Walking to Rivendell

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  • posted by melb100

    Calling all fans of walking and/ or Lord of the Rings!

    A few years ago when I first started tracking my steps, I found a website where someone has worked out all the milestones and distances involved in walking from Hobbiton to Rivendell.

    I loved tracking my cumulative mileage and seeing where that fitted in with the hobbits’ journey – so I am off to do it again!


    All welcome the join the fellowship!

    So far today I have left Bag End, left the lane and followed the hedgerows south, and am just about to cross The Water on a plank bridge. See you in Tookland later this evening!


  • posted by ddraig_goch

    Great idea. I shall track my treadmill miles in front of the TV and post when I reach a camp site.

  • posted by Theodora

    Goodness me, looking at the walk to Rivendell inspired me to add up my steps since starting BSD on 16th January and I am gobsmacked to learn that I have walked SIX HUNDRED AND THIRTY THREE MILES in that time 😮 😮 😮 That means I have walked the equivalent from John O’Groats to Lands End, plus another 30 miles on top!!!!!!!!!! Feeling exhausted just thinking about it 😉

  • posted by Corkie

    I’m with you melb! Just crossed The Water myself there and hope to meet you in Tookland this evening. (Though my neighbour’s house is called Rivendell so could just drop in there this pm and fasttrack!!:)).

  • posted by ddraig_goch

    Way to go Theodora, that’s nearly 50 miles a week. I can see I shall have to up my daily steps just to keep up with you.

  • posted by Theodora

    Haha ddraig_goch 🙂 Though actually, as I am just starting week 13 today, by my reckoning it’s an average of 52.75 miles a week, and it’s not including the 8 miles I have walked today 😉 My walking is all outside though, and it’s all down to having 2 very bouncy and energetic dogs, and in the glorious weather we have been having for the past couple of weeks and the lighter evenings, I have been encouraged to walk more. They are loving it 🙂

  • posted by ddraig_goch

    My dog is getting on now and I doubt he would appreciate 8 milers. He does enjoy his extra evening walk now though.

  • posted by melb100

    Evening all, checking in with warm wishes from tookland (5miles).

    Today’s rations for the journey…
    Tomato, spinach, avocado and feta salad for lunch
    Afternoon hard boiled egg
    cauliflower cheese and green beans for tea

    Theodora wow! Amazing, you’re already past rivendell and half way to Moria! Watch out for those pesky birds now…

    Corkie .. amazingly jealous of your neighbours excellent taste in house names!! Looking forward to your company en route


  • posted by ddraig_goch

    On the slopes of the Green Hill Country for me, 8 miles down. Onwards and upwards I guess, tomorrow.

  • posted by ddraig_goch

    Hi Theodora, have just worked out distance covered based on total step count over the last 4 weeks – 160.5mi, which is almost double what I have done on the treadmill (83mi). Pleased the ratio is so high but I’ve got some catching up to do where you are concerned. You are a true inspiration. Keep travelling.

  • posted by Corkie

    Just out of sight of Hobbiton for me – 10 miles down. Hope to make the birch grove by this evening. I think that I will be forming the rear guard in this quest!!

  • posted by melb100

    Hi Corkie, I have got an absolute stinking cold today so I may not even make it to hobbiton today at this rate! I’ll keep a look out for black riders for you all and have a word the with gaffer about his new neighbours 😉 Save some (BSD-firendly) hobbit supper for me, won’t you!

  • posted by RozyDozy

    Hi melb100,
    What an excellent idea! I’d love to join in. I recently worked out that in 2016 I’d clocked up 888 miles – so for 2017 I want to surpass that. A journey to Rivendell and back would do just fine – There and Back Again (another Tolkien reference). I’ll work out what I’ve managed Jan-March and take it from there!
    See you on the journey… Haven’t got any lembas bread – coconut flatbreads will have to do!

  • posted by ddraig_goch

    Just 2.25 miles for me today, 10.25 in total. That puts me just ahead of Corkie with the Birch Grove in sight, unless he made it there this evening.

    Sorry to here about your coldmelb100. Just don’t pass it on to the rest of us please when we meet up on the road ahead.

  • posted by melb100

    Hi everyone,

    Typical, after pretty much falling asleep at my desk all day, I went to bed at 10o clock to try and sleep off this cold and now find I can’t get a wink!

