What about pregnancy?

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  • posted by Lauryloo

    Loads of people have told me of the importance of seeing this diet as a way of life… But what about eating this way during pregnancy? Is it healthy to be low carb whilst pregnant? Maybe opting for healthy carbs like quinoa at meal times is the way forward? I’m not sure. Any advice greatly appreciated. Tia x

  • posted by sixturkeys

    Hi Lauryloo – I don’t think being low carb in pregnancy is recommended. It’s obviously important though that you keep yourself healthy and eat well – if you have any concerns about weight in pregnancy, can you speak to your midwife or GP? Also, a number of people on here don’t always look at new topics, so maybe you could add you question to one of the more frequent threads, say the new one for January and you will be bound to get more responses! Best wishes.

  • posted by JGwen

    Hi, None of us are qualified to provide medical advice via this site, but we do search out interesting articles to share which can help people find out the answers for themselves.

    This article could be a good starting point for your research. https://www.dietdoctor.com/low-carb/pregnancy

    There is one paragraph which I think sums up the answer. “I find it ironic that if you tell your doctor that you plan to eat low carb during pregnancy, they’ll say it is unsafe, but if you say you to plan to eat a diet based on fresh vegetables, meat, fish, eggs, dairy, nuts, seeds and a little fruit, they will tell you to stay the course,” she says.

  • posted by Lauryloo

    Thanks both, I will discuss with my doctor as well but just wanted an idea so your answers are much appreciated xxx

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