  • posted by Onestep

    Californiagirl thank you that was much needed this week, I still consider myself a newbie despite doing this woe since June last year! Still so much to learn and enjoy.

    Lauren fingers crossed you stay well.

    January reset going ok, week 1 done and 7lbs done, little disappointed as know I’ve had blips but hopefully that will motivate me to not have them in the future and as you are just saying Sunnyb, not given up just got right back on it.

    Have a lovely (if not wet) weekend for those in the UK xx

  • posted by florob85

    Happy Saturday all

    I’ve just got to update you all on the chronicles of Lauren!

    So not only am I still partially deaf from my perforated eardrum a few weeks ago, positive for COVID (but touch wood still feeling ok), and still lingering carb flu, but I’ve also (pretty sure) broken my toe this morning kicking my partner’s 10 kg kettle bell which has basically been sat in the same corner for about a month but for some reason my foot decided to connect with it this morning.

    Also was working a virtual open day, and the links didn’t get sent so I just sat there with my student for three hours 😂

    Now sitting down and having lunch (chia seed pudding and a chunk of cheese) so I don’t get in any more mischief!

    Got to laugh!

    Pip pip

    Lauren x

  • posted by Elle-Mae

    Oh Lauren lol. Try an ice pack on your toe to reduce any swelling.
    C-G very wise words 😁 Every day is a potential new beginning.
    Saw a neurologist yesterday, apparently the ‘odd’ symptoms I had post 1st vaccine were probably mini TIA’s, although at the time my GP didn’t think they were and she should have sent me straight to the stroke unit and the place in the brain where I had the stroke could have resulted in very bad news. Luckily it didn’t and I am doing very well. The only long term affect seems to be my typing, gobbledegook and many missing letters so I always have to go back and correct it.
    Very sunny here today and if I get my Hungarian goulash into the oven for tonight I can go for a walk.

  • posted by sunshine-girl

    Hi there, another successful on track eating day and blood glucose coming down, will continue at higher insulin levels for a few more days then start reducing.

    Lauren you are a card. I think you need to sit in a quiet place and not move for a while 🙂

    Elle-mae, yes remember you were unwell some time ago. Hopefully the minor effects you are still experiencing will sort themselves out.

    Californiagirl, great to see you around and your wise words always teach or remind me of something I have not thought about for a while. We can all continue learning, me after nearly 6 years on the plan. I was a bit miffed with myself when I saw my doctor as my HbA1c came in at 6.3 when it had been 5.9. I was so disappointed and told doctor I was always around 4.5 on morning tests so why wasnt my HbA1c the same. Then I realised I was only doing morning fasting measurements. Next day I did 3 different times, fasting, 2 hours after a meal and then 4 hours after meal. Guess what, my mean average came out at 6.3. So I can stop beating myself up over a small glitch. Sorry if that doesnt mean much to people, some will understand.

    We have taken our house off the market and not moving back to England. You cannot believe the weight that has been lifted from my shoulders, so much stress and worry. Fortunately daughter is okay and says all we have to do is a ‘what to do’ pack in case anything happens to us. Job for the hubby as he works in welfare and knows the French system. Now lets see what jobs there are to do around the house after seeing it through the eyes of others 🙂 🙂

  • posted by Tulip1

    CG- great advice thank you!! Have copied that for reference and the link from Verano- I’ve not really read up on anyone else other than MM as yet.
    SG- good job! And glad about the chilling in France you get to do!
    Lauren- omg, how unlucky!!!!! Well done keeping up all of the good eating through this!
    Elle-Mae, glad u are ok in spite of the TIAs.
    Well, day 5 proper, last night I relaxed my calorie count slightly to get glass of red wine in as it was Friday. Otherwise going fine, I’m less constantly hungry and craving carbs, than pre-diet, have more energy, feeling brighter, a lot of bloating has gone, and I’m weighing 4lbs less than Tuesday.

