Hi all!
“Nanny, your tummy is too fat for me to get my legs round” says 4 year old grandson yesterday, as I was carrying him! So, the 8 week blood sugar diet book I have been reading this last week, and your fantastic stories I have been engrossed with, and my ratbag of a grandson have finally convinced me I need to do this!!! Although right now, in the middle of the afternoon, feeling tired, becoming obsessed with my next meal, and what I have already put into my body today, I know I might NEED to do it … the question is, CAN I??
Fasting blood glucose this morning? 10.8!! Ouch!
Test at 1 pm today, before lunch? 5.6!! Can’t have been there for a long time cos I was definitely shaky!!! Now I know that’s no hypo, but I also know that the reaction is because my body is not used to not having loads of sugar in its blood!! 🙁
Yes, I’m afraid I am one of those long term type 2 diabetics (15 years diagnosed) that no matter what I do, may well never totally reverse my diabetes, however I know that with this lifestyle change I could very well reduce a lot of medication and go on to see my ratbag of a grandson (and his brother and cousin) go on to become gorgeous young people … and maybe even plague the lives out of them for a long time to come. Here’s hoping!! 🙂
It looks to me as if the answer is in my hands!!
Thank you, one and all, for sharing your trials, tribulations … and many successes … because those have helped me to come to the decision to try and do something about the situation I am currently in!!
So, looking forward to continuing to read your stories, but no longer from the side lines … but as a fully paid up member of your club!! 🙂