Tomorrow is my first GP appointment since starting the 5:2 plus Mediterranean Regime 3 Weeks ago. I have lost 9 lbs and my average Blood sugar has dropped from 7-5 to 5.0. My BMI has gone from 26.8 to 25.5. I am feeling great with more energy and I’m enjoying the compliments I’ve received about my appearance. It is obvious that this is working for me, but what will my GP say? I would like guidance from her about Medications such as Glycazide, Metformin and Anti-hypertensive drugs that I’ve been prescribed, because of my Type 2 Diabetes. I have already dropped the Glycazide on the Fasting days but think I need to have all my medication reviewed.
I have printed out the Information for Doctors from Newcastle University and have kept a diary of my diet, blood sugar results and exercise for the past 3 weeks, so hopefully she will believe the evidence. Has anyone else got to this stage and how has their doctor reacted? Fingers crossed for tomorrow.