I am a runner and frequently do half marathon distance but I also run much further, when training for marathons.
I am after some advice on what people use in water, instead of high sugary items.

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I am a runner and frequently do half marathon distance but I also run much further, when training for marathons.
I am after some advice on what people use in water, instead of high sugary items.
I am a runner too, however, I drink water
I make sure I’m well hydrated all the time so I only take water with me if I’m going to be out for over an hour, unless it’s very hot. For HMs and distance training in hot weather I tend to use just water or fresh fruit juice diluted with a pinch of salt added. I have used hi 5 zero tabs too (but they do have sorbitol and sucralose in them).
Just realised this post is an old one which just appeared as a new one – don’t know what happened there 😮
I also perfer coconut water. Good for health.
It’ s really important, I am suppoused to take some medicine like vitamin B3, B12 but I have problem with taking pills. There’ s any chance that some of you know a drink rich in this commponents. That will be really helpful. But there’ s one problem I am diabetic so the suggar has to be form natural ingredients.