weight loss so far

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  • posted by liv

    Hi all. I have started today and doing it mainly for weight loss. I dont have any known issues with diabetes, however I figure this style of eating will be of benefit regardless. I am a very impatient person, so I would like to know how much weight everyone is losing. Did most of the weight loss happen in the first week and then tapper off? Or does it continue in a similar fashion throughout the weeks? How much weight have people lost so far? Thanks everyone and best of luck in this healthy journey we are all part of 🙂

  • posted by Igorasusual

    Hi liv and welcome!

    The weight loss does seem to depend on how much you have to lose.

    I was recommended to do the following:

    the book suggests you can lose 10-15% of your body weight in the eight weeks. Work out what this is at the lower end (say 12%), and then divide by 8, which is what each week might be. However, you may lose slightly more at the beginning, plateau in the middle, and lose a bit more at the end.

    I have not very much to lose, and have lost about 5 lbs in the 4 weeks I have been doing it, but my waist is thinner, my clothes looser, and I feel and look a bit thinner, so I think some fat is coming off my internal organs which is a very good thing.

    The scales may not be your friend – weight does tend to go up and down strangely – so better to judge by clothes? Or waist measurements?

    Good luck!

  • posted by Izzy

    yeah the losses are extremely diverse. I lost 6lb’s week one, then 2, then 2.5, then 0.5. this week is looking like it will be 2 (3 if I’m lucky)

    I’ve read a lot of the stories on here and many people stop losing for a week or two before catching up again. There will be fast weeks and slow weeks, easier weeks and difficult weeks.

    Igora’s idea about working out your percentage is a good one, a good number to aim for.

    All in all, I think if you want to start this you kind of need to look at it as a life change and commit fully regardless of what your scales might say in any given week.

  • posted by Mehreen

    Hi everyone,

    Its been 4 weeks since I started the BSD. Feeling great!! I don’t have diabetes, I just wanted to lose weight for myself.
    I was starting to get concerned about my rate of weight loss but reading everyone’s responses here has given me great encouragement so I thought I would share my experience so far.

    My initial weight was 69kg, and now I am at 65 after 4 weeks of no carbs. Today I am on day 3 of week 5. I took up fast walk again from today. I lost 2kg in first week, 1 each in 2nd and 3rd weeks, but nothing in week 4. It seems that this pattern is quite common so I should not give up and keep at it. Because of my slow weight loss I am intending to keep going till the end of week 10 instead of 8. I have read in Michael’s book that some people take it upto 10-12 weeks, depending on what the ideal wight is that they are trying to achieve.
    I have to say this is an amazing community with so much positivity!! Well done to everyone! Take pride in what you have achieved!!

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