Starting today-intro & question.

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  • posted by ginger303

    Hello from Colorado! Today is my first day of the BSD. I’m doing the Fast 800 for 8 weeks and plan to transition to the 5:2 version afterward. Anyway, I was curious-how does everyone do the Fast 800? Do you do the meal replacement version? The whole foods version or a mix of the two?

    Black coffee is normally my breakfast so I’m good there. 😉 I’m just debating if I should do 400 calories of food at lunch and then again at dinner. Or a Vega All-in-One shake at lunch with some greens blended in for about 200 calories and have a larger dinner? I’d love to hear how other people are doing the Fast 800. I have a few hours until I make a decision!


  • posted by sunshine-girl

    I am eating real food at every meal except where the breakfast is the melon shake or the blueberry shake, which I make myself using the NBullet. I probably have these once or twice a week. I couldn’t live on shakes, too boring, need something to feel in my mouth. I followed the 4 week menu plan in the back of the book and kept to it pretty close for 4 weeks, now I juggle the meals around aiming for 800 cals, I don’t count the carbs as I assume if they are in the book they will be within acceptable levels. If I go off plan I use an American site called where I have been doing a blog and sharing my experience. It is free, although from some of the comments one or two people have had a go at me (my doctor says less than 1200 calories is bad – that sort of thing) but most people have been supportive. If you look on my blog I have posted lots of lovely meal photos.

  • posted by Yowzer49

    Welcome GINGER From Colorado x
    I havent done Fast 800 but looking forward to it coz i have done 5:2 ,where you have 500 cals a 800 seems like luxury! I found what worked best for me then was keeping most of my cals for an evening meal..i think on Fast 800 i wd have a late lunch of 200-300 cals ( so i was fasting as long as poss) and a dinner of 500 cals (keeping some cals aside for cups of tea with a splash of milk x)

  • posted by ginger303

    Thanks! For now I’m going to do the meal replacement at lunch and then a real dinner. So, 200 calories at lunch and then a 600 calorie dinner. I’ll adjust it if I find that this does not work, but for now it seems to make the most sense!

  • posted by Heather Patricia

    Would you mind telling me what meal replacement you will use? I intend doing the same as you but I’m terrified that I’ll use the wrong one! I presume there are good ones and bad ones? I presume that Slimfast and IQ Slim are both bad because they seem to be full of carbs. Please recommend a low carb, high fibre one!! Thanks a million and good luck. Heather Patricia

  • posted by Heather Patricia

    I meant low carb, high protein meal replacement!

  • posted by Weissdorn

    I vote for real foods, because they fill your stomach better than processed shakes do. And it tastes better.

    If you want to do 2 meals a day, that’s cool. The slogan “breakfast is the most important meal of the day” was fiction invented by the Kellogg company in order to sell corn flakes. There is no evidene that skipping breakfast is bad for you.

  • posted by Avila

    Real foods also helps practising the change in habits for food prep. But daily life commitments affect the time available etc. For me having a plan for meals helps as the food prep time is not really more than some of the ready meals stuff, a long as I go into the kitchen with a plan in place and the required food is to hand from organised shopping. (In contrast to my usual random shopping where end up with lots of things that don’t connect together – and I grab at the junk instead.)

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