    Love to all xxx

  • posted by Verano

    Julia (Cg) Happy New Year! Good to ‘see’ you.
    Thanks for that analysis it’s really useful. I was struck by the idea that adolescent growth spurts we’re fuelled by the need for extra calories but that extra calories wouldn’t make adults grow taller! Hope you’re keeping well.
    S-g glad your BS is coming down but even more pleased to hear you have made your ‘life changing’ decision and the stress has gone. Sometimes we do things to please our children that aren’t necessarily in our best interest, even if they think they are. My OH had a fall a few months ago, the fourth this year, all had a reason like tripping over a raised paving stone! But our children thought they should have a ‘chat’ with us and persuade us that the time had come to sell our bungalow and move to somewhere smaller. Assisted living wasn’t mentioned directly but it was the ‘elephant in the room’! Well I lost the plot and basically said we’d make up our own minds (we still have them!) when the time to move was right. I know they only want the best for us buttttt….
    Anyway, glad you’ve made you own choice.
    Lauren hope you’re fit and well soon.
    Good to hear how well everyone is doing and lovely to see so much enthusiasm.
    All going well here with weighing and logging but a change in diet, required for medical tests, has left me having to forget all the principles I’ve learnt over the last 5+ years …. such is life! Although I can’t bring myself to eat manufactured white ‘bread’. I remember Gillian McKeith? ( of you are what you eat, fame or infamy!) screwing up a piece of white sliced bread and it was just a ball of unforgiving white, uncooked looking dough. Put me off white manufactured bread there and then!
    Enjoy the rest of the weekend. Looking forward to seeing how we are all feeling at the end of the first week back on track in 2022!

  • posted by sunshine-girl

    Happy Sunday to you all. I am doing well but weight loss is low. Fortunately, my BG continues to come down. 114 (6.1) for the last 2 days down from 145. Keeping insulin at 24 units. Still doing dry January although the popular news says most people caved in at the first sign of a weekend.

    Verano, I know exactly what you mean about our children thinking we need looking after. When we were in the UK in October our daughters fiance told us he had seen the perfect place for us. It was a very out-dated appartment in a block that had communal laundry, dining room and sitting room. When I went a whiter shade of grey with shock he said we didnt have to use the facilities yet but thought we wanted to make friends. Not quite ready for that yet. He also wasnt aware that we would have to pay around £250 a month for the pleasure of having a communal TV and lounge.

    Are you enjoying the Reversing Diabetes course. I am but I cant keep my mouth shut when people say stupid things like ‘you will die if you dont eat carbs’ . There is still a lot of misunderstanding of the diabetes element of our BSD diet. Pleased to see that there is a lot of discussion around Prof Taylor, even if some of it is totally wrong. I should keep quiet and see what the course brings. But you know me….

  • posted by wendleg

    Hi everyone on this grey Sunday . Hope everyone is ok. I have been compiling the list ready for tomorrow’s new weekly thread.

    Russianroulade, all the best as you prepare for your new job .
    Well done on coping with the cravings,onestep
    Elle-Mae I had to google TIA . Sounds pretty scary . Glad you’re ok and hopefully being monitored correctly . By the way your recipes are fab !! 😉
    Californiagirl thanks as always for you wise, motivational remarks . They are really useful to keep us all focused .
    SG I know you will find a way to stabilize everything because you know exactly what to do .

    I agree with SG’s advice Lauren. Just sit still and don’t move !!! Seriously, I hope you are feeling a bit better. You have a wedding to go to, ma girl so go steady !!!!!!

    I am still collating all my recipes, things I had already found but forgotten about . I’m unfortunately not disciplined enough to log cals and other macros for every meal but am definitely keeping an eye on portions and not giving in to snacks . No nuts or choc for now and keeping things simple .

    I made the tray bake ratatouille ( I think it came from caronl and it was really good) I made a keto vegetable loaf with the leftovers, adding spinach and a few herbs before baking. It’s basically a frittata in a loaf tin and it was really good .
    Here’s the recipe . I only used 5 eggs ( not 10 !! ) and it was fine .


