Week 1 lessons learned – goal of 50 lbs to lose

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  • posted by Texas50

    End of week 1 – lost 6 lbs but feel like I have a better hang of it now and can lose steadily moving forward. During this we were even out of town for 2 days and had to rely on restaurants — for breakfast lunch and dinner and did well. I didn’t plan as well as I should have during week 1. Veggies were not as prominent in my portfolio of food as they should have been. I relied more on prepackaged items like single serving hummus and guacamole. I need to balance WAY more and bring in veggies and fiber to keep me more full. I have never been great in the kitchen so that has been a bit of a challenge trying to determine a way to make low carb veggies exciting. I would welcome ideas from others on how they plan for the week and cook up some nice veggies they can enjoy later in the week. Thanks everyone!

  • posted by PallyAlly

    If you like hummus and guacamole you could use them as a dip for your veg. I don’t have my veggies prepared for the week (not that organised yet!) but it wouldn’t take long to slice up veg into sticks and keep in fridge – sliced peppers, celery, cucumber, carrot sticks. Sorry if this idea is a bit simple, I need to learn some vegetable recipes!

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