Just wondering if anyone else has been using a monitor for blood sugar readings. i had my suspicions that mine were high. i had gotten a monitor free and hadn’t used it but after reading and looking at videos by MM i decided to record the detail. this was the first week. My first readings in the mornings were highest 11.2 following fasting and then 8=9 during the day. I reduced carbs significantly , am taking cacao and cinnamon in my smoothie with avocado spinach and almond milk, cider vinegar in ginger tea. Im watching cals too but taking this time to get used to the food changes. Then i will do the 800 a day for 8 weeks. Yesterday i got a reading of 6.3 following fasting and then 5.1 today. After a week!! I will continue to monitor and see what happens. I have at least 100lbs to lose but am not paying attention to that for the next weeks. I reckon its a symtom and it distracts and depresses me.
We have not checked the qualifications of anyone posting here. If you are have any health related symptoms or concerns, you should contact your doctor who will be able to give you advice specific to your situation.
Seaviewjoy I think a reading of 11.2 in the morning shows significant impairment. I’d advise you to see your doctor for testing but it sounds like you might already have it under control.
Seaviewjoy, you are obviously diabetic, why else do you have a monitor which you say you have never used. Were you instructed to use it my your doctor. The purpose of self monitoring is that you can see if things are going wrong and do something about it. At my worst I was running at 10.9 and with this diet, like you, managed to get it back down to 7.2, then 6.9 and now run in the 4s and 5s. Sounds like you are doing okay and by now know that this plan works. Good luck.
Thanks very much. I had the monitor from a seminar i went to with a friend… for her. i forgot about it and never thought i was diabetic. I havent been diagnosed. Im aiming for 4s and 5s too. And am sure i will achieve it.
I would suggest to your doctor that a HbA1c test might be required. If you are diabetic it is great that you are getting your numbers down but you must also be very careful about going too low. There is a lot more to controlling diabetes than just getting the numbers down. There are many reasons why your test could have been wrong, time of day, not fasted first, not washed hands thoroughly and so on. What are your readings now, do a test first thing tomorrow morning having fasted from around 10 pm and lets see where you are on the scale.
Thanks Sunshine Girl
I have washed my hands thoroughly, and have fasted for readings where required. I’ve taken 3 readings a day. I read a lot about it and have watched tons of videos. I hear you about hte hbA1c test and thank you and have planned an appointment for this in 4 weeks time. i also want to get my triglyceride reading along with other readings. I’m keeping a record of everything on a spreadsheet so will show this to doc. -
I have never used such a monitor, however, very interested to try