Tasty shakes

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  • posted by jillyB

    I have just finished my 3rd week, have lost only 8 1/2 lbs…a little disappointed, but at least I haven’t put any back which has been happening to others.
    Can anyone suggest any tasty recipes for shakes ? Nothing too weird, and I hate kale !! I love raspberries, natural Greek yoghurt, spinach. I would really appreciate any suggestions.
    I am happy with my BS as it has gone down to almost normal quite sooner than I expected. I have not had any insulin since the day I started.


  • posted by jane c

    Hi Jilly,
    have you got a nutribullet or similar? In which case you can mix greens, nuts or seeds, carrot or beet + a bit of fruit (green apple or berries). I’ve not calorie counted yet, but a dollop of live yogurt is also good for your digestion. Water is fine as a mixer. I also like chopped ginger in mine.
    If it doesn’t do hard veg, then I’d add some chia seeds soaked in water for 10 mins, to counteract possible blood sugar spikes.

  • posted by jillyB

    jane C,

    Thank you for that….yes, I do have a nutribullet, so will try your recipe

    Regards jillyB

  • posted by jane c

    Hi Jilly,
    they’re not very sweet, but you can use coconut water (more cals) and you will get used to it 🙂
    I use ginger, raw choc or cinnamon to make them more interesting. Turmeric wasn’t the best!
    I don’t like kale either but prefer it in smoothies to cooked.

  • posted by MerryMary

    Hi JillB,
    your weight loss is fantastic! Don’t be disappointed with yourself. Try carrying that much weight around in a sack for a day and you will soon see how great it is not to! 🙂 I’ve lost almost 10 pounds and still have some to go.
    As for shakes, my husband and I have been making them with a bullet for quite a while now, and I have just changed some of the fruit added to suit the BSD. So no more frozen mango pieces or banana. So this is the basic recipe that we use:-
    – A splash of coconut water ( I look at the labels for the one with the least sugar content)
    – A larger splash of Almond milk
    – A large tablespoon of pure coconut yoghurt
    – A small handful of frozen berries
    – A quarter of avocado (in season)
    – A few baby spinach leaves (occasionally)
    – a tablespoon of Blend 11 mixed seeds and coconut flakes (Goodmix Superfood brand here in Australia) which I put into the youghurt overnight to activate the seeds and soften them a bit
    – a piece of fresh pear (if I have one)
    This shake is delicious and so good for you too :-)) I have worked it out to be approx 900 kilojoules or 215 calories.
    Hope that helps??

  • posted by MerryMary

    Actually my shake recipe is a bit more in calories if you add avocado 🙂

  • posted by FoFi

    We keep it very simple in the Nutribullet. My favourite is strawberries with Greek yoghurt (need to put the yoghurt in last). Some others in the house find they need a tiny bit of banana. 200g of strawberries and 100g of Greek yoghurt is about 200kcals, slightly more with the banana.

  • posted by jillyB


    Thanks for that, I love both of these 2 foods. But that doesn’t sound much even in the smaller cup….won’t it stick around the bottom of the cup ?

    Regards jillyB

  • posted by FoFi

    That’s why I suggest putting the yoghurt in last, so that when you invert the cup the yoghurt is on the bottom. It is liquid enough to spin around.

  • posted by ismac

    Love this one: baby spinach, courgette (or cucumber), ginger, avocado, pear (or apple), water – plus some chia and linseeds, or you could ad some LSA.

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