    Have a good day everyone. I am going to do my 30 minutes pilates now . I think I have already told you about Rachel on youtube, but she is great
    The Girl With The Pilates Mat .

    Wendy x

  • posted by Verano

    S-g oh dear …. but you did make me laugh! Why would you swap your lovely home, saw it online, for that! I do think this is a common phenomenon when you don’t live in the same town/city/country as your children. We did at one point consider moving closer to one of our children but hey … how does that make the other one feel? Apart from anything we’re very comfortable in our own home!
    The course …. I’m finding it a bit boring really. I’ve just skimmed through week 1. This looks like the second run, at least, of the course and there don’t seem to be many participants for this latest one, which appears to have only started a few weeks ago. I’m really bad I know but honestly I can’t be bothered trying to convert people, especially those who don’t have T2! It’s different when you are in a forum like this where people with T2 are trying to reverse T2. I am only too happy to pass on any tips that could help. I might persevere but not sure at the moment.
    So, another week starts tomorrow. Hope everyone can take their initial enthusiasm into week 2 on Tuesday. I think it’s really difficult to keep our spirits up in January but just think everyday gets a little lighter, especially when the sky is clear, … not long until the clocks go forward, we will get there and as s-g says we just have to ….. just keep on keeping on ………….

  • posted by florob85

    Evening all

    I’ve been reading MM’s new book, and like others have not really learned anything new, but it has renewed my complete befuddlement in what to actually eat to get

    <50g carbs (that’s simple enough)
    20g fibre
    >50 but less than say 80g protein
    AND 800cal

    I’ve been fiddling around with my menu plan for the week all day and cannot get the macros to match, I’m not that worried to be honest because I feel low carb, low cal is the most important thing, but I am intrigued – is anyone actually achieving this? Noting of course that as per the recipes in the book are massively off according to both MyFitnessPal and Lose It (the app I use).

    For example, tonight I made a sort of roast – basically chicken and veg and allowed a tiny bit of gravy (one teaspoon of gravy granules, hasn’t even put me over 21g carbs for the day, sue me) and had

    Brussels sprouts

    All carefully weighed, tracked, etc.

    But macros for that meal are:

    62.5g protein
    14g carbs (largely the gravy granules)
    6g fibre
    9g fat

    – protein obviously quite high, and I could have cut the chicken down a bit, but there’s also protein in the sprouts and broccoli and kale…..but they are my fibre…..so what the hell am I meant to eat?!

    Also, he always goes on about “load your plate up with green veg and don’t bother counting it” – I do- but if I hadn’t, today alone that’s over 100 cals worth of veg, pretty much all my fibre for the day, about 10g worth of carbs and about 6g worth of protein I wouldn’t be counting???

    Anyway I’m rambling, but would appreciate any wisdom there is to offer!

    Lauren xx

  • posted by Stevoka

    Which book is the coconut chia pudding in? Sounds yum!

  • posted by florob85

    Hi Stevoka

    The chia pudding isn’t in a MM book to my knowledge, I looked up the recipe online

    I use 120ml alpro coconut milk
    2 tbspns chia seeds

    Mix them together and leave it to set in the fridge for a few hours or overnight – this makes it quite firm in my experience so if you want it looser just use more milk or less seeds!

    Then top with whatever you want – some berries or yoghurt or chopped nuts or whatever

    The base “pudding” is 150 cal, 4.5g carbs, 11.4g fibre, 6ishg protein and 10.6g fat – almost all of which is healthy omegas in the chia seeds.

    L x

  • posted by Stevoka

    Sounds lovely. Thanks!

  • posted by Tulip1

    Well, the weekend- was a bit looser than I had planned- but I had planned it sort of that way,
    especially as having a day out with middle child in Bath (our nearest decent shopping centre) , as she had Christmas money to spend…..so now it’s Monday, back on track…..I am thinking perhaps a 2:5 or a 2.5: 4.5 arrangement.

    Tulip xx

  • posted by Verano

    Lauren I’m having the same problem so last week I went through the food I eat regularly and came up with some higher fibre foods.
    These values are per 100g:
    Avocado 6.7g
    Raspberries 6.5g
    Sprouts 3.8 g
    Almonds 13.3g
    Walnuts 6.7g
    Asparagus 2g
    Broccoli 2.6g
    Spinach 2.4g
    Leeks 1.8g
    Onions 1.7g
    Lentils 7.3g (cooked)
    Chickpeas 7g
    Dark chocolate10.9g

    I can’t guarantee that these figures are completely accurate as there are so many different sources but I think at least it’s a broad guide.
    It really is difficult to balance the macros. I’m improving but it’s not easy!
    If anybody has other foods they rely on for fibre please post them.
    P.S. I have started to use a teaspoon of pysillium husk and flax seed. Chia is another good one

  • posted by wendleg

    Hi V . I have chia seeds in a few tablespoons of kefir . I don’t really track fibre levels as I have no issues
    in the number 2 department 😉 Drinking lots of water is vital too . I have a few herbal teas I like . We can get lots of loose leaf infusions here and they are really nice .I can infuse the leaves several times and they keep me well topped up and not dehydrated .

    I sense I could get a bit bogged down and confused with the macro calculations . I never really did that when I started out and it’s just a habit to know which foods to include and which carby processed stuff to cut out .So Lauren I can’t really help .
    JGwen is really good at explaining the complicated stuff so maybe she will pop in and give her point of view ? So sorry JGwen to hear you have been unwell .You have been truly missed .

    I have mentioned it before but my picture book Carbs and Calorie Counter ( Chris Cheyette and Yello Balolia gives carbs, cals, protein , fat / sat fat and fibre for each food . I find it useful. I seem to respond better to the visual aspect !
    I am going to set up the new thread now xx

  • posted by wendleg

    The new weekly thread is up and running, folks !

    See you over there xx

  • posted by Verano

    Wendy I have to say I have never bothered with macros but after reading the latest MM book I thought I might try. I am bogged down and as I’ve never had real problems in that ‘department’, so maybe I should just go back and do what I always did!
    Not been a bad first week for me as I’m back into the ‘groove’, and look forward to seeing everyone on Week 2, 2022!

  • posted by JGwen

    Hi Lauren,

    Just a quick reply while I wait for a facebook training event to start. – There s no mechanism in your body which responds to the number of calories you eat, your body does respond to the amount of carbs, fat and protein in your diet.

    I like Dr Bikman’s explanation about the reason for not sweating too precisely on the number of calories.
    All the statistics on the calorie value of every food stuff comes from how much energy is created by burning it in a lab setting. –

    When we eat food we chew it, different ways of chewing will effect the success of the digestive processes in the stomach
    Then it goes into the gut where the gut bacteria break it down and in the process are fed themselves by it.
    Finally it goes through the gut lining (how easily depends on health of the gut lining) and is used by the body, but how it is used is controlled by hormone systems which are responding to the mix of macros (carbs, fat, protein).

    Therefore there are so many variables for each person that no scientist can tell you how much of the calories in that cauliflower floret will make it through the gut lining and how it will be used by your body.

    Obviously, if there is a big mismatch between the number of calories you eat and use 9ie eat 5000 calories a day and have a desk based job) there is a problem.. If you want to discard weight you do need to be in a calorie deficit, but the key to remember is that calories in / calories out model for discarding weight has been discredited. Its the make up of carbs, fat, protein in your diet which controls how your body responds to food.

    The most important is the impact your food has on your insulin levels. High insulin your body is focused on getting harmful sugar out of your blood stream, low insulin your body is able to burn body fat for fuel. ———- – Insulin levels is not necessarily just the number of carbs, for example artificial sweeteners trigger an insulin response.

