Hi there, thank you all. It was a very long and tiring day yesterday with a scan in the morning, surgeon in the afternoon followed by a meeting with the anesthetist and finally a meeting with the admissions officer to book myself in and choose a room. Came away with dozens of bits of paper, more blood tests needed, appointment with cardiologist arranged urgently (13th Jan) and insurance paperwork to sort out. I was quite surprised that the ops, anesthetist and board and lodging is going to be around €3200. I thought it would be much more.
When I first saw the surgeon we didnt know how serious it was. I had already had a doppler which showed blockage of the carotid artery. By then we had told the surgeon of our holiday plans so he has arranged everything around that. The scan yesterday confirmed exactly how bad it is but too late to get me booked in before we go away. 89% blockage and 75% risk of having a stroke. Anyway, I just have to be careful for the next 4 weeks, whatever that means. I know I cant help hubby shift a 70kg pool cover without bursting something but besides that I just have to get on as normal. I see my GP on Monday so will ask him as he speaks some English. I have been told if I have any problems with vision, speech or left sided pain or paralysis while in the UK I must go straight to A&E and take my scan results with me. So that is me for now.
Dietwise – yes I do still care. Well, while we were out yesterday and as I had been nil by mouth for the scan, we went to a very famous pataterie – translation, it is a baked potato heaven. First real potato in 6 years so I don’t feel too guilty. Had a couple of voddies last night but apart from that I am still going to stay on track until Tuesday when we start our travels. Weight is still hovering around 72.4kgs so hopefully down to 72 by Monday’s appointment.
Will now go and start packing and checking if I need to do any washing. Will keep in touch with Wendy but should be all quiet now until I have the op.
Bon week-end