Would it be a good idea to have a Sticky Thread, with Information for Newbies?

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  • posted by barby

    I’m only just starting and have loads of questions, like lots of you. I’ve spent ages reading really helpful posts and gleaning information, and have posted some questions and got really helpful replies. .Now I’m trying to make a shopping list of useful ingredients for my new regime. I have just found out about chick pea flour being same as gram or besan flour, I’ve never used it before.

    I just wondered if there could be a sticky post that would remain at top of topics – on lines of Information for newbies? Then we wouldn’t all be asking the same questions again from the very patient longer term members, and there would be one place we’d find basic information we all need to gradually learn. The forum will hopefully grow as more people hear about this way of life. I have almost finished the book, but still had questions. We could also mention places to buy some of the more unusual hard to find ingredients.

    I don’t mean to be pushy, it;s a great forum and I love how friendly and supportive every one is. In fact I was moved to tears when reading Bill’s posts. Just wondered what you all thought, and if you liked the idea, would be possible for the Administrators to put in place?

  • posted by NewLife


  • posted by Janet1973

    Following on from the discussion on the other thread too, if we put together a short list of two or three threads that we want to be sticky, we can pass them on to the team through the contact us link and I’m sure they would make them sticky for us.

  • posted by Lilac

    That sounds a great idea and thank you to those making it happen 🙂

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