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  • posted by Swindon Mike B

    Loving the fast results from this diet ……
    Day 10 and my weight is down from 18st 13lbs to 17st 12lbs and my fasting blood sugar from 8.8mmols to 5.7mmols AMAZING !
    I really need this as was diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes in June this year,so bought the book,studied it , then bought a blood sugar monitor online(only £12 for the tester and £16 for a 100 testing strips), then i waited till my two week summer hols were done in July , had a final farewell weekend binge on takeaway and cheesecake in typical food addict style and started out on the journey in to 800 cals BSD on 1st August.
    Feeling revitalised if a bit vacant due to calorie restriction , drinking huge amounts sparkling water, loving the med box 220 cal lunch with feta, hummus and anchovies and the cauliflower rice ( 25 cals for 100gms !!!) from the book. Also finding Quorn Pieces with stir fry make a lovely 300 cal dinner.
    All the small amounts of food tastes so much better than the huge amount i used to trough through and not even notice i had consumed. Finding the need to be more mindful about every mouthful and making each meal last as long as possible is definitely the way forward.
    Long may we all continue on this journey away from diabetes.
    May we all feel full on less !
    Michael (smaller by the day please God !)

  • posted by ay caramba

    Brill results Swindon Mike B
    Started myself in February and getting great results from the diet.
    Felt it was all about taking back control of my own health.
    Good luck.

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