Just popping in to say a quick Hi to everyone. I’ve been absent for a good few weeks and thought I better get back to posting because I’m definitely at risk of drifting backwards if I don’t! I’ve been away a lot over the last month and I’ve let everything relax a bit – I’ve been sticking to low carbs so my blood glucose levels are still good, but I know my portion sizes have been creeping up and I’ve not been exercising or walking (apart from on a trip to London where I walked my little legs off!). It’s been a good break (lots of family positives and celebrations) but it’s time for me to reign things right back in again. I’m going to spend the day digging out my kitchen scales, finding my pedometer and making soup – definitely one of my favourite things about Autumn.
Jamie, that’s a great weight loss. Good that you’re sticking with it. Best wishes with Week 2.
Will catch up properly with everyone later.
Jennie xx