Hi all
I’ve just got to the end of week 2 on fast 800. The first week went very well but for the past 4 days I’ve felt awful: I’m absolutely exhausted and every muscle hurts. I’ve got stomach problems, wind, alternating diarrhoea and constipation. I’ve not lost hardly any weight either.
Any ideas??
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Are you eating plenty of vegetables and drinking lots of water?
I was just thinking , because when I went on the dreaded Atkins diet (which was high protein and fat but restricted onthe types of vegetables you could eat) the same happened to me.I havent found the same so far on this regime (apart from a little wind admittedly – but that I think is reintroducing beans back into my diet). However i’ve been doing it only a week (but have lost 5 lbs.) but I have been glugging the water..
Keeping up with the water is very important though I think..
Perhaps there will be someone along in a bit who has been on this longer than I ,and who can reassure you more
Oh yes, and lots of peppermint tea, I do think mint tea helps a dodgy stomach…
I’m eating lots of veg, yes. I think I need to up my water tho. I’ll try the peppermint tea, thanks. Someone else mentioned that I might need to add a bit of salt to my veg? I’ll give that a go too!!
Hi Cheryl – hope you’re feeling better. I agree about the fluids. I have been much thirstier than normal since starting and so take a water bottle with a couple of slices of lemon or lime which I find much nicer to drink. Also herbal teas are great – I enjoy the Pukka teas – cinnamon, ginger or mint are all really good.
Thanks. It seems to have settled now, touch wood. Weight loss has slowed and I’m still seriously tired but I’m hanging in there. All for the greater good lol!