    I managed just over Four miles today, so nine so far. I’ll have to catch up with you all at the birch grove tomorrow! Hopefully this cold will not last too much longer. I’ll be sure to bring my hobbit hand sanitiser ddraig, no worries there!

    Rosy dozy welcome!!! Looking forward to hearing where you are on your travels. I’m hoping I can at least reach the stock road tomorrow. And to think frodo et al did this whole section all in one day!

    Night all

  • posted by Theodora

    Keep it up everyone. You’ll be in Rivendell in no time😛

    ddraig_goch, how old is your dog? Mine are 10 and will still take all the exercise I can give them, and then some 😩 Have rarely managed to tire them out😞 We walked over 10 hilly coastal miles yesterday and they were still going strong – they’d have done twice that of course with their chasing around – lunatics the pair of them. 😊🐶🐶

  • posted by melb100

    Evening all! Caught the bus in to work today as was running late so had to work hard to make up the steps but phew, here I am at the stock road (14.5) miles total.

    Ration wise, I was ambushed by an unexpected Indian meal this evening so carbs are way over, but calories for the day still under 1500 which I’m sure merry and pippin would agree is quite a triumph. Onwards feet, onwards!

  • posted by ddraig_goch

    Just caught you up melb100, 4.25 making a total of 14.5. You inspired me to go the extra quarter mile. Aiming to get to the firwood campsite tomorrow.

  • posted by ddraig_goch

    Only managed 11/4 miles yesterday (just ran out of time) but I’m enjoying the walk along the deeply cloven track and the bird song coming from the tall trees.

  • posted by RozyDozy

    Hello all,
    Just been totting up my numbers for this year so far: Jan=68miles, Feb=78, March=88 (234 so far – on target to beat 2016’s total mileage).

    Anyway, I’m starting my Rivendell journey with April’s figures – so far (1st-13th) I’ve managed 52miles – that puts me in a belt of trees, there are Black Riders about, and still trying to get to Buckleberry Ferry…

    Safe journeys, fellow Hobbits!

  • posted by melb100

    Hi everyone, back after a long weekend on mull, visiting friends rather than hiking so averaged 3miles a day, 12.8 in total. The road is rolling up and down for me, looking forward to resting and eating with a view over the woody end in six or seven miles time
    Happy Easter all!

  • posted by RozyDozy

    Hello again,
    Hope everyone passed an enjoyable Easter, without too many chocolate-related traumas. The past week (14th-19th Apr) I have clocked up another 21miles, meaning I’ve arrived at Crickhollow for the night.
    Years ago I came across an online Hobbit Name Generator – my alter ego was Goldie Gamgee Whitfurrows, which I rather liked.
    Happy walking!

  • posted by melb100

    Hi everyone! Whew, back from Copenhagen which sadly means back to work again tomorrow.

    But the good news is I’ve covered over 50miles in the last four days of holiday, so I’ve cut across country, dined with elves, escaped the black riders (for now) and sampled some of Mrs maggots finest mushrooms and bacon.

    I’ve spent the night at crickhollow and am now wandering through the old forest with fatty bolgers prophesies of doom ringing loudly in my ears.

    Really not looking forward to work tomorrow but at least hope I can prioritise a lunchtime walk to keep my steps up!

  • posted by Corkie

    Hi All,
    Spent the last couple of weeks hiding from the black riders! (well, had an unexpected work trip and then some holidays). However, continued to track progress. So I have fraternised with elves and am now camping at Woody End. More trees and black riders today. Looking foward to the marsh!!

  • posted by RozyDozy

    Hi everyone,
    Since my last check-in (my routine’s been a bit disrupted recently) I’ve managed another 40miles in all (that’s April now completed). I’ve stopped by Tom Bombadil’s place and entered the Barrow Downs (a place of great dread) but have stopped on a hill top to eat & have a kip…

  • posted by melb100

    Oh my goodness rosy dozy, I haven’t updated my mileage for the week so far but last time I checked I was also asleep on top of a barrow….. hoping to have made it far away when I check mileage tonight!! Good luck with those wights … urgh!

  • posted by RozyDozy

    Hello all,
    Just totted up my miles for 1st-7th May, less than last week (more ogling of the tellybox!), comes to approx. 24 miles which by my reckoning has seen me get past the Barrow Downs, arrive at Bree & puts me roughly a couple of miles outside of Bree on the East Road.