    A fact that helped me understand how sensitive the body is to carbs was a paper which described blood sugar levels in terms of teaspoons of sugar dissolved in blood. The average adult human has 4.5 litres of blood. Normal blood sugar level is equal to 2 teaspoons of sugar dissolved in that 4.5 litres of blood. – The level of additional sugar which would be in the blood stream if you are diagnosed as diabetic and have sugar levels which are causing harm to your body is an extra 0.75 of a teaspoon. – That’s why our bodies are so quick to release insulin to get any sugar in anything we eat out of our blood that insulin is released if we just taste something which is sweet, so even artificial sweeteners trigger an insulin response.

    Experts are now saying they think over 80% of the population in developed countries are Insulin resistant. – A state where our bodies have been fed diets which trigger an insulin response for so long that it has to produce extra insulin to force the body to react to the sugars in the diet. – There are a lot of health implications for being insulin resistant. Not just it being a stepping stone towards diabetes.

    If you have low insulin levels your body is in fat burning mode (ketosis) that means that your body will first use the fat in your diet for fuel and when that is used will turn to your body fat for fuel. So providing you are in ketosis, healthy fats in your diet just limit the rate at which your body turns to your own fat stores for fuel.

    The final figure is protein levels, here the experts are divided on the importance of protein to provide the material to build muscles v no protein to trigger autophagy to cause your body to break down old cells to build new cells.

  • posted by Tulip1

    cor! that was amazing, JGwen!!

  • posted by Stevoka

    JGwen that’s a fascinating read and you’ve sent me down a rabbit hole now! First thing I came across was a podcast where he discusses the link between ear nose throat issues and IR. Randomly that’s why I started keto them first time round and it helped hugely. Are there any particular articles, podcasts you would recommend by him where you’ve found the information you mentioned?

  • posted by JGwen

    Hi Stevoka,

    Wendy asked me to answer a question by Louise, so I summarized the information I have gained from years of looking at the output from a number of experts to try to address the question on why macros are more important than calorie counting and why Dr’s are not too worried about the precise number of calories from veg. The info about calories came from a podcast by Dr Bikman, the article about blood sugar levels in teaspoons is one I read a few years ago and put a link to it on the Take a Look at This thread, Professor Longo is the person who is focused on research on the benefits of periods of zero protein and autophagy.

    The different experts in the fields of low carb / keto are doctors who have come at it from different starting points. So for example Dr Fung comes from working in a practice treating patients. While Dr Bikman is a professor working on research at a cellular level. He has been making presentations at conferences for a number of years as well as appearing on various podcasts, so there are quite a lot of hours of talks he has given which are available online. We used to have a system on the forum were as well as having a weekly, monthly and positive threads we had a thread that we posted links to articles, podcasts and research that interested us. If you look for the Take a Look at This thread you may find items that interest you.

    There is now a separate commercial team under the InsulinIQ banner who run weekly podcasts of about an hour length on different topics which Dr Bikman is a panel member. There are also short like 10 minute long videos where he looks at different research papers as they are published. You could search through the InsullnIQ website, or facebook page looking the topics that interest you.

    Normally I would be able to point you to the podcast that the info on the explanation of the difficulties in researching how many calories in food make it through to the cells, but I have not been up to my normal mental capacity for a few months. I am an Aspie, so I do like to follow articles on the science, but I caught Covid back in early June and have been suffering from a brain fog and fatigue for a few months.

  • posted by Elle-Mae

    JGwen that was extremely interesting, thank you for sharing it with us all, especially as you aren’t feeling 100%. I hope that you recover soon.

  • posted by florob85

    Thank you JGwen, as ever very informative – I hope your long covid starts to improve soon, I sympathise with the brain fog, very familiar with that!

  • posted by JGwen

    The building services post has been reported.

  • posted by SunnyB

    J Gwen, thank you for posting that info, it’s so helpful. Hope you will soon be back to full fitness.

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