2022 ! One Week at a Time beginning 11th January 2022

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  • posted by Tulip1

    Hi all
    Things are going better. I have lost 6 lbs over the last 1.5 weeks by sticking to the right kind of foods and 12 hr TRE even if not always in the region of 800 cals and also avoiding alcohol which I find derails my efforts.
    Love to all,
    Tulip xx

  • posted by Tulip1

    How many/ much non-starchy root veg e.g. carrots, do you guys consume?….in a roast, would a small portion of these be vastly better than a similar amount of potatoes or would you try and stick solely to above ground veg?

  • posted by RubyG

    This morning’s fast went OK, so 16 hours fast from supper last night. I have had soup for lunch, with some chicken and a piece of cheese, and all are logged in MFP (for the first time in many months).
    I am half-way to achieving my >50g protein for today, but looking at previous MFP meals, I should be able to make that up with a decent portion of protein plus green veg to achieve my >50g protein and <50g carbs and still come in under 800cals.
    I also boiled 6 eggs this morning to have available in the fridge if the morning fasts start to falter.
    Hubby had his blood taken this morning, for the first time since starting this WOE in Oct 2020 (when his HbA1C showed him to be pre-diabetic), so hopefully it is back in the normal range, even with Christmas overindulgences included.
    Re. carrots – we don’t eat them as a vegetable side dish on this WOE, but I do tend to include a carrot in a mirepoix (mix of celery, onion and carrot) as a base to most stews and some soups – that one carrot will be divided into at least 2, sometimes 4 or 6 portions so the carb load is minimal.

  • posted by wendleg

    Hi everyone ! I hope you had a good weekend . Nothing exciting going on here, no social events so I am in hibernation mode 😉

    Clare my veg tends to be the green stuff, so spinach, broccoli, pak choy, courgettes and cabbage right now and I love mediterranean veg , aubergines, peppers and fennel. Fortunately I can resist spuds,carrots etc and leeks is another one to watch . I adore all sorts of lettuce, watercress and rocket.

    I have heard of people roasting radishes as a potato alternative but haven’t tried it myself .

    Good to hear your efforts are paying off !

    I will be back later to set up the new weekly thread xx

  • posted by Verano

    Just popping in to say I’ve had a so-so week. I’ve given up on the macros … why do I have to try everything that sounds like THE magic bullet? Anyway, small loss for me this week and just 2.2lbs from my original 10% loss …. surely I can manage that this week!
    Then it will be goal no:2 for 2022 for me … definitely a step in the right direction.
    Looking forward to 2022 week 3!
    Thank you in advance Wendy.

  • posted by wendleg

    I’m hopeless with macro calculation too, V , so I am just carrying on with what is sensible and works for me in my old fashioned journal !

    New weekly thread coming up !

  • posted by Verano

    Yes Wendy why don’t we just do what we have always done (on BSD), because we know it work! Looking forward to the new thread. Thank you.

  • posted by JGwen

    Hi Sixturkeys,

    Don’t worry about others with big weight losses, we all know that it must be water weight they are discarding rather than fat. A lb of fat is 3500 calories worth of energy, so one a week is good.

    I also remember reading an article on the Fung website giving an example of a woman reaching her target weight but not feeling comfortable. Everyone was telling her well done, but when she covered her face on her wedding photos people confirmed that it was a photo of someone who was carrying too much fat. So she increased fasting and exercise. discarded another 2 dress sizes, but gained weight in the process. The scales really are not a good way of measuring progress.

    Its good to hear that someone else on the forum is looking for articles on ketones. – Please share even if they are technical. I had a look for articles about gut bacteria and couldn’t find anything which wasn’t full of it depends, but I do have a story to tell when I have time about this topic.

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