  • posted by melb100

    Evening all, worked from home a bit last week and steps are lower than usual, I’ve left the downs but not made it to bree yet, I’m at a line of stones marking an old boundary.

    Looking forward to a restful night at the prancing pony in a few miles time


  • posted by RozyDozy

    Been a couple of weeks since my last update but I’ve managed approx. 50miles over this past fortnight.
    Looks likes I’ve passed through Chetwood and entered the Midgewater Marshes – probably somewhere in the middle of the Marshes now.
    Happy travels!

  • posted by RozyDozy

    Hello fellow travellers,
    Since my last update, I’ve only managed about 27 miles (routine’s been a bit out of kilter, been busy but not necessarily walking with a step-counter). By my estimation I’ve got through the Midgewater Marshes, the land is dry & barren, and have camped by a stream. En route to the Weather Hills.

    Note to self: Apr&May total mileage: 214

  • posted by RozyDozy

    Hi again – getting a bit lonely on this thread – hope everyone’s avoiding the Black Riders, or have you gone on your holidays?

    Anyway, this past fortnight (1st-15th Jun) I’ve been a bit more active and I’ve managed roughly 58miles. So I’ve made it to Weathertop, been attacked by the Nazgul, Frodo’s been injured & just continuing on the journey, a couple of days after Weathertop.

  • posted by Mixnmatch

    Well done Rozy, I am glad you are keeping on keeping on. I am not nearly organized enough to join in on this thread but I am sharing your experiences in spirit.

  • posted by melb100

    Sorry all, and especially Rozy, plodding along all alone!

    I have been tracking my steps – and what a lot of palaver at that old Inn in Bree!

    75 miles from 8 – 30 May left me camping on the edge of the marshes and swatting the midges away.

    More active in June; 114 miles so far. Frodo is sadly injured, having put the ring on right in front of a load of black riders (idiot)! So we are trudging on to Rivendell now while avoiding the road – about 3 days out from Weathertop. Hoping for a glimpse of the river soon!

    Actually a few days ago I was way down on my step count so walked on the spot in the living room while listening to the LOTR audio book – full immersion!

    May Galdalf protect us all!

  • posted by RozyDozy

    Nice to see you back, Melb100!
    Haven’t totted up my miles for the 2nd half of June yet – that’s a job for the weekend.
    You reminded me that I have the BBC radio adaption of LOTR on CD kicking around somewhere – must dig it out and relisten.

  • posted by RozyDozy

    Hello again,
    Just calculated my mileage for 16th-30th June inclusive: 64 miles, which pleases me as I’ve managed to increase things slightly this month (so I’m still on target to crack 1000 miles walked this year).
    So that puts my grand total for walking to Rivendell at 336miles – a few days out from Weathertop & the attack on Frodo, trudging through a valley…
    Happy travels, keep avoiding those Black Riders!

  • posted by Antigone

    HelloAll! I have only just seen this thread. Genius! Thank you melb100 for sharing the link. I’m looking forward to this – what fun!

  • posted by RozyDozy

    Welcome, Antigone! Pack your rucksack & enjoy the trip!
    We’ll meet you at Rivendell!

  • posted by RozyDozy

    Hi all,
    Been a bit remiss at updating this but I’ve collated my numbers for the month of July – it seems I’ve managed another 112 miles in total, making 448 in total.

    Since last time I’ve returned to the Great East Road, crossed the RIver Hoarwell & entered the land of the Trolshaws. Going is difficult, climbing & wet weather (how like reality!). Reach the Stone Trolls & meet up with Glorfindel – Frodo gets a lift on Glorfindel’s horse. Still trudging on..

    Not much further to go…
    Do I carry on, or turn back to Hobbiton?

    Hope everyone else is making progress, both walking & BSD-ing. Avoid those Black Riders!

  • posted by RozyDozy

    Just totted up my August mileage so far – 51miles. This means I have done the necessary miles I needed to reach Rivendell (having survived the attack at the ford), with some to spare. Maybe I’ll just find a friendly butterfly and ask it nicely to fetch the giant eagles to give me a lift back! 🙂
    Where are you melb100? This was your idea – hope you made it!
    Am well on target to achieve 1000 miles walked this calendar